Available Frosted Faces
We are excited that you feel compelled to help a senior pet. Check back often for new additions and updated biographies!
As you are considering a senior pet, please appreciate that they may have diminished hearing, vision, and/or arthritis, in addition to other chronic conditions. Determine whether these age-related changes align with your expectations to meet the Frosted Face’s needs short and long term. We are committed to educating and problem solving through challenges if you are willing, because we need you to be successful- the Frosted Faces are counting on you!
Due to the ages of our Frosted Faces and being that many are new to us, they are considered to have working diagnoses and treatment plans that are not indicated in their biographies. You may reach out to ask questions about medical concerns. Because we support veterinary care at FFF Veterinary Hospital, we do place Frosted Faces in homes while still providing medical treatment, with you as their new advocate, so as to make space for more seniors in need.
We believe in a conversation based adoption process, and our staff is ready to meet you! No appointments are necessary and we are open Monday-Sunday, 10:00am-3:00pm at 1448 Pine Street, Ramona, CA 92065. Please note that some Frosted Faces are in foster homes and will not be at Open House unless upon request.
Please direct all questions about Available Frosted Faces to the Placement Coordinators. We also would like to encourage you to look at our Courtesy Listings from other organizations and families rehoming their pets.