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Enjoy scrolling through all of our Frosted Face senior animals who have benefit from our mission at Frosted Faces Foundation.  They are listed in order of date of rescue, including those that have passed. If you have been following a certain Frosted Face's story and would like to know how he/she is doing, please email us at

Please make note of animals still looking for families as their "Family" is listed as "Frosted Faces Foundation."  View their biographies and more photos at Available Frosted Faces, learn more about becoming a family and the different programs we offer. You can also help fund their care by registering as their monthly sponsoring Fan.  


Acquired from: Riverside Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 8
Date of Rescue: September 6th, 2018
Date of Passing: October 28th, 2019
Family: Kim Urbanek
Fans: Mary McClintock, Michelle Vandeven, Robin
Tribute: On October 28, 2019 my boy Flynn received an outpouring of love and donations when Frosted Faces Foundation shared his sudden illness that required an MRI to diagnose. Anticipating a slipped disc or injury that would resolve with surgery, it was devastating to learn he had inoperable cancer that had spread. Dr. Levitski-Osgood of Veterinary Specialty Hospital woke Flynn up and made him comfortable and pain-free so we could spend final minutes together. He was able to see and hear how much I loved him, and I was able to hear his “I love you Momma, let’s go home now” whine-talk one last time.

In 2018 while perusing “Behind the Scenes” to choose a pup for the Santas for Seniors event, I noticed a beautiful red Shepherd mix whom got along great with dogs and people alike. The deal was sealed when I saw a video of him being swarmed by a throng of squealing Girl Scouts and he lapped it up!

Flynn was perfect. He was incredibly sweet, housebroken, never barked (except when excited about treats or McD’s), lounged in my office when I worked, loved long walks, and never made a peep when I left the house. Like many rescue dogs, it took him a couple months to realize I was his Forever Mom and he was in his Forever Home. We became best buds who were pretty much inseparable.

He loved our adventures and after jumping into the car, he would whip out his “lipstick” as fast as a Supermodel does! Favorite jaunts were Del Mar Beach, Mission Bay, Del Mar River Trail, Torrey Hills and Maggie Houlihan Dog Parks, and Nana’s house. Once a week we would hit McDonald’s on the way home for cheeseburgers, fries and a McFlurry. He would then race up our stairs, herd me into the kitchen, and bark with excitement. We’d split the meal, savoring every bite. This ritual would be followed by a tired and happy boy curling up in his prized bed and letting out a huge happy sigh. I lived for those sighs…

It’s taken me awhile to write my final story about Flynn; I needed to work thru the last sad days in order to share the incredibly joyful ones. And what better time to do so than exactly one year after first falling in love with him through the Santas for Seniors event. ❤️



Acquired from: Riverside Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 8
Date of Rescue: September 6th, 2018
Date of Passing: 
Family: Angela Battle
Fan: Robin

Fortune 500


Acquired from: Riverside Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 10
Date of Rescue: September 6th, 2018
Date of Passing: August 26th, 2021
Family: Jeanette Malanga
Fan: Robin
Tribute: On August 26th, Jeanette fulfilled her promise to Frosted Face Fortune 500 after battling liver cancer.

Jeanette shares,

"It's been a week since Fortune's passing. Honestly I am still really struggling but Fortune deserves for me to share how special she was and how special she was to me. My dad loved Fortune too and is also taking her loss very hard.

Anyone who has taken care of a loved one with dementia knows the difficultly it entails. My dad's dementia is where he has paranoia episodes and can be verbally abusive at times. Me, being his caretaker, gets the brunt of it. Everyone always tells you not to take it personally, it's the disease, but no matter how much you know this, the heart still hurts and emotionally it can take a toll. But....I had Fortune to help get me through those episodes.

She always knew and would stay extra close to me. She helped me to stay strong. She was my joy, my sidekick and truly a blessing. Even with her challenges, deaf, blind, arthritis, eye enucleation, luxating patella and back pain, she always woke up happy and we'd exchange morning kisses, one of my favorite things. Fortune was sweet, loving, silly and so, so funny. She brought laughter, love, warmth and joy to my dad's and my life.

Thank you Kelly and ALL the people involved with FFF.

YOU all make it so very special. Thank you College Animal Hospital Dr. Hoard and Dr. Hasak and the staff for all the loving care you gave Fortune.

I owe a special thank you to Andy for personally picking Fortune to save. Andy, you gave me one of the best gifts of my life!! I am eternally grateful.

To my Fortune, my little fighter, my baby girl, my heart! Until we meet again. Mommy loves you and misses you so much!!"


Acquired from: Riverside Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 10
Date of Rescue: September 6th, 2018
Date of Passing: September 30th, 2021
Family: Kerstin Mooneyham & Lottie Siann
Fan: Robin, Jodie Reyes
Tribute: On September 30th, Lottie and Kerstin fulfilled their promise to Frosted Face Fi.

They shared,

"Fi started coughing in early August and we took her to the vet to do bloods and X-rays and everything was “normal” for her condition. Her heart was the size of her chest cavity when we first got her and it was same size when we took her in that time too. Ironically her kidney values were better than they were at her annual the year before. About a month later the coughing got worse and I left for a work trip on a Monday and she started having trouble breathing properly. Lottie did everything she could including taking her to VHS ER care and working with our holistic vet to get an oxygen chamber. She drove to Palm Springs and back in one day to get the oxygen chamber. She was nonstop for 4 days without much sleep trying to help. Unfortunately it did not help as we would have hoped and Fi wanted to be on the cool floor instead of in the chamber.

On the afternoon of Thursday, Sept 30th, our sweet “Little” stopped breathing at home with our pups nearby. She only had a few days of discomfort and we were doing everything possible to try to get her to come through, but it was her time. She was a shining light in our home for 3yrs and 10 days.

I love her so much and my heart is still so broken. Our holistic vet said that sometimes they wait until you are away to go. I was unfortunately still in ATL when she passed and it was incredibly hard for Lottie to lose her while I was away. We loved her and still do love her so much.

I wanted to thank you for the opportunity to meet Fiat 500 and to adopt her into our home. Our boxer is finally coming out of a health struggle that came on around the time Fi was not well. They were a bonded pair. Even Chloe would do things like cuddle Fi’s toys after she passed. She loved us all and lived so fully in our family. It pains me so much that she is gone yet I’m so happy for her “bonus time” with us

RIP little fi-bot … you are forever missed "


Acquired from: Bonita Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 12
Date of Rescue: September 8th, 2018
Date of Passing: July 23rd, 2021
Family: Cindy Kisling
Fans: Katie, Jeremy & Gill, Ray Heller, Christina Sesser
Tribute: On July 23rd, Cindy fulfilled her promise to Frosted Face Faye.

Cindy shared,

"Faye, my beautiful cattle baby gained her angel wings at 6:15 on 7/23/21. She was gently released with love from a failing body. Cancer sucks!!

I adopted Faye 3/9/19. Known as Faye Faye by Aunt Carol and Faverly by others, and formerly Pearl, she was always just my girl Faye to me.

Faye got to visit Oregon, go to a chili cook off, picnicked at Indigeny Reserve, camped with family, took many walks while she was still able, ate homecooked food and had many treats, but preferred her home and her bed. I am grateful she had one last outing at Brannon Island, where she enjoyed her bed under a shade tree. I thought often how hard it must be for her, being both deaf and blind. I'm hoping she knew how very much she was loved.

We spent the day together and I took in the feel of her coat, the softness of her ears and her scent. I kissed her a thousand times and told her I have to give her enough kisses to get to the moon and back. Stubborn as she was at times, I wouldn't have missed the dance. I kissed her, told her run fast, don't look back, and go find her friend Scrappy that went ahead 5 months ago.

The house is too quiet and your bed is too empty. This is not goodbye, but only till we meet again. I love you to the moon and back."



Acquired from: Riverside Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 7
Date of Rescue: September 10th, 2018
Date of Passing: July 5th, 2020
Family: Kristina & Rae Donaldson
Fan: Sabrina Kaplan
Tribute: On July 5th we fulfilled our promise to Nash.

If you knew about Frosted Faces Foundation, you knew Nash.
We had met Nash in person while exiting other dogs from Riverside Shelter. He was "too young" for our program and beautiful, he would have another way out. When we learned that he was euth-listed for aggression and no staff would test him for us, we impulsively HAD to have him. You know how it is once you meet a dog, they are instantly your charge?

Nash had more energy than we were accustomed to, and admittedly, we were cautious because the shelter notes made him out to be a little scary. We were determined to do right by him. We sent him to a few weeks of board and train through Lorenzo's Dog Training Team who implemented a shell of basic training of what he needed to know, and then worked with us weekly showing us how to keep him and ourselves safe. Nash was an excitable, mouthy shepherd. That was the gist of it!

Much like our current resident, Shamrock, Nash quickly became a project for volunteers to embrace. He went on countless hikes, a camping trip, fishing, and he even ran a 5k! He was an excellent running partner always with slack on the leash and checking in. He spent an entire year at FFF before he found family so we have included several photos of him with the volunteers who loved on him.

His family tells the rest,

"The first time I met Nash, he was in the outdoor yard by himself and when I went in to say hello and try to offer him his water bowl he gave me a big warning SNAP. Silly boy, you couldn't scare me off that easily. I always loved that his snaps even catching treats always sounded like an alligator, so loud! The next time we came up to meet Nash, I had my pockets stuffed with hot dogs and chicken treats. We left as friends but it took months and months before I fully earned his trust. I always laughed after that thinking about how tough he seemed that first time and what a big baby he really was.

We took Nash on a Frosted Fling to get some good photos and publicity for this boy. I didn’t feel a connection to him like I have to some of my other dogs from growing up but I knew he needed us and that was enough for us to step up. After the Fling we opted for the Molly & Me Project, but I think we only lasted a week before I realized how upset I would be if someone else wanted to adopt him. Nash took his time weaseling his way into my heart. We made him officially a part of our family and became Forever Fosters. I want to encourage you reading this to seek out the dogs who need you and not just the ones you immediately fall for.

I knew as Nash would get older if his hips started to give out that we would have to be able to carry him up and down the steps to our apartment but he would bite me if I even leaned over him for the first few months. I cannot tell you how many treats were given and how many bites to my head it took to get him to the point where I could carry him. Little did we know how soon we would need to be able to help him up and down the stairs and how crucial him trusting us was.

It started with what seemed like an upset stomach but we realized more may be going on. For those of you that don't know, they found he had end-stage liver disease when they removed his gallbladder. Even with that we hoped we would have more time with him. The Monday before last he was declining and his stomach was filling with fluid, so back to the doctors he went. He had to get his stomach tapped. We didn't know if or when the fluid would come back. We hoped it wouldn't. By Friday we realized it was.

We knew that Saturday might be our last day with him so we spoiled the crap out of him. We went to Petsmart and let him pick out whatever treats he wanted. We took him on a short little hike and waded into a creek. He was pulling and wanted to keep going on the hike but it was getting too hot for him. We got a puppuccino from Starbucks and two McDonalds patties. He devoured about 5 chicken breasts throughout the day and yummy veggies. Once we got home he got a nice bath and lots of the chicken treats he picked out from Petsmart. We finished the day with a movie and cuddles on the bed.

One thing we have struggled so much with is that he was eating and bright-eyed, even jumping to get treats. We could see so much more time with him, going on trips to the beach and that backpacking trip we never got to make with him. It just seems so surreal. But the reality of it was that his body just couldn't last and had given up on him.

The liver disease meant that his abdomen kept filling with fluid. It had only been 6 days since they drained 3 litres from him and it was already full again, pushing his tummy out significantly. We knew it wasn't fair to ask for him to be drained again and again for what might only be a few more good days with him before it filled again. We didn't want him to get to the point of suffering where he was before the first time he had to be drained.

Nash loved me but Nash was in love with Kristina. He was her boy 100%. He was always velcroed to her side and tolerated almost anything if it was from her. She couldn't move or turn around without him right there wanting to see where she was going - and making doggon sure he got to go with. He let her hold him, lay on him, and rough house with him and he loved every second of attention.

I was lucky enough to work from home his last few months. I keep hearing him walk around the house these past few days; the jingle of his collar as he flopped on the cool tile, his giant 'old man' sighs. We miss him. No amount of time would have been enough."

There is nothing we wouldn't have done for Nash, and we did it all. He received gold standard medical care and I have the privilege of writing an actual family's name beside "Family:" in the footer, instead of "Frosted Faces Foundation."

Bittersweetly, our mission is fulfilled. We loved you big time, Nash.

Lindy LoO


Acquired from: Riverside Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 14
Date of Rescue: September 13th, 2018
Date of Passing:  April 29th, 2020
Family: Sarah Hunt
Fans: Cathy Karr, Erin Rousey, Leslie Kalra, Leslie Corbell, Leah Finley
Tribute: On April 29th, Chris and Sarah fulfilled their promise to Frosted Face Lindy Loo.

They shared,

"On Friday April 29, 2021 we had to make the hard decision to put our little Lindy down. She was always slow to get started but we had noticed her not using her back legs, after a vet visit we realized she was in complete kidney failure. In less than two days she was no longer the spunky, puppaccino loving girl we knew.

Thank you FFF for trusting us with her. We were lucky enough to share almost three Frostiversaries with her and were grateful for each one. She taught us that love is patient and patience is: getting up at midnight for potty breaks, washing bedding twice a day so she was always comfy and changing diapers after accidents.

Her brother Chooch misses their naps and licking the extra food from her mustache. Chris and I miss the daily routine we had and being woken up at 6 am by our furry alarm clock. She taught us so to enjoy the little things, like a good nap fixes everything and making time for snacks is essential. We love her and our family is missing a piece of our heart."


Acquired from: San Bernardino City Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 10
Date of Rescue: September 15th, 2018
Date of Passing: December 29th, 2020
Family: Mark Bauer & Janelle Ehrhardt
Fan: Christie Kacmarcik
Tribute: On December 29th, Mark and Janelle fulfilled their promise to Frosted Face Waddles.

Her family shares,

"Our little, precious Waddles was not doing well these days. She had dementia. She had another growth on her paw. She was deaf and blind. She had lost control of her bowels. She wet herself, her bed, with poopies everywhere. I suspect she was having seizures too. I could not imagine her best friend, Marly, without her. The two dogs were never apart.

Today we kissed our Waddles one last time. She needed to be at peace and free from pain. Our hearts are torn apart..."



Acquired from: San Bernardino City Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 8
Date of Rescue: September 15th, 2018
Date of Passing: June 22nd, 2022
Family: Mark Bauer & Janelle Ehrhardt
Fan: Bonnie Redanauer

Tribute: On June 22nd, Mark and Janelle fulfilled their promise to Frosted Face Marley after she declined from metastatic cancer on her liver and spleen.

They shared,

"Today we said goodbye to Marly… our sweet girl loved to watch over and “Mother” the other dogs. She seemed to know we rescued her from a terrible fate. She was always correcting her sisters - as if she knew to stay out of trouble & to make sure we didn’t take them to a kill shelter like she once was taken. Her role as mama in the pack was so apparent!!

The last pictures here show how sick she had become with cancer. It was time. She’ll be missed. she’s out of pain now and with her sister, Waddles, in heaven."



Acquired from: Owner Surrender
Age upon Rescue: 6
Date of Rescue: September 16th, 2018
Date of Passing: May 23rd, 2021
Family: Steve & Sarah Foster
Fan: Erin Tavaglione
Tribute: On May 23rd, Steve and Sarah fulfilled their promise to Frosted Face Nell.

"Twenty nine months didn’t feel long enough, but it’s what we got with Nell. Thankful doesn’t even describe how I feel for that short, beautiful ride.

On Sunday afternoon we had to let Nell go. Her heart and lungs were covered in fluid. We’d known for a couple weeks that she had a mass on her heart. We gave her medicine in hopes we’d have at least a few more months with her, but we only had weeks. And oh were they great!

Canned food multiples times a day, sitting outside in the sunshine longer than usual, car rides just for Puppercinos, slower beach walks, car rides, and hanging out with Kelly and Andy when Nell chowed down on freshly made hamburger at Bubs in Pacific Beach.

The last few days I’ve felt an overwhelming amount of grief. Despite having to say goodbye to all the dogs I’ve loved, the loss never gets easier and I’m willing to except that now. Fully surrendering to the pain, along with that unavoidable end, also comes the gift of loving something with everything you’ve got and giving a dog the best possible life.

Which is a question that’s haunted me the last few days.
“Did I do enough?”
“Should I have taken her on more hikes where she could hide more bones?”
All the questions.

When I finally mustered enough courage to look back at all the photos and videos of her, I realized I had documented loads of proof that we gave her the best life that we could. I could see that I only have one way of loving dogs: I love them hard and with everything I’ve got. I have more patience. I’m gentle. Much more calm. I’m accepting and I give dogs lots of space to be themselves. Something I don’t often do with people. Nell indirectly showed me all that.

She didn’t like her species and honestly I don’t much like my species most of the time either. I think that’s why we matched so well. It was heaven when it was just her and me. And I captured heaven in digital memories. There will come a day again when I’ll love another creature with everything I’ve got. I don’t know how not to, and I’ve fully accepted that that’s just how I was built.

Until that day comes, I’m soaking in all the good times as I look back through photos (when I’m able.) I let myself cry when I come home and she doesn’t jump down from the wadded pillow-nest she created on our bed to run and see me. And I give myself permission to fall asleep with her crusty Chicken plushy next to me, knowing that many would think I’m crazy.

She became my world for a time. A time I wish I could live over and over again with our nightly cuddles and the mornings I’d serenade her awake so we could go have coffee on the couch, and the days that we’d live out in between.

She might be gone, but while she was here we were already in heaven. I couldn’t have asked for more than that.
I love you in the morning, and in the afternoon, I love you in the evening and all around the moon. Rest well sweet Nell. I’ll see you on the other side."

JOhn Adams


Acquired from: Carson Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 10
Date of Rescue: September 18th, 2018
Date of Passing: December 31st, 2018
Family: Christina Alkire
Fans: Christine Castiglioni, Marie & Mary of Stitch M, Michelle Vallet
Tribute: On Monday, December 31st, just before the stroke of midnight we fulfilled our promise to Titan/Louie/John Adams.

Titan was a "guard dog" for a business that had recently been sold and the new management surrendered him and his two brothers to the shelter. On September 18th, Carson Shelter sent out a plea to rescues to exit 10 year old Titan by the end of the business day or he would be euthanized due to his poor condition. We immediately committed to him and just a few days later returned for his two brothers- the trio we have come to know as the "Guard Dogs, " Louie, Huey, and Dewey.

We made them all better with surgeries and medications, soft beds and so many cuddles. These boys likely never guarded anything a day in their lives and yet somehow persevered for years together to become Frosted Faces and share boundless love they'd been denied.

Tiny but tough FFF volunteer, Christina, was the first to bring home one of the gigantic lovebug "Guard Dogs." To know someone like Christina bursting with love and compassion for this giant neglected bully is an honor. The proof is in the pictures, he was very much part of their family with a whole new wardrobe, toys, and sharing a human bed every night. She renamed him John Adams and it was THE perfect name.

On the New Year's Eve Day John Adams was rushed to VCA Animal Medical Center of El Cajon for sudden labored breathing. As the day went on diagnostics showed that John likely had lung cancer and they could not keep him comfortable with an oxygen saturation of only 70%. Christina and her mom sobbed over John as they realized they had to let him go. Coincidentally, Christina's mom is also battling lung cancer and it helped them to empathize with John so that they could relieve him sooner than later.

It was because it was unexpected and it was unfair after the horrible life John lived that we felt we had finally righted-- our hearts writhe for answers and justice.

Christina shared, "My mom and I are still crying.

We know that it was meant to be. I initially went looking for Dewey and came away with the biggest and goofiest of the brothers.

He was so amazing and hilarious. We loved him so much and are shocked at how short our time with him actually was. We are calling him our holiday dog. We got him before Thanksgiving and lost him a week after Christmas.

He had the biggest personality. Looking up at us with his cross eyed face holding some sort of stuffed item in his mouth.

My heart is so broken right now and at the same time I am so grateful to have had him. We are devastated."

Thomas Jefferson


Acquired from: Carson Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 10
Date of Rescue: September 22nd, 2018
Date of Passing: December 2nd, 2021
Family: Christina Alkire
Fans: Porto Pack, Guerra Family with Rosie & Raider
Tribute: On December 2nd Christina fulfilled her promise to Frosted Face Thomas Jefferson.

"There is so much to say about my Thomas Jefferson. This coming January would have been three years since he came into my life and became mine. I wish with everything I have that we could have made it to that mark. When I had to make the difficult choice of whether I was going to let him pass, I knew that it was the right one. I spoke with Bethany, Kelly, the vet techs, and the vet. It was ultimately my choice, but I knew that it was the right one and I had everyone's support.

He was not interested in food, could no longer stand, and simply laid on the floor or gurney, the simplest movement being too difficult for his tired body. I spent his last hours laying on that floor with him, petting him, holding his paw, and telling him that he was the bestest boy and it was okay to let go. The fact that it did not take but mere seconds for the meds to help him pass shows just how tired his body and heart were. I think what made this more difficult was the passing of Shelby Alkire's and my mom just over a month ago. Having sat with her, told her how much we love her and that it was okay to let go, just to have to tell Thomas Jefferson those same things so soon after was unfair.

When I spoke with my aunt Cindy before having to make this choice, she reminded me that Thomas Jefferson made mom laugh all the time. He was funny and gave her difficult battle with cancer a bit of levity. We discussed that maybe that is why he came into our give her that joy and make her laugh for the last almost three years of their lives. The fact that mom passed so recently meant that maybe Thomas was done with his job. He made sure that I was going to be okay and decided it was time. I take some comfort in knowing that they are together again, and he is probably still making her laugh.

With all that said, I am so grateful and blessed that Thomas Jefferson was mine. I know that not all of us get almost three years with our senior furbabies and I try to remember how lucky I am that I got that time. He was not easy by any means, but he was perfect for me. He was goofy. He would roll around and kick you out of whatever position you were in. Laying or sitting on the bed or couch? He would kick you until he was comfortable. If that meant you had to find somewhere else to go, then so be it. He was largely deaf thanks to incredibly scarred ears from a lifetime of untreated ear infections. This meant that he barked and talked very loudly. Mom and I would talk about how we wondered what he was trying to say. He had a lot to say!

We definitely belonged to each other. He did this thing where he would look at me and act like he was going to bite my face. He never actually did it, as it was clearly not his intent, but he only did it to me. Mom said it was his way of showing how much he loved me. (He did this to her once and she made sure to tell me because it made her feel special too.) He would lay with us, but only let me cuddle with him. He would get growly if anyone else tried to spoon him, but not me. We slept together almost every night since he became mine and me his.

There are so many other things that I could say about my Thomas Jefferson. I will just end it by thanking everyone for their kind words, memories of my baby, and time spent with him before he became mine. His life was not easy before FFF, seen in his untreated conditions and many scars. It was definitely meant to be that FFF rescued him and his brothers, that I got to be John Adams's (Titan) mama before Thomas's, and that we were able to give Thomas Jefferson an end of life of expensive dog food, beds and couches, and love.

To his aunts Bethany Keeble, Holly Zierden, and Kelly Smisek: Thank you for being there for both of us throughout these three years, and especially during this difficult time. We could not have done it without you.

To his aunt Shelby Alkire: Thank you for the daily facetimes between Thomas Jefferson and George Washington and being an amazing aunt to Thomas, despite the fact that we both know he scared you a bit "



Acquired from: Carson Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 10
Date of Rescue: September 22nd, 2018
Date of Passing: March 23, 2023
Family: Gwen Anderson & Keely Simonson
Fans: Holly

Tribute: On March 23rd, Quinn and Keely fulfilled their promise to Frosted Face Dewey, the last of the "Carson Guard Dogs."

They shared,

"Unfortunately Dewey crossed the rainbow bridge today. He wasn’t the most outwardly affectionate, but he knew we were his people. He loved soft blankets, rolling around on the grass, and lots of pets. He loved ripping the squeakers out of toys, being a part of a pack, and LOVED car rides. We’ll miss you big brown boy. The sweetest of them all. 🌈"



Acquired from: San Diego Humane Society
Age upon Rescue: 11
Date of Rescue: October 2nd, 2018
Date of Passing: March 2nd, 2022
Family: Kathi & Les Odom
Fans: Sheryl Dufficy

Tribute: On March 2nd, Kathi and Les fulfilled their promise to Frosted Face Barone.

They shared,

"On March 2nd our sweet FF Barone crossed the Rainbow Bridge from kidney failure. He was the 'bestest' dog. He was a picky eater including treats. He would go without before eating something he disliked. He knew carrots were cianide, but loved broccoli rabe.

He loved his daddy and his late nonFF big bro Dakota(Pyr). There was no doubt in Barone’s mind he was a Great Pyrenees and anything Dakota did, he could do.

He was the fifth and last pet we’ve lost this past year. Our hearts are broken Our home is empty.

A huge thank you to Kelly and Andy for FFF, the support team for being there, Dr. Russel for his excellent care and his staff."



Acquired from: San Diego Humane Society
Age upon Rescue: 10
Date of Rescue: October 2nd, 2018
Date of Passing: December 24th, 2018
Family: Jim Ito & Melanie Granfors
Fans: Cuauhtemoc Kish
Tribute: We are so sorry to report we have suffered a couple devastating losses over the holiday break. On December 24th, 2018 we fulfilled our promise to 10 year old Dill.

He had a successful dental surgery, the light returned to his eyes on a fun Thanksgiving Frosted Fling, and just days later he found family. On December 23rd Dill had labored breathing and we hospitalized him at VCA Animal Medical Center of El Cajon for the night and transferred him to San Diego Bay Animal Hospital on Christmas Eve Day. Upon rescue his lungs looked mildly concerning, but nothing that affected his quality of life. New x-rays showed what looked like lung cancer or horrendous pneumonia and we struggled to keep Dill comfortable in oxygen so we were advised to let him go.

Dill was always frail, maybe even slightly dull when left to his own devices, but when we leashed him up he would trot right along! (There is video of him "running" while in the care of FFF in the comments.) He also was always hungry and we never had trouble finding things for him to eat. Heck! Our fingers and his own toes looked like yummy sausages! (We have included a funny video in the comments of that as well.) Dill's best friends were Frosted Face Morty and his new sister Frosted Face Journey. He always found them to share a bed.

His mom shares,
"We are heartbroken to report that we decided to free Dill Pickle from his crooked little body today. It was lung cancer. Not an infection that we thought could be cured. We loved him deeply for just 20 days. His portrait had just gone up on the family wall. He will never be forgotten. He was truly our littlest angel."



Acquired from: San Diego Humane Society
Age upon Rescue: 12
Date of Rescue: October 2nd, 2018
Date of Passing: April 4th, 2023
Family: Clara Conger
Fans: RZ

Tribute: On April 4th, Clara fulfilled her promise to Frosted Face Zoey after succumbing to kidney failure.

"It is with a heavy heart and tears that I let you know I lost my best friend today. Zoey crossed over the rainbow bridge this morning after all her health issues.

She will be missed unmeasurably. She was a fabulous companion and I miss her very much. "



Acquired from: San Diego Humane Society
Age upon Rescue: 9
Date of Rescue: October 2nd, 2018
Date of Passing: 
Family: Patrick & Sharon Regan
Fans: Todor Arsovski, Beth Ruch



Acquired from: Baldwin Park Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 9
Date of Rescue: October 2nd, 2018
Date of Passing: 
Family: Stefan & Kristina Maroudis
Fans: Pat & Teresa Menke


Acquired from: Baldwin Park Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 12
Date of Rescue: October 2nd, 2018
Date of Passing: June 17th, 2020
Family: Terri Garber
Fans: Lisa Switzer
Tribute: On June 17th, we fulfilled our promise to Jewel.

Her mom shares, "My sweet girl Jewel, went to the Rainbow Bridge. 🌈 She is running pain free with the late FF Jane.

We met Jewel over year and a half ago at the Halloween Party. She treat or treated with us and we cuddled watching Hocus Pocus. Kelly asked if we were taking her home. We couldn’t at that time, but she stayed on my mind. I watched the posts to see if she got adopted, crossing my fingers to not see any. When I was able to add another to my home, she had an adoption application in. Thankfully for me it fell through.

I was taking no chances with Jewel, so on November 21, 2018, she became part of our family. While she was at FFF she became cougar. She was often found with a younger wiener dog. He had lots of medical issues and needed some surgeries. It was questionable how well he would do. So he came along with her as a Frosted Fling. After a few days we knew they were meant to stay together forever. He wasn’t neutered yet, so we nicknamed them Mr. and Mrs. McHumper. Jewel and Jedi to her last minute were inseparable. When he has asleep last night it was in her bed. A lot of the night he has been up and down looking for her. 💔🐾🐾

Jewel was the momma of my all her Frosties. She waited to go in the door after all the others. When we had the fourth of July Fling with Kanga or my neighbors dog, Falcon, while they were on vacation she took them in as one of her babies too.

So if you find any typing errors or missing words it is hard to write this through the tears."



Acquired from: Owner Surrender
Age upon Rescue: 11
Date of Rescue: October 29th, 2018
Date of Passing: November 4th, 2020
Family: Aliza Cicerone & Julianna Nikolic
Fans: Bijoux, Janet Franklin, Pam Wallin, Linda Forbes, Susan Garcia, Melissa & Penny Whittemore, Liz Ryan and Rae, Linda and Rich Frembes, Larissa Gamarra, Buddy and Snoopy Arkwright, Kristen, Lindsay Tracy, Candy Benedicto, Denise & Mike Reeves, Belisa & Chris Grefe, Smith Cho, Danielle Wells
Tribute: On Wednesday, November 4th, Aliza and Julianna fulfilled their promise to Chewy.

I will never forget the call from our neighbor asking if we knew of any at home euthanasia services. They said that Chewy had been missing for three days and was in bad shape. They could not lift him into their car.

When we went over to help we discovered an emaciated dog, who we had known to wander over to our property frequently, with a broken ankle and severe lacerations all over his body covered on maggots. Video here:

I didn't know what to think, but I knew he lived outdoors and that it didn't take three days for a dog to decline this rapidly. They both needed someone to lean on.

After heaving him into my car with all of my might, I asked our neighbors if they would surrender him to the organization for care, if it was at all possible, and to be rehomed. They agreed. Although that day was pivotal in Chewy's life, it was the next two years where he was welcomed as part of a new family that made this fairytale magical. Chewy recovered, regained strength, put on weight and lived as a spoiled domesticated dog in the excellent care of Aliza and Julianna.

His family shares,

"To know Chewy was to be head over heels in love with him. He adored every human and dog that he met, and was the embodiment of absolute love, kindness, joy and happiness. The world would be a beautiful place if we were all more like Chewy.

I couldn’t sleep the night of October 30, 2018, and against my better judgement I picked up my phone and looked on Instagram and saw Kelly’s first post about him…thank god I did. I knew in that moment that he was meant to be our dog, and 11 days later he came home with us. He fit into our family immediately, and it was like he had been with us forever.

Our 2 years together were perfect in very way. He loved going to the beach and hiking trails with his sister Vita and brother Fozzy, and was the happiest when all of his dog friends would come to the house to visit. He was a complete angel during his weekly rehab, chiropractic and acupuncture appointments, and touched every person he met. He really did live his best life.

There aren’t words to express how amazing Chewy was and how deeply he is missed. He really was the most amazing dog, and his spirit will always hold a special place in our hearts. We’re grateful every day that he found his way to us and are forever honored to have been his people."


Acquired from: Bonita Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 15
Date of Rescue: October 30th, 2018
Date of Passing: June 3rd, 2019
Family: Bert & Kris Wood
Fans: Kim & Dave Steele, Emma Caperelli Loerky
Tribute: When Phenris was scheduled for euthanasia at the shelter and FFF could not possibly handle one more teeny tiny dog over capacity we pleaded for a foster. What he won was better... Bert & Kris offered to be his FOREVER Fosters- and we sprung him immediately. They weren't looking for another dog, but their hearts are too big, and the fun they have with their dogs is even bigger!

"Phenris, Phen phen, Phee Phee, Pheniculous, the Boss, Wookie...
I know we take these seniors on knowing ahead of time it may only be a short time...but I really wasn't expecting this feisty, energetic guy to get a report from the vet Friday telling us that the mass in his abdomen was the size of an orange and his lungs and abdomen were filled with fluid. Frosted Faces being the incredible organization they are agreed to tap his belly and see what that would get us.
3 days of bliss! Hot dogs, bacon, chicken, chasing squirrels, playing with his favorite toys, napping on his pillow, but declining again quickly.

We said goodbye in our room on the bed cuddled and hugged. We already miss him so much. For such a little guy he has left a huge hole


Acquired from: At-Choo Foundation
Age upon Rescue: 12
Date of Rescue: November 3rd, 2018
Date of Passing: 
Family: Bob & Sue King
Fans: Jennifer King, Donor in memory of Rowen

Tilly Tonka

Acquired from: West Valley LA Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 15
Date of Rescue: November 11th, 2018
Date of Passing: 
Family: Gerard & Anja Kroon
Fans: Patricia Andrews, Linda Peckham



Acquired from: Baldwin Park- LA County Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 13
Date of Rescue: November 13th, 2018
Date of Passing: July 14th, 2021
Family: Molly Berkery
Fans: Sofia Merida, Ruth James, Erika Manzanares
Tribute: On July 14th, Molly fulfilled her promise to Frosted Face Blair.

"Blair crossed the rainbow bridge July 14th at California Veterinary Specialty Hospital. She was almost 16 years old. I held her tightly in my arms, just her and me and one of her favorite stuffies, until her final breath. She was my heart and my hardest goodbye.

If there is an example of what love and belonging can do…it’s Blair.
When I first adopted Blair in January 2019, she was described as a 'dominant female' with 'no besties' at FFF. She had been bounced around and returned to over three different LA area animal shelters prior to FFF saving her in October 2018 at the age of 13.

She was the second senior dog I rescued. She was tough, territorial, discerning; but also gentle, loved stuffed animals (“stuffies”), her senior dog brother Amos, the beach, and wearing hats. I felt out of my league with her some days. It took her six months to fully trust me, but when she finally trusted me…she melted. My sassy 13 year old Ridgeback had the biggest heart, she just needed a safe home, a sense of belonging, and to be loved…to trust it was ok to love like she was always meant to love.

Her joy was infectious. She was one in a million dog and friend. She was fiercely independent, chased bunnies in her sleep, loved opening gifts, outdoor exploring, and being outside (and when her back legs got too weak, we still had adventures in her blue wagon). During our two and half years together, she had three bonded pairs, and loved her other siblings and me (and her dog-sitter Craig) with otherworldly empathy. She always knew what each of us needed, the very moment we needed it/her. Every time we had to say goodbye to one of her bonded pairs, her grief was palpable, so I kept adopting senior dogs for her. The truth is she was/is my why behind @adventures_with_amos. It was all for her, and she healed all of their wounded and weary hearts.

Our grief is now palpable. She was the pack leader and the heart of our home. Her bonded pair Booker looks for her and her two other siblings are heavy grieving.
I am honored that I got to be her mom for two and a half years, and witness her transform into pure love. I hope I gave her a good final chapter of her life.
Rest in love and peace, sweet Angel Blair. If love could have saved you, I promise you would have lived forever. 🧡🐾🌈"



Acquired from: Baldwin Park- LA County Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 10
Date of Rescue: November 13th , 2018
Date of Passing: May 19th, 2021
Family: Sarai Estrada & Ricardo Luna
Fans: Ryan Malina, Shari & Pico
Tribute: On May 19th, Sarai and Ricardo fulfilled their promise to Frosted Face Porter.

Sarai shared,

"My Porter... my handsome, peepee pants, poopoo butt, portobello, porter house, Apasito, papas, diaper butt...

Yesterday we said goodbye to Porter. He was 10 years old when I got him and I was lucky to have him for two years. Thank you for giving me the joy to take care of you your last two years before going to doggy heaven. You brightened up our home and our lives, the house isn’t the same without your big steps walking around the house. My heart aches but I’m glad you are resting and without pain now. I miss you so much, I love you so much. You changed me heart, my life and I am so grateful for you and @frostedfaces for coming into my life. I miss your little tongue sticking out while you sleep... thank you for loving me and Penelope. RIP "


Acquired from: Baldwin Park- LA County Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 8
Date of Rescue: November 13th, 2018
Date of Passing: October 13th, 2021
Family: Terri Garber
Fans: Toby Malina, Kim Stroup
Tribute: On October 13th, Terri and Josh fulfilled their promise to Frosted Face Jedi.

Terri shared,

"Last night after I got home from FFF headquarters I set up the dog bowls to make their dinner. I put one out for Jedi. Only my sweet buddy Jedi is no longer with us. Sadly we had to put him to sleep. We knew this day was coming the last couple weeks.

Jedi has been in renal failure for a while. He also had a bad heart. We could barely get him to eat anymore. He looked so miserable lately. Usually he followed me around all day, lately he slept most of the day.

Jedi came to us with his wife Jewel. They weren’t a bonded pair really, they just fell for each other at headquarters and were found snuggling together all the time. When I came to get Jewel, Kelly asked me if I consider taking him too. I called them Mr. and Mrs. McHumper, because well… you get the idea. They thought with all of his medical issues at that time that Jedi would not live long.

Jewel passed over a year ago and he also had his FF mistress Jevada some of that time. Jevada had a great mass on her chest that kept growing back and passed on. He now leaves behind his FF girlfriend Jade. Jedi did love to cuddle with the ladies, even grumpy FF Janna if she let him.

Romp in Paradise Sweet Buddy Jedi."


Acquired from: Downey Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 8
Date of Rescue: November 13th, 2018
Date of Passing: 
Family: Gail & John Sidvers
Fans: Toby Malina



Acquired from: Downey Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 10
Date of Rescue: November 13th , 2018
Date of Passing: 
Family: Mindy Johnson
Fans: Joni Duke, Trisha Muse


Acquired from: Downey Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 10
Date of Rescue: November 13th, 2018
Date of Passing: December 2nd, 2019
Family: Paula Rushton
Fans: In Memory of Sophie Moses
Tribute: On December 2nd we fulfilled our promise to Earl.

Earl had been valiantly surviving with kidney disease for a whole year! His mom gave him subQ fluids regularly and he enjoyed life as a wanted family pet. We opted to do a much needed dental surgery on him last month that ended up being a full mouth extraction and he never thrived after that procedure. We are devastated and learned some hard lessons in trying to do what is right versus what is necessary. Maybe not lessons learned, but moreso things to at least consider, because we still do not know if his mouth pain was so great that it justified the risk. We don’t want his loss to overshadow the amazing last year he had, because if anything, it represents that he just had people in his life that loved him enough that we all wanted him to be more comfortable. What we know is that Earl is gone and it hurts.

"Long story short, he got an extra year of love, snuggles, yummy food, veterinary care and fun. I miss him a lot and it felt strange coming home and not having him there to greet me. I’m sure his buddy Mr. Man misses him too. Thanks Frosted Faces Foundation and hooray for senior dog rescue!"



Acquired from: Downey Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 8
Date of Rescue: November 13th, 2018
Date of Passing: 
Family: Gary & Kelly Ravens
Fans: Leslie Harris



Acquired from: Downey Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 10
Date of Rescue: November 13th, 2018
Date of Passing: November 17th, 2021
Family: Gary & Kelly Ravens
Fans: Jacquie Almeida
Tribute: On November 17th, the Ravens family fulfilled their promise to Frosted Face Herman.

“Herman crossed over the Rainbow bridge as we cuddled and kissed him all over.

Three years ago we brought Herman home for a "fling" and of course that was a complete failure. I knew I would never let go of Herman the minute I picked him up and held him at FF. Kelly pointed out this scared guy that was in pain and scheduled for surgery to remove bladder stones, a mass, some teeth, and a neuter. To be honest, I don't remember that time too much. I think I blocked it out to only focus on loving Herman.

Over the three years we have had Herman, he has “metamorphosed” many times. At first he was scared and snappy. He would lunge at us or the other dogs for seemingly no reason, so I started calling him Hermanator. Hermanator became his loving-nickname. He would wake from sleep snapping and barking with the loudest bark that would make your heart race. We believed that he was having nightmares, maybe from some cruel injustice from his past. We loved him through all of that.

During the snappy times, there were also so many happy times for Herman. He loved to "run" (more of a slow motion gallop) with his ears flopping up and down in the back yard and go on walks. When we would come home he would greet us in the kitchen, wagging his tail and wanting lovies. He had the cutest play bark when he wanted to “chase” us around the house. He loved being held and cuddled by his humans, and eating meals and treats. For a while, he loved to lick everything in sight, the carpet, the couch, your leg, with his unusually long tongue. And we loved him.

Almost a year in, we noticed the snapping in his sleep had stopped and he would sleep with one of us through the night, cuddled up to his human, snoring quietly. Herman truly seemed happy. He would play more and loved to go on adventures with his dad and we loved him.

At the beginning of this year, we thought something was really wrong with Herman because he started rapidly losing weight. The vet ran tests and to our relief, he was pretty much the same health-wise as the day after his surgeries two years prior. We were told to feed him whenever he wanted, to gain his weight back. Well, he wanted to eat at 5 am, 430 pm, 8 pm, and midnight, which was a bit torturous. We fed him, fattened him up, and we loved him.

Herman suffered from dementia which was so gradual that we couldn’t pinpoint each step in it’s progression. It was a long road for me to accept. He would wander and whine all night long and a good part of the day. We were sleep deprived and sometimes a little frustrated, but we loved him.

At the end, he could barely walk on his own and when he did, it was in a small circle. He seemed to feel he had to get somewhere, we just didn’t know where. Near the end, he seemed to find comfort in the fresh air and being outside. We hope he also felt comfort in our cuddles, belly rubs, and knowing that we loved him.

As a family we knew it was time for Herman to be free of fear and confusion, and happy again, running with his ears flopping with each gallop, on the other side. And this we did, because we loved him.

We were blessed to have three years with you, when we believed you would have about a year. We will miss the wrinkled rolls on your neck, your cute run, and your Herman way of playing. Most of all, we will miss being able to hold you and give you kisses. A part of our hearts went with you my Hermanator. We will forever miss you and AND WE LOVE YOU.”

Love you, Merm"



Acquired from: Downey Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 10
Date of Rescue: November 13th, 2018
Date of Passing: Missing since August 14th, 2020
Family: Maria Conner
Fans: Danielle Bressi
Tribute: Billy was on vacation with his mom and left unattended in a friend’s yard. When she came outside he was gone.



Acquired from: Downey Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 10
Date of Rescue: November 13th, 2018
Date of Passing: 
Family: Rick & Julie Schwartz


Acquired from: Downey Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 10
Date of Rescue: November 13th, 2018
Date of Passing: September 3, 2021
Family: Paulina Espinoza
Fans: Mike & Denise Reeves:
Tribute: On September 3rd, The Espinoza Family fulfilled their promise to Frosted Face Bruno.

"I unexpectedly lost Bruno on September 3rd after a sudden bout of uncontrollable seizures. Although he had no history of seizures, he suddenly started having multiple seizures that the emergency vet could not control with medications and unfortunately had to be euthanized. I was regretfully out of town when this all happened but he was under the care of my wonderful family who acted quickly and was with him when he crossed the rainbow bridge.

Although Bruno had been losing mobility of his hind legs that would slip out from under him, he was a happy and healthy boy. My parents shared that on his last few days Bruno was exceptionally happy, prancing around the house, begging for treats (even trying to jump to get them), and barking at anyone that came through the door into HIS home.

It brings me peace knowing that Bruno flourished during his 2 years and 9 months with us. Bruno was a skinny and scared boy when he first came home. He was terrified of any human contact and it took a long six months for him to finally start feeling at home. With patience and the company of his dog siblings, Bruno learned to be a normal dog. He would seek out and embrace affection and loved being involved by just following you around the house. I really believe he felt this was his home.

Bruno’s absence is sorely felt and our big boy will always be missed."



Acquired from: Final Wish Program
Age upon Rescue: 15
Date of Rescue: November 15th, 2018
Date of Passing: June 30th, 2021
Family: Jeff& Janis Griffin
Fans: Carolyn Lucia
Tribute: Roxie was entrusted to us through our Final Wish Program two years ago when her mom passed away (first photo).

Janis and Jeff fulfilled this promise to Roxie after battling kidney disease on June 30th, 2021. Janis shared, "As I write this, I can barely see for my tears. My feisty little old lady, Roxie, had to be put to sleep today. I was blessed to have her for 2.5 years.

When she landed at Frosted Faces Foundation she had been living in Phoenix with her elderly owner, who ultimately passed, and the daughter brought her to Frosted Faces. I volunteered there, so when Jenna asked me to take Roxie on a Fling, because she was so shy, and tried to hide all the time… just felt right to me. I had a full house of 4 dogs, 1 cat, and grandchildren.. they quickly accepted her, and her personality came shining through!

Her best friend was Lily, the cat! They played hide and seek, Lily would hide and as Roxie walked by, Lily would give her the velvet slap and the chase was on! They slept together on my bed.

Roxie had many new experiences here… coming from Phoenix, she did not know what grass was, it was funny to watch her high step!

We spoiled her… she deserved it…

Over my lifetime, I have had many animals that I loved dearly and Roxie was loved beyond measure! I miss her so much…. My heart has a huge hole in it."

We wanted to share this sweet note from Roxie's original family too. "I cannot thank you enough for giving Roxie such a loving home. She served my mother well and it broke my heart to not be able to keep her. Getting pictures from Kelly allowed me some comfort to know that she was granted another lifetime beyond her years with my mom.

Roxie was a shelter rescue, supposedly 3 years old in May of 2005. That would have made her about 19 years old!

Mom was diagnosed with dementia in 2003. When my mom didn’t know who we were, she knew who Roxie was. She would not leave her side. She was just the right companion for Norma. I know they are so happy to be reunited right now!

Again, thank you for your love and support to the best dog in the whole world for the best mom in the whole world! I wish I could give you a big hug, though I'm comforted to know Kelly did that for me."



Acquired from: San Diego Humane Society
Age upon Rescue: 15
Date of Rescue: November 16th, 2018
Date of Passing: July 11th, 2019
Family: Angela Johnston & Ellen Mendoza
Fans: Lisa Chapin, Donor in Memory of Sharkey
Tribute: On July 11th we fulfilled our promise to Tanner.

"Our handsome Tanner crossed the rainbow bridge this morning in his safe place, home in his moms’ arms. We only had this little guy a short time but loved him so much and definitely know he loved us. We made sure his last day was the best it could be- a trip to Balboa Park last night where he got french fries and this morning we ventured over to Coronado for one last stroll along the ocean and came home for an ice cream breakfast.

Little did we know on Monday, when he put on his Pride bow tie after his bath, that his tie would be so appropriate for his crossing this morning. We love you always, Tanner!"



Acquired from: Carson Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 15
Date of Rescue: November 17th , 2018
Date of Passing: October 11th, 2021
Family: Joyce Floyd
Fans: Dog & Bowl, Constance Burnet
Tribute: On October 11th, Joyce fulfilled her promise to Frosted Face Delaney.

"Monday evening, October 11th, Delaney crossed the Rainbow Bridge. Her life with me started and ended at Frosted Faces.

I brought Delaney home on November 24, 2018. She was the sweetest girl and one of the easiest dogs I’ve ever had. She was quiet for a beagle. Occasionally if she was outside, when her non-FF brother Dexter was running the fence barking at the dogs who dared to walk past our house, she would join him. She loved every person and dog she met. She got excited everyday to eat, go on our walks, get treats, and belly rubs. She used to bark at me if I missed breakfast or dinner time even by a few minutes and she hated the time change when we would fall back.

Delaney was in kidney failure which really didn’t bother her until her last days. Unfortunately the month before she passed she got Giardia and she never really recovered. Her last days she lost the use of her hind legs which seems to be an effect of the kidney failure. I carried her outside to potty, gave her fluids, and syringes of water by mouth. She wouldn’t eat. The last few nights we all (Dexter, Saxon, and me) slept downstairs in the family room with her where she slept in her favorite bed.

I loved her and miss her terribly. My only comfort is that she is no longer in pain of any kind."

Family: Joyce Floyd


Acquired from: Baldwin Park Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 14
Date of Rescue: November 18th, 2018
Date of Passing: September 22nd, 2021
Family: Bud & Kelly Martin
Fans: Candy & Cinnamon, Stacy LaFrance
Tribute: On September 22nd, Bud and Kelly fulfilled their promise to Frosted Face Teddi.

Kelly shared,

"The #1 rule to live by, according to Teddi: when you fall down, someone will always be there to pick you up if you just smile and look cute.

She was the cutest, goofiest, quirkiest little bear. Walking was the only thing that brought her joy, and when she could walk no more, her joy was gone. Saying goodbye to such a cute little bear with such a cute little face and the cutest frosted eyelashes nearly tore my heart right out of my chest.

I told Teddi before she left us that I will always always always be her mom, forever and ever and ever, and that I will never ever ever stop missing her. It’s all true.

Thank you to Kelly, Andy, and Frosted Faces for rescuing Teddi and giving her more time on this earth. She blessed our lives for almost three years. Within two days of her arrival, we were saying 'We love Teddi already.' Our home will never be the same without her."



Acquired from: San Diego Humane Society- Oceanside
Age upon Rescue: 7
Date of Rescue: November 19th, 2018
Date of Passing: December 5th, 2024
Family: Skyelynn Johnson
Fans: Julianna Blackmon

Tribute: On December 5th, Skyelynn fulfilled her promise to Frosted Face Kinsley.

She shared,

"Today we said goodbye to my sweet girl, Kinsley. She has been such a great addition to my life over the years. She has always been an anxious gal, but with her old age it became too much and she was unable to settle and get any peace. She loved food more than anything.

I was surprised how much she loved my girls after having kids. Before she declined, she loved just laying around watching the girls play and hoping they would drop some food for her to snack on. Bananas were one of her favorite foods. She loved rolling around in the grass! We will miss her so much but I am happy she can fully be at peace now. And hopefully it’s an unlimited buffet in doggie heaven ❤️

Thank you so much to everyone at Frosted Faces. The kindness and compassion you showed both Kinsley and myself today was so appreciated. The vet staff is truly one of a kind.

Everyone give their pups an extra treat for Kinny tonight please 💕"


Acquired from: North Central Shelter-LA
Age upon Rescue: 9
Date of Rescue: November 25th, 2018
Date of Passing: August 30th, 2020
Family: Shanna Keller
Fans: Weseman Family, Robin, Sarah & Juneau, Denise & Dwaine, Jessica Looney, Jane, Sami Paterson, Anna Stina Gunnarsdottir & Gauja
Tribute: On August 30th we fulfilled our promise to Moby.

His mom shares,

"It is with a very sad and broken heart 💔 😥 that I have to tell you I had to help Moby cross the bridge in the early hours this morning! I am still trying to wrap my head around it and don’t really understand it. We were supposed to go Monday to get an ultrasound but at 2:30 am this morning I knew something was really wrong and rushed him to the emergency vet. They diagnosed him with hemangiosarcoma and said he had blood and fluid around his heart and in his abdominal cavity. They didn’t even give me the option to take him home because they were afraid he would go into cardiac arrest so needless to say they said it was time. It is an understatement to say I am devastated and not sure how we will get through this but one day at a time I guess. Moby has taught me so much in the last year and nine months. He was given and gave so much love. At the time I decided to adopt him I wasn’t sure how I was going to do it but never looked back! He helped heal my heart as much as one could from the passing of my husband a couple years before and gave me something to keep moving forward and focus on. He was taken care of so well and so loved that I wished I could have had him his whole life! It seems unfair we didn’t get much time together but I assure you we made the best of the time we had together ❤️ 🐶 I am fighting through the tears to write this and what to say. He takes up my whole camera roll on my phone so it’s hard to decide which pictures to post. I love you and miss you so much buddy you will always have my heart! ❤️🐶❤️"


Acquired from: San Diego Humane Society
Age upon Rescue: 8
Date of Rescue: November 26th, 2018
Date of Passing: 
Family: Ann Cameron
Fans: Morgan Kleiderlein



Acquired from: San Diego Humane Society
Age upon Rescue: 12
Date of Rescue: November 26th, 2018
Date of Passing: September 4th, 2020
Family: Anna Ayala
Fans: Vanessa Yarbrough
Tribute: On September 4th we fulfilled our promise to Abby.

Abby's mom shares,
"It is with the deepest sadness that am writing to you today to let you know that my precious Abby passed away on Friday, September 4th. Simply saying this brings tears to my eyes because I loved her so much and I miss her so much.

On Wednesday after her evening stroll she did not want to have dinner (and she normally loves breakfast and dinner time!) and so that seemed unlike her usual self. Then Thursday morning when we woke up (she always slept with me in my bed) she still seemed exhausted, like fatigued. I took her outside to go potty and she felt listless. And she didn't drink water (as she always does in the morning), and wanted to lay back down in her bed. So, I took her to the Emergency Pet Hospital nearby and explained the situation and that something was off. They did blood work and it came back just fine. However, her eyes were going left right, left right, etc. and they told me they thought she had doggie vertigo. They explained that Doggie vertigo is very common in elderly doggies and that there isn't anything for us to do except make sure they are as comfortable as possible and hopefully it'll pass in a few days. They said usually it took 2-4 days for it to go away, but sometimes weeks. They gave her fluids under her skin to make sure she was hydrated and gave her medication to anti motion sickness and nausea in the form of an injection.

We went home and I sat with her on the carpet, made sure there wasn't anything she could bump into, and had her in my arms for hours. I tried to get her to drink water, I tried to give her some freshly cooked chicken, but she wasn't very interested.

Thursday night she was of course in bed with me, I had a pillow as a wedge on her right side to keep her as comfortable as possible and to keep her from moving to the right (the vertigo kept on making her move to the right). I was up almost every hour making sure she was ok. It was so hard seeing her uncomfortable. I called the Emergency Pet hospital at 3 am, explained how she was and they said it was normal because of the vertigo. They explained that many times the second day is worse than the first, and that they kinda get worse before they get better. In my mind, I thought ok, we only have to get through the weekend, and by Sunday/Monday Abby should be better.

Friday morning I took her to the Emergency Hospital so that they could give her the two pills for anti motion sickness and nausea. Then we went back home, she was resting in her bed, my Mom and I were with her. I was worried that on Friday, what if she didn't want to drink water? So I scheduled an appt with her regular vet for 1 pm so that they could see her and give her liquids because I wanted to make sure that she was hydrated.

She was resting at home, in her pink bed when she passed away around 12:15 on Friday.

I was sure we'd make it past the Vertigo, I thought it would be a few difficult days but I thought we'd be okay. I never thought she would not make it. I think the vertigo was simply too stressful, It was simply too much.

Abby brought me so much happiness and joy and was my baby and the princess everywhere she went. She was almost always with me, I'd take her most places (dry cleaners, nail salon, grocery store), she was always with me in my home office while I worked. She would go for her daily stroll around the block. She would accompany my fiancé and I outside in the yard while we did yard work, etc. She had all of us wrapped around her pinky, and she is so missed.

Thank you Frosted Faces for the amazing work that you do."


Acquired from: San Diego Humane Society
Age upon Rescue: 8
Date of Rescue: November 26th , 2018
Date of Passing: 
Family: Amanda Felion
Fans: Emily Weldon



Acquired from: San Diego Humane Society
Age upon Rescue: 12
Date of Rescue: November 26th, 2018
Date of Passing: 
Family: Matthew Seaman & Derinda Mora
Fans: Ruth Diab



Acquired from: San Diego Humane Society
Age upon Rescue: 8
Date of Rescue: November 26th, 2018
Date of Passing: December 23rd, 2024
Family: Geert & Julie Van der Auwera
Fans: Michelle Dellino

Tribute: On December 23rd, Julie fulfilled her promise to Frosted Face Bingo.

She shared,

"I saw two rainbows the day after. 🌈🌈

So we know without a doubt, Bingo has crossed the rainbow bridge and is hanging out with his buddy Frosted Face Flynn (Felissimo 500).

Bingo was a fantastic little dog, he loved all other animals and humans. Such a gentle soul. Found as a stray by the SD Humane Society. What a lucky guy to then be chosen as a Frosted Face! He was immediately loved!! Rescued by Kelly and Andy, sponsored by Michelle Dellino, taken on an outing to Bates Nut Farm with Erin and Patty Hoye, and Flinged by Janis Griffin and her granddaughter.

So ❤️much ❤️ love ❤️!

Bingo enjoyed naps in the sun, French fries, belly rubs, bacon, butt scratches, sniffing everything outside, and getting pets from everyone.

I remember when he used to steal my slippers and take off with them. He would also run around the house, get up on furniture, and occasionally steal food from the kitchen table. He could catch popcorn in his mouth. He loved to chase after and bark at crows. The last three years he definitely slowed down to a senior dog pace.

Bingo had been declining substantially over the past weeks. His mobility was poor showing progressively worsening symptoms indicative of degenerative myelopathy as Dr Russell first discussed with us the summer of 2023. The last few weeks he lost interest in going for more than a short walk at a time, then not much at all the final days. It was difficult to watch him be so frustrated and uncomfortable when he couldn’t easily go from standing to lying down in bed, or get up out of bed without falling.

His CCD was worsening. In the daytime he sometimes seemed dizzy, stood in a corner staring into space, or circled around. Occasionally losing his balance and falling over. Nighttime was more vocal anxiety.

Finally his mobility difficulties, frustration, anxiety, and discomfort were too much. He was not going to get better. He just wanted to lay in his bed that day, so tearfully we reached out to Frosted Faces. His gotcha day was December 23rd, 2018, and on that special day we were elated. After six loving years with him to the day, on December 23rd, 2024 we were feeling overwhelmingly heartbroken to lose him. Silent Night was playing on the radio. Sleep in heavenly peace, sweet boy. ❤️🐾🌈"



Acquired from: San Diego Humane Society
Age upon Rescue: 10
Date of Rescue: November 26th, 2018
Date of Passing: May 7th, 2021
Family: Mario & Alice Vernazza
Fans: Kristen Manzur, Brian Nguyen
Tribute: On May 7th, Mario and Alice fulfilled their promise to Frosted Face Sabrina.

They shared,

"Sabrina left this world today at 11.40am (UK) / 3.40am (PT).

It was a very peaceful and beautiful end. We went for a walk in the sunshine. Then the vet came to my home and I held Sabrina in my arms while she passed. My husband and I drove her to a beautiful pet crematorium in the countryside where they laid out her body and I was able to say goodbye to her once more and write a note to be cremated with her. We dressed her in her Frosted Faces shirt so you were there too.

Sabrina passed with the utmost dignity, in peace and with the most careful handling and respect.

I'm absolutely heartbroken to be without her 💔

The house feels so empty.

I just want her back.

I don't know how I will cope tonight without her bedtime snuggles and the sound of the happy snuffling noises she made sleeping beside me.

I wanted to send you some photos so you could see a bit of the last few days we spent together. It was rainy here so we were often wet and muddy but I bathed her for the last time yesterday as today was beautiful.

Sabrina was and is the most precious soul."


Acquired from: San Diego Humane Society
Age upon Rescue: 11
Date of Rescue: November 26th, 2018
Date of Passing: June 19th, 2021
Family: Jim Mayoral & Ellen Anderson
Fans: Donna Beinfeld
Tribute: On June 19th, Jim and Ellen fulfilled their promise to Frosted Face Bauer.

Ellen shared, "We are broken hearted. Bauer left us this morning after a long struggle. He was the sweetest soul in the world and we will miss him terribly. We were lucky to have him."


Acquired from: San Diego Humane Society
Age upon Rescue: 10
Date of Rescue: November 26th, 2018
Date of Passing: May 2nd, 2022
Family: Aleisha Burton
Fans: Patricia Gonzalez-Powell

Tribute: On May 2nd, Aleisha fulfilled her promise to Frosted Face Martin.

She shared,

"When we decided to adopt another dog, by coincidence, we found the adoption event happening at the mall. I wanted to go to an adoption event because I wanted to find a dog that “choose us.” Look no further than Martin. I have a soft spot for older dogs since many people give them up later in life so I was drawn to Frosted Faces and their mission. When we went to visit the dogs, Martin, in his grey frosted faces shirt (which I still have) waddled right up to us and snorted his way into our hearts. I loved his floppy pancake ears and his sweet old man face. We had intended to rename our new adopted friend but we couldn’t because anyone who has met him knows he is a “Martin”.

Martin gave the best cuddles, something I will miss the most. He found ways to curl up and nap on almost anything. A dog bed, a blanket, even a pile of dirty clothes. In the evening, he would look up at us as if he was saying “its time for bed guys” and when we finally were ready for bed, his face would light up and he would run excitedly in the bedroom, waiting for us to pick him up and place him on the bed.

In his file, it said he was a territorial marker. I suspect this is why Martin was returned on multiple occasions and oh my gosh, there was SO MUCH PEE!!!!! Diapers became a necessity. We were surprised when there WASN’T an accident. We joked he had a reserve tank cause we don’t know how he had any pee left in him. We took him to the vet on two occasions to make sure it wasn’t a medical issue but nope, he was a healthy boy who just liked to pee a lot. Even so, we loved him and though it was definitely stressful, we would tell Martin “nice try but you’re sticking with us till the end.”

After I lost my heart dog, Cosmo, the night before my birthday no less, I was devastated but so incredibly grateful that I had Martin to help me through it. In fact, I posted a video of my love song I wrote to Cosmo with Martin resting on the couch listening to me sing. Now I sing the song for both of them.

His loss has been hard in the week in a half that he’s been gone but since then, I have been able to accept my grief, feel what I need to feel and know that even though this pain will get easier with time, I will always miss my baby. We will miss many things about him. We will miss his ears flopping up and down as he walks and falling back (looking like a little Dumbo) when he looked up at us, especially if we were cooking. We will miss his excited little run after he got out the shower, when we gave him his fancy dog food and when he knew it was time to cuddle. We will miss how he use to “help” us pick him up by doing a little hop as we lifted him. We will miss his piggy snorts that felt like he saying “Hmph, fine then.” We will miss the piles of white dog hair covering everything (we are still finding Martin hair everywhere). We will miss carrying him like a baby. We will miss giving him kisses on his face which he only tolerated cause we were his family. We will miss cuddling him in bed. We will miss his little tongue poking out of his mouth cause he was missing his front teeth. We will even miss his “revenge pees” when we refused to give him anymore of our human food.

I’ve been reminded that dogs are very intuitive animals, knowing things about us before we do. I’m comforted by the fact that Martin knew how much we loved him, cared for him and that we were his family. He really did choose us.

Martin, I hope you are having fun with your friends, Cosmo, Souxsie and Gris, peeing on the gates in doggy heaven, giving God that look. I love you so much."