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Enjoy scrolling through all of our Frosted Face senior animals who have benefit from our mission at Frosted Faces Foundation.  They are listed in order of date of rescue, including those that have passed. If you have been following a certain Frosted Face's story and would like to know how he/she is doing, please email us at

Please make note of animals still looking for families as their "Family" is listed as "Frosted Faces Foundation."  View their biographies and more photos at Available Frosted Faces, learn more about becoming a family and the different programs we offer. You can also help fund their care by registering as their monthly sponsoring Fan. 



Acquired from: San Diego Humane Society-Oceanside
Age upon Rescue: 10
Date of Rescue: March 21st, 2020
Date of Passing: June 6th, 2024
Family: Kathleen Flaherty
Fans: Holly and Bailey Snead, Julie Perreault

Tribute: On June 6th, Kathleen fulfilled her promise to Frosted Face Gulliver.

She shared,

"Gulliver left my world this week as quietly as he entered it in August 2020.

The last few weeks he had back/spine problems and we could not get him relief.

My “pandemic puppy” was about 11 years old when I adopted him. He was pretty much blind then (cataracts), but mapped the house, the food/water, the dog tunnel/yard, and settled in to his beds and favorite chair. As he fully lost his sight and his hearing he still fully enjoyed his walks around the neighborhood, his stays with his dog sitters, and his beds around the house.

He was so quiet I’d often have to go looking for him. But, the house is even more quiet and still with him gone. Rest in peace pupper-doo."



Acquired from: San Diego Humane Society-Oceanside
Age upon Rescue: 14
Date of Rescue: March 21st, 2020
Date of Passing: November 3rd, 2020
Family: Tom Summers
Fans: Tamara A Vullo, Dawn O’Neil
Tribute: On November 3rd, Tom fulfilled his promise to Frosted Face Bubba.

Little Bubba had a mass on his spleen that had metastasized to his chest. Tom hospitalized him in oxygen for awhile, but there was nothing the vets could do to treat him or make him comfortable to go home.

If you knew what Tom did to accommodate Bubba, you would be so impressed. Bubba was surrendered to the shelter as a blind dog who was occasionally roughing it up with his kennel mate. "It was the other guy's fault," right? Upon placement Bubba was a little wild on leash and poor Tom got a lot of complaints from neighbors about Bubba's separation anxiety when left home alone. You know the people who say on their application they'll get a trainer and never give up on their dog? Tom was the king of follow through. He did exactly that by working with Zoe's Dog Training, and stuck by Bubba through the tough stuff. And just when you thought behavioral quirks were "tough stuff," you realize how much you love the guy, and that losing him to cancer is way harder.

I just want you all to know and recognize Tom for his devotion to Bubba, the imperfect dog, made perfect through commitment.

Tom shares,

"So Bubba came into my life on April 6th of 2020. I saw his goofy little face on the FFF website and knew instantly that was my dog. And 2 weeks later he slept on my lap the hour ride back to his new home.

He was unquestionably the best dog / friend a man could ask for. He followed me around constantly for the first few months just to get a feel for his new reality.

He never missed a thing, such curiosity and observing everything he saw. He was always 90% Sniff and 10% Walk on our daily excursions. Never in a rush to get anywhere. He always kindly and gently raised his right paw to tell me when it was time to go out. He and I went everywhere together and he would run to the car and was always up for an adventure. The Dog Beach, Dog Park, watching Sunsets from the car roof, all the road trips and every store I brought him in and out of. He always sat quietly in the back seat, never complained and was a willing companion to whatever task needed to be done. He even learned to go up and down stairs by himself after falling down the first few tries. And there was never a soft spot he didn't like to nap on and especially sitting on the patio in the sun for hours.

Bubba trained me and taught me much more than I could have ever possibly taught him.

I miss him terribly.

I hope he felt as loved and taken care of by me as I felt from him."



Acquired from: Carlsbad Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 8
Date of Rescue: March 21st, 2020
Date of Passing: April 20th, 2021
Family: Kelly Sweet
Fans: Heidi Ostlund
Tribute: On April 20th, Kelly fulfilled her promise to Frosted Face Kody Bear.

She reflects,
"Our sweet baby boy Kody, has gone to Heaven. His ultrasound revealed that his body was full of cancer that had metastasized throughout his kidneys, liver, spleen and intestines. He couldn’t fight any longer.

Thank you to Bethany for talking me through everything this morning and listening to my tears. I will be forever grateful for your guidance. Our hearts are broken but we find comfort in knowing that he will no longer suffer. We love our little Frosted Face Kody Bear. He will be forever in our hearts. "



Acquired from: El Cajon Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 13
Date of Rescue: March 21st, 2020
Date of Passing: April 8th, 2022
Family: Bruce and Kelly Richardson
Fans: Pat Gregiore

Tribute: On April 8th, Bruce and Kelly fulfilled their promise to Frosted Face Loki.

They shared,

"We first met Rooster at Frosted Faces, he really knew what he was doing when he walked up to my husband (his first time there) with a ball in his mouth. About 15 minutes later, my husband said ok, you choose, and we chose Rooster (aka The Old Man, Loki, my Love). My grandson immediately renamed him to Loki the king of mischief. Loki knew how to tell time and would dance and spin when the sun rose each day and it was really hard to get mad at being woken up EVERY SINGLE day by this crazy old man with dark dreamy eyes.

We had a routine, we would dance down the hallway in the dark to go potty and then immediately there after, it was time to eat. Sometimes I could sneak down the hallway and jump back in bed to pretend to sleep and he would give a big sigh as he laid down and waited for me to move again.

Loki loved to play, every day all day. He first came home to us during the start of the COVID lockdowns and would nap for awhile but would wake and bring his squeaky toy (squeak, squeak, squeek,squeek, squeak, squeek-squeek, squeak, squeak) during my zoom calls. Thank God for the mute button.

He began to sleep longer and wander the house. He couldn't see the ball to play but would still dance with it. His sight left a little more every day. After we all went to bed, he would pace the house and so we set him up with a night light and a really comfortable bed. He would sit and stare at the light almost like he was talking to his angels.

He went over the rainbow bridge one afternoon while I worked in the other room. I found him already gone. He was such a kind soul, he had been loved by others before us and we were lucky enough to have a couple years with him. None can ever replace him.

I will send the photos from my tablet. Thank you - he really deserves a special tribute."



Acquired from: San Diego Humane Society-Escondido
Age upon Rescue: 8
Date of Rescue: March 21st, 2020
Date of Passing: 
Family: Brandi Gutierrez & Naveen Rajan
Fans: Raylene Wall



Acquired from: San Diego Humane Society-Escondido
Age upon Rescue: 12
Date of Rescue: March 21st, 2020
Date of Passing: 
Family: Louise O’Flaherty & Brian Wainford
Fans: Alex H.



Acquired from: Humane Society of Imperial County
Age upon Rescue: 8
Date of Rescue: March 24th, 2020
Date of Passing: 
Family: Natalie Gibbins
Fans: Lisa Saffian



Acquired from: Humane Society of Imperial County
Age upon Rescue: 8
Date of Rescue: March 24th, 2020
Date of Passing:

Family:  Kaitlyn Cosenza
Fans: RZ



Acquired from: Humane Society of Imperial County
Age upon Rescue: 10
Date of Rescue: March 24th, 2020
Date of Passing: July 10th, 2022
Family: Kyle & Julie Korpan
Fans: Laurie Gentry

Tribute: On July 10th, Kyle and Julie and fulfilled their promise to Frosted Face Edie.

Julie shared,

"It was those huge ears that caught my eye and I knew I had to have her. Seeing what a loving home can do for an otherwise neglected dog, was so rewarding. I loved loving her, spoiling her and being her person. There was no doubt that she was forever grateful to me. She protected me with everything she had. I'm ever so broken and lost without her. Thank you for bringing us together Frosted Faces. "



Acquired from: Humane Society of Imperial County
Age upon Rescue: 9
Date of Rescue: March 24th, 2020
Date of Passing: October 8th, 2021
Family: April Schaefer
Fans: Alieh Karimi
Tribute: On October 8th, April fulfilled her promise to Frosted Face Maisie Mavee when she could no longer walk and had no interest in food as a result of cancer.

April shared,

"Sweet Maisie Mavee aka Mavis,

left on a new adventure early this day, snuggled in our bed in her furry blanket, Tucker by her side , adored and loved.

She will always be a true warrior.

With her she took our love and left hers with us. "



Acquired from: Humane Society of Imperial County
Age upon Rescue: 9
Date of Rescue: March 24th, 2020
Date of Passing: October 13th, 2023
Family: Roxanne Cummins & Paul Kortge
Fans: RZ

Tribute: On October 13th, Roxanne and Paul fulfilled their promise to Frosted Face Mina.

They shared,

"It is with a broken heart that I share with you that we said our goodbyes to our beautiful Angel Mina a couple of days ago.

Our sweet girl had such a zest for life and loved being with her people and pack (brother Fenn, Bean, & Warbey) but unfortunately her little body couldn’t fight any longer. Her chronic bronchitis and failing heart became too much for her and she passed peacefully in my arms at our vet clinic. I then transported my beloved to my place of work, Paws Into Grace where I was the one who took her clay paw print, ink print, and began her cremation process. It has been an honor to be her dog mom and she has imprinted my life forever. Although difficult I feel a sense of peace that I am able to perform her aftercare services and be with her throughout every step. She was gently wrapped in a new blanket with a sunflower in her paws along with a rock from our favorite vacation spot with her. My heart misses her so badly and our home is lonely without her.

The saying “who rescued who?” Is a true statement for me and our family. We only had Mina for 3 years but she became my soul dog instantly and will forever will be my girl. I wish we knew her longer but I feel so lucky that she lived her golden years in a loving home full of adventure, peace, and laughter. Thank you for bringing this frosted face into my life, heart, and family."



Acquired from: Humane Society of Imperial County
Age upon Rescue: 8
Date of Rescue: March 24th, 2020
Date of Passing: 
Family: Gabriela Moreno
Fans: Kathleen Phelps



Acquired from: Humane Society of Imperial County
Age upon Rescue: 7
Date of Rescue: March 24th, 2020
Date of Passing: 
Family: Kathleen Artwohl
Fans: Beth Pratt

Jenny Penny

Acquired from: Humane Society of Imperial County
Age upon Rescue: 10
Date of Rescue: March 24th, 2020
Date of Passing: May 9th, 2021
Family: Ginneh Lewis
Fans: Debra Sakata, In Honor of Bridget Porto
Tribute: On May 9th, Ginneh fulfilled her promise to Frosted Face Jenny.

She shared,

"My Sweetest Girl Jenny Penny joined all our most loved ones at the Rainbow 🌈 Bridge on Sunday afternoon. She passed naturally at Conejo Valley Vet in my presence as a result of chronic kidney failure. Her strong body is at ease. Her gentle giant self and I lived life as much as possible each day!

The last day or so were the hardest and she tried so hard to do everything, we walked til two days ago and went on our walk and wagon when you were tired on Saturday. We lived some life together! We explored this SoCal 🌊🌴earth, made so many friends that you looked forward to seeing each day and who also so looked forward to seeing you.

Your dog friends and Charlie (also a gentle giant neighbor) are keeping watch over the neighborhood and letting us know when the mailman or a delivery have arrived. When I hear the beep of the UPS delivery truck, I will forever hear your sweet big dog woooofff resounding with your neighborhood friends. The thump of your tail against everything, under the cabinet, on the shades or against the plants, lol!

There is so much more but I wanted to tell you all and thank you for saving Jenny Penny, keeping her safe and trusting me with her this past year! She was such a strong, sweet spirited, resilient girl through all of the challenges she had from her past and was always so happy to enjoy all the best of life!

The sprinklers, trips to Centinela (her fav place), humans, nonhumans, a roll in the grass, our evening walks! I am so lucky! I am glad my two best girls in life, you and 🦎 (Maxine the Bearded Dragon)🐉 🐶 had time to meet and spend some life together. The two of you will forever be with me everyday and I see you both in everything I do. For all of those who knew Jenny Penny, I would love to hear of your encounters with her and see any pics you have! 💜 Also thank you Erin Hoye for introducing me to Jenny Penny! Now she is forever with me!"



Acquired from: Baldwin Park Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 13
Date of Rescue: March 24th, 2020
Date of Passing: July 12th, 2021
Family: Park & Karen Weaver
Fans: Joanne McLaughlin, Jennifer Bennink
Tribute: On July 12th, Park and Karen fulfilled their promise to Frosted Face Nola.

They shared,

"I remember the day we came and adopted Nola. We had been looking for a Westie type dog for many months and there she was on your website. She did not seem outgoing or especially loving that day but we now know it was because she was deaf and could not hear the affection in our voices and of course she had been dropped at a shelter after being rescued two years before. After vet visits to fix her teeth and her infected ears she settled in. Because we did not know how housebroken she was we put her in our laundry room the first few nights. We learned then how stubborn she was because she barked her head off without ceasing the entire two nights. Finally after two sleepless nights we put a blanket in our bedroom and she went right to it and that is where she peacefully slept from then on.

Nola was a 'big personality,' as our vets office said because she did not like being in there. Covid prevented us from being with her so from the time they took her in there you could hear her barking loudly and continuously, complaining at the top of her lungs until she got out. Standing outside waiting for her, it always made us laugh. She was the same at home. She barked for her breakfast and when you were making it she barked if she thought you were taking too long. She barked to be put on the sofa with us and she barked in the backseat of the car until we let her upfront with us. She would bark at me until I figured out she wanted to play chase, the only play she ever understood. I would chase her around the couch, down the hall through the family room and kitchen and back around the sofa again. She would get in her play crouch for a little wrestle and then we would chase through the house again. When taken to the dog park it was obvious she didn't know how to play with other dogs but she would get in the middle of the wrestling and bark with joy at being a small part of what was going on. She didn't take any guff either, if a dog took too long getting acquainted she would turn around and give it her doggy glare with attitude and it would back off.

Nola loved both of us but she was my husband's shadow. She thought her job was to protect him and keep watch over him and that is what she did. She would follow him where ever he went in the house, take naps on her bed next to him, wait for him outside the bathroom door, snuggle against him on the sofa and be filled with joy when she got to ride with him in the car. She was on her bed in the office right next to him each day. It was a love match made in heaven, a true mutual admiration society and very touching to see. I was good for body massages, ear scratching and belly rubs. The only time I was her favorite was in the kitchen because I would accidentally drop tidbits for her to find. She was my veggie dog because she loved chopped up carrots, peppers, cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage and especially frozen peas and green beans.

We were devastated when we learned she had bladder cancer in February. It was a death sentence because there is so little they can do for it, even chemo doesn't help much. She was put on peroxicam and heart medication and did quite well for a while. She was such a little trooper, she was brave and uncomplaining right to the end. She would pick her pills out of her dog food, but gobbled them up when smeared with peanut butter. There is so much we can learn from dogs that are ill. She fought it with all her heart and bore the pain and side effects with grace and dignity. She was still filled with the joy of being with her best loved family but when her suffering became obvious we made the very difficult choice to take her life. And in that she was grace itself. She got her tranquilizing shot while licking ice cream off a spoon and with the final shot she went peacefully over the Rainbow Bridge.

We did not have her much over a year but she was such a little personality we will never forget her. She was outspoken about what she wanted and persistent in getting her own way. She was funny, determined, stubborn and very entertaining. We so appreciate Frosted Faces for not giving up on older dogs because they have so much life and love left in them. It was our honor to have Nola in our lives, she was such a gift of joy and love. Our hearts are aching right now because she isn't with us anymore, but she will live on in all the happy memories she left behind and we are blessed and grateful the gift of her love and devotion."



Acquired from: Baldwin Park Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 6
Date of Rescue: March 24th, 2020
Date of Passing:  February 26th, 2024
Family: Casandra Van Dyne & Angelo Donatelli
Fans: Shelby Lanier in memory of Aja Bleu, Alli Landmesser, Jackie Siu, Julie and Owen, Catherine Muller

Tribute: On February 26th, Angelo and Cassandra fulfilled their promise to Frosted Face Janie.

They shared,

"Our girl Jane crossed the rainbow bridge on Monday, February 26th. Cassandra and I knew she’d be a part of our family ever since meeting her and walking around the cactus and fruit trees of Frosted Faces. We are incredibly grateful to FF and her fans who gave love and support to such a beautiful and joyous companion. Jane gave us the incredible gifts of her love, silliness, and a real attitude toward other doggos. The sadness of her leaving this place crashes in waves; yet, laughter and joy swell with memories of our trips, her amusing chase of a bowling ball, and getting to run again with her wheels."



Acquired from: Baldwin Park Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 12
Date of Rescue: March 24th, 2020
Date of Passing: April 14th, 2020
Family: Karen Boudreau & Thomas Jensen
Fans: Diane Graf, Kav
Tribute: On April 14th we fulfilled our promise to Kermit.

We rescued Kermit from Baldwin Park Shelter after he had been turned in as a stray. He was a hot mess of a man, with matted fur and infected teeth. He went immediately into a foster home where she accompanied him to a vet visit and he was diagnosed with congestive heart failure. We started him on medications to help him thrive with the new condition.

He went on short walks and she even caught him on video rolling in happiness like a "normal" dog on her rug! One evening Kermit had a syncopal episode and that was very scary to watch. We understand that these are part of the disease process and usually indicators that there needs to be a med change or we, as owners, need to be more conscious about activity levels. Quality of life is admittedly not easy to fairly measure on a dog with whom you share so few memories, but then also don't know his true "normal" who has just suffered displacement and shelter life. We are a hopeful bunch though!

Kermit returned to our care to live with the Smíšeks! He begged with the best of them, watched late night TV, and slept in our bed diapered. Our friends at The Buried Bone groomed him for a "look good, feel good" approach. They knew to works slowly and carefully! They are so good at grooming all of our Frosted Faces gently.

Kermit found family, but unfortunately did not get to be loved with them long enough. He passed away in his sleep a few days after placement, and they had just bought him a new carton of eggs for meals.

We love you, Kermy. We were happy to hold you just in time. xo



Acquired from: Baldwin Park Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 10
Date of Rescue: March 24th, 2020
Date of Passing: April 2nd, 2020
Family: Diana James
Fans: Courtni Pugh and David Mihalko
Tribute: This morning we fulfilled our promise to Fable.

We just rescued Fable last week Tuesday from Baldwin Park Shelter. She had been surrendered by her owners on March 1st. They must have seen her declining, as the shelter also had record of her having a seizure in their care.

When we got Fable she was alert, barked for meal time, went on walks, and was surprisingly more mobile than she led on at the shelter! She had several hemangiomas on her tummy, but many of our pits do and it has become the norm. We took her to High Valley Veterinary Hospital for bloodwork and x-rays which were normal aside from finding a small bladder stone.

As the pickins' got slim here at FFF, volunteer Diana James, chose newbie Fable to go home on a Frosted Fling the very next day after she had been rescued. What a great gift to go straight into a home!

Diana made her part of the family letting her sleep out on a big dog bed and going on regular walks. Fable wagged her tail often and it was nice to see she was enjoying herself. The last few days Diana had been sending us videos of Fable acting strangely. She was whining, doing a lot of staring, and leaning on walls. Yesterday morning she could not walk at all and was knuckling on all four paws. Her head also had a significant tilt and she had no nystagmus. She went back to High Valley where we gave her a steroid injection and started oral prednisone. Whether it was inflammation in the spine or likely a brain tumor, we hoped it would give her relief.

Being that this was Diana's first senior dog and she certainly did not sign up for bloody hemangiomas and paralysis, we offered to monitor Fable at FFF for the night. Fable would not lay on her left side at all, which means we set up Andy's side of the bed so he could hold her and monitor her. During the night she thrashed and cried, from discomfort or confusion, we are not sure. We gave her more medication for pain just in case. Euthanizing a dog we do not know well so soon after rescue is not something we take lightly. We also try to appreciate that dogs may have a bad day or two while a treatment plan begins to work.

By morning, Fable was curled tightly on one side and she would hardly open her eyes. She certainly was not eating anymore. Her condition appeared so severe and because she was presently suffering, we knew we had to let her go to give her peace. It broke us.

Losing two dogs, Harlowe and now Fable, so soon after rescue is confusing. We are admittedly in the anger stage. Why couldn't these owners who MUST have seen that their dogs needed care, advocate for them instead of relinquish them? With accessible programs for discounted and free treatment and euthanasia, why aren't they pursuing or receiving it? Or why aren't they sticking by their animals at least until a natural death occurs? Why are Andy and I hunched over dogs we hardly know in veterinary offices trying to figure out where WE went wrong? I know. I ask these same things every time we go through this and beg for your compassion so it may strengthen ours.

Holding abandoned ill senior dogs during their last breaths is not an easy gig, albeit rewarding, the casting is all wrong. If you know someone whose dog needs care, please reach out and have them apply for our Frosted Funding program at



Acquired from: Downey Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 10
Date of Rescue: March 24th, 2020
Date of Passing: February 18th, 2021
Family: Temy and Jessica Suciawan
Fans: David Triemert
Tribute: On February 18th, Temy and Jess fulfilled their promise to Frosted Face Mark.

Mark had renal disease, was in heart failure, and had CCD that got progressively worse in our care for the short time that we had him. A handful of fosters and adopters tried to take care of Mark, but getting him on a schedule was tough and he continually landed back with Temy and Jess- so that's where he stayed until the end.

Jess shares,

"We helped Marky Mark crossed the rainbow bridge this morning. We had been back and forth on this decision for a couple of weeks now. While his appetite was still strong, we started to think about his quality of life lately.

Marky is known to be restless and liked to pace around for hours. We have figured out a way to comfort him (#slinglife) and helped him fall asleep. However, his dementia is severe and seemed to be getting worse. He seemed to have trouble finding his way back to bed, or to find the door, and even finding his water bowl. Sometimes during meal time, he would chew and step away from the bowl for a bit, and couldn't find his way back to it.

We loved him very much, but as much as we were confident that we could comfort him at the times he needed it, we decided it was selfish of us to keep him around knowing how uncomfortable and confused he was all the time. That, plus the ulcerated masses on his belly that made him itchy and uncomfortable, we made the hard decision to let him go.

So "Where Was Marky" this morning? He slept through the night in human bed, in his sling. He ate freshly cooked Japanese ground beef and eggs (and had seconds of course), rode in the car in his sling, got all the kisses he deserved, had some Frosty Paw to lick on before he rested his little body. Marky Mark made it to Rainbow Bridge.

Mommy loves you, Marky Mark. May you rest in peace."



Acquired from: Downey Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 12
Date of Rescue: March 24th, 2020
Date of Passing: August 30th, 2022
Family: Chris & Stacy Lund
Fans: Swelden, In Memory of Mia

Tribute: On August 30th, Chris and Stacey fulfilled their promise to Frosted Face Reynaldo.

They have shared what they call their "Rey-membrance,"

"Rey was the best doggo ever. He was also the least doggiest of our dogs. And yet he was loyal in his own way, a protector/guarder through and through. His absence is like missing a piece of our hearts.

Rey came to us as a foster. That failed almost immediately because he fit right in to our home like he had lived here all along, even with his 4x a day feeding schedule, bajillion medications and acupuncture appointments with Dr. Lipman.

He was a strange conundrum: toys held no interest. He didn’t seem to understand what a dog bed was. He never begged for food, even though he had been a stray. He never, ever barked and his tail didn’t wag. He also didn’t seem to know how to “sit”. He would stand or lay down, never anything in between. We chalked that up to his spine and joint pain and let him do his own thing. He usually wanted to be near us, even hanging out with our Guinea Pigs while we cleaned their cage.

Walks were hilarious. Rey stopped many, many times on his walks to look back as if he were being

followed. We counted once: in a quarter mile, he stopped and looked back 108 times! It got to be a

running joke that we would all look back with him to try to figure out what he was looking for. He loved seeing other dogs and would whine to go say hi. He once grabbed a neighbor’s Starbucks coffee cup and spilled it so he could drink it.

He hated car rides, seemed scared when we would take him to the park. Loved puppacinos and In and


Rey had bloat surgery last summer while he was staying at Frosted Faced. FF literally saved his life. He recovered, and life seemed to go on as it had before. Slowly, Rey’s world shrunk. He could no longer go upstairs. Walks were shorter and shorter. He slept a lot. He figured out how to sit, though, and his tail wagged periodically at little things: a treat. A dog he liked. Pets on his head. We had our bathroom remodeled this Spring and Rey loved the workman who came and went. He would go outside and lay by their trucks as if he wanted to go with them.

Just as school started, Rey had some sort of episode and could no longer move the lower half of his body. He was confused and frantic, trying to get up or even just shift positions. We calmed him for a night, carrying him outside, holding him upright to eat. We propped him up so he could watch the world, but that seemed uncomfortable for him. He slept most of that day and we talked to FF about ideas for treatment. Rey was already at the max for all of his meds and we knew it was time to let him go.

Rey had In and Out patties, a milk shake, even an Andes mint to try. We all petted him and told him we loved him as we sat outside one last time.

Rey saved us during Covid. He showed us joy and love and only asked that we spend time with him. He brought out the best in our family and grounded us when every one of us had our own mental struggles.

Loving a senior can be a challenge, sure. But for anyone whose heart is open and who has some

flexibility in their schedule, it has such great rewards."



Acquired from: Downey Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 11
Date of Rescue: March 24th, 2020
Date of Passing: December 21st, 2020
Family: Jan & Michael Fitzgerald
Fans: Vanessa Bernal-Kopp, Renata Sentali
Tribute: On December 21st, Jan and Michael fulfilled their promise to Frosted Face Winnie.

They shared, "Winnie was a sweet dog and we were very worried about her. Until about two weeks ago, she had been playful in the mornings and for short periods during the day; gamboling and sometimes running in the field we take her to in early morning hours, before the golf course opens and people are around. She liked to run and sniff off-leash then. During the day, she was well-mannered at the dog parks, and even had a couple of favorite dogs. Her favorite was an older boxer/Newfoundland mix, and she could be quite the courtesan around him, belying the concept of being spade. While gentle, she was not a social, people-centric dog. She occasionally would let people other than Mike and I pet her, but she would not make the rounds of dog-petting hands at the dog park like most of the dogs do, and she tended to shy away when people reach out for her. She loved her Daddy, her home, her food, and her pillow-top doggie bed. She actually had two beds; one in Mike’s office and one in the spare bedroom which was her favorite place to sleep at night. With recent lameness, we moved the pillow-top to the office and she spent most of her time on it. She still liked the golf cart, but had difficulty getting out of it.

During the last two weeks, she had been moving much slower and limping more. At first we thought it was the cold weather affecting her severe back and knee arthritis. She also had a congenital abnormality in the back which made things more difficult. But last Sunday evening, she couldn’t seem to lay down and was hiding in a corner at one point. We found a new hard ridge about 4 inches long beginning under her left armpit (legpit?) down the ribs toward the belly.

There was nothing gradual about this – she was fine until one day she wasn’t. She had massive injections of antibiotics, pain killers, and the mass was biopsied. Even though she was a chow hound and had never met a meal she didn’t like, she would not eat and slept only when she collapsed from exhaustion. It was breaking our hearts to watch her suffer so and to feel so helpless. If it was not cancer, we would do everything within our power to help her. And if it is a return of the cancer, we promised to also help her quickly as this could not continue.

We feel blessed to have had her. She would have had to go through this wherever she was, and at least she was able to be with people who loved her.. Thank you again for giving us the opportunity to have her in our lives, even if only for 8 months."



Acquired from: Orange County
Age upon Rescue: 11
Date of Rescue: March 26th, 2020
Date of Passing: October 21st, 2021
Family: Annika Stahli
Fans: Terri Culbreth

Tribute: Annika fulfilled her promise to Frosted Face Kenya after battling kidney disease.

She shared,

"It’s been a crazy year and I ended up moving back home to Colorado last spring and brought Kenya with me.

The year and a half we spent together was so beautiful and meaningful to me. Once in Colorado I started taking her to my vet back home. She had a lot of ups and downs over the past year but always stayed close to me and let me know what she needed with very loud meows.

Some of her favorite things to do were sit on my desk and look out the window while I worked, finding kitchen cabinets to hide in and sitting in pots, and napping on the piano bench.

I am very grateful to have gotten to take care of Kenya in the last phase of her life. I loved her very much ♥️"



Acquired from: Bonita Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 14
Date of Rescue: March 26th, 2020
Date of Passing: October 15th, 2021
Family: Keith & Gina Hebert
Fans: Donor in memory of Sydney and Max LaCava, Cheryl Borjeson
Tribute: On October 15th, Keith and Gina fulfilled their promise to Frosted Face Jenna when she could no longer walk after med trials did not bring her quality or comfort.

Gina shared,

"This is my Jenna, she was very funny at times with her little puppy trot when she got excited. Being 15 she still had spunk. Her favorite thing to do was to play 'treat o clock' everyday, where we would hide treats in different areas of the living room. That was one way we got her to get up and move around. She was a wonderful dog for us. We love her and we are going to miss her. "



Acquired from: Final Wish Program
Age upon Rescue: 10
Date of Rescue: March 27th, 2020
Date of Passing: May 31st, 2023
Family: Jason Santos
Fans: Kim & Dave Steele

Tribute: On May 31st, Jason fulfilled his promise to Frosted Face Norman.

Norman had been treated for and battling congestive heart failure all year, but it all became too much. He will be missed by his family so much, but mostly by his little girl.



Acquired from: San Diego Humane Society
Age upon Rescue: 10
Date of Rescue: March 29th, 2020
Date of Passing: April 15th, 2020
Family: Kim Fremo
Fans: Honoring Molly, and Coco, Jessica and Jared Beaulieu
Tribute: On April 15th we fulfilled our promise to Teddy.

Teddy was brought into San Diego Humane Society as a stray and they diagnosed him with having renal failure and eating poorly. The minute he arrived at FFF, the Fremo's were on-site and offered to be his fosters.

He didn't spend one day waiting for a family! He ate better in a home too! Unfortunately it did not last for long and his body's systems began shutting down, including his temperature dropping dangerously low.

Even though Kim had only cared for Teddy for a short while, he was her boy and she held him in the very bittersweet end at San Diego Bay Animal Hospital.

It was pure coincidence that day that Kim was at FFF and had experience with dogs in renal failure. We are so grateful she chose Teddy.



Acquired from: San Diego Humane Society
Age upon Rescue: 8
Date of Rescue: March 29th, 2020
Date of Passing: March 27th, 2021
Family: Lora and Kevin Luton
Fans: John Poytress, Susan Thomas
Tribute: On March 27th, Kevin and Lora fulfilled their promise to Frosted Face Fabio.

Fabio was diagnosed with prostate cancer and slowly lost the function of his legs. Here when we thought teddy bears could never age, their bodies do get worn, and we had to let him go.

His mom shares,

"Fabio was, well, bloody perfect. Even though we only had him for a short time (and I would have given anything to have more time) he loved us so fiercely it’s impossible not to feel a massive hole in our hearts and lives. I still can’t think about him (or type this) without tears streaming down my face. I miss him terribly.

Who would have thought a Velcro dog that barks at you every time he can’t see you (because he needs you to lift him up so he can shuffle to you) would be loved so much? I thought my days of shouting “I’m on the loo! I’ll be right there!” were over when the kid learnt to walk lol

Fabs was the perfect mix of floof and love and I’m so grateful for every kiss and cuddle he let us steal from him.

Thank you so much for loving him (he perked up every time he heard your voice!) and giving us the opportunity to love him too."



Acquired from: San Diego Humane Society
Age upon Rescue: 8
Date of Rescue: March 29th, 2020
Date of Passing: April 26th, 2022
Family: Susan DiGiacomo & Sean Maeder
Fans: Suzanne Hood

Tribute: On April 26th, Susan and Sean fulfilled their promise to Frosted Face Bila.

They shared.

"We have come to the very difficult decision that it is time for Bila to run around pain free in Heaven. It has not been an easy decision but we know it is the right one for her to give her peace. The past 2 years with her have been the absolute best and we can’t thank you enough for the love and support you give our animals before they find their forever homes. Frosted faces is an incredible organization and what you all do is magical for these seniors.

Earlier this year, Bila had a number of seizures. We quickly got her onto anti seizures medication and her blood work was normal. Since then she has had a very hard time walking, front and back leg weakness and has seemed overall agitated and in pain. We have adjusted her medication a number of times to see if that would help but nothing has seemed to help her pain and pacing. She is not able to stand well, and has become less interested in food as well. We’ve realized she is no longer thriving and we have come to this difficult decision.

Bila will be surrounded by love today in our home when she passes. We have an altar set up of beautiful bright flowers, candles and crystals. We are so thankful for these wonderful years together and can’t wait to see Bila again."


Acquired from: San Diego Humane Society
Age upon Rescue: 15
Date of Rescue: March 29th, 2020
Date of Passing: August 19th, 2021
Family: Al & Lisa Itri
Fans: Glenda Edwards
Tribute: On August 19th, Al and Lisa fulfilled her promise to Frosted Face Bravo after battling adenocarcinoma and unmanaged seizures.

His mom shares, "He had a great 18 months with us and he didn’t suffer except for today. I sat with him and rubbed him as he fell asleep with no more pain. It never gets easier and so hard to say goodbye. 😔

I miss hearing the sound of his collar and tag already."



Acquired from: San Diego Humane Society
Age upon Rescue: 11
Date of Rescue: March 29th, 2020
Date of Passing: November 26th, 2020
Family: Sherley Monroig & Charles Viana
Fans: Gail LaPurja, Janet Franklin
Tribute: On November 26th, Sherley & Charles fulfilled their promise to Navy.

Honestly, the end was a parents' worst nightmare. Sherley and Charles planned a vacation in Big Bear and at the last minute found out dogs were not allowed. They called to have him board at FFF as a "Frosted Friend" for two nights. When Sherley dropped off Navy she was crying and said they hadn't been away from each other for one night since they adopted him earlier this year. We promised we would send lots of pictures and told them to enjoy themselves.

On Thanksgiving, Navy kind of collapsed or tripped during a walk... we weren't too sure. He seemed pale but his temperature was normal and when we put food in front of him he scarfed it down. Maybe he was fine? Later that night he seemed quiet but again his temperature was normal and he was eating, his Rocky Kanaka "Barksgiving Meal" no less, so we brought him home with us from FFF. We do love these guys as our own! Right before bed we checked his temperature one more time. It was 95.1. We rushed him down to the ER where we did bloodwork, x-rays, and a fastscan. Navy had an abdomen full of blood from a likely ruptured mass, and his bloodwork reflected end stage kidney failure and his BG was 450+.

We had just done bloodwork and x-rays in March upon rescue and they were fine! SDHS even did a dental procedure on him. How could this be happening? Just two nights, of all the nights.

We were in communication the whole time with Charles and Sherley. They had to decide if they would make it down from Big Bear to be at his side to let Navy go or authorize it without their presence. The vet said that Navy was suffering and declining fast. Surgery was not sensible and they would not make it in time.

This was a night we will never forget. Andy and I went back to the clinic around 2am when tests were done, where they let us in to hold Navy and Facetime with Sherley and Charles so they could say goodbye to their boy. Sherley's inconsolable cries and desperate last "I love yous" were excruciating. We could not hold Navy tightly enough to squeeze all of her love into him from afar. We Facetimed Navy's euthanasia and Sherley cried and sang to him as they administered the drugs. It was beautiful and terribly awful at the same time. We hung up with Sherley and Charles without words to put a bow on the experience, and walked out as empty shells.

Today, we just look back on this terrible event of chance, and are so grateful that Navy was loved deeply.

Sherley shares,

"It’s been a process. It was really hard to let him go. As soon as I got into the apartment I broke down crying not seeing him in little bed was really heartbreaking. It got me really hard once I got here.

We knew what we were getting into when we adopted an older dog. We knew we had borrowed time, but in my heart I really was hoping for a longer time with him. We knew we needed to give him the best life, give him a chance to feel at home and feel loved. I can say we succeeded, he knew we loved him and I think sometimes too much that I said he was kind of annoyed at us. He was our little baby. He came to our life when we needed it the most and I am so grateful that he was in our life even if it was for a short time. He was the best dog ever! Neither me nor Charles have loved a dog as much as we loved him. We miss him sooo much!!!! But sooo much!!! I am so thankful for all of you and your help with everything and thank you so much for giving us the best gift we ever had!"



Acquired from: San Diego Humane Society
Age upon Rescue: 12
Date of Rescue: March 29th, 2020
Date of Passing: November 1, 2023
Family: Ashley O’Leary & Tony Ennis
Fans: Beverly Mitchell

Tribute: Ashley and Tony fulfilled their promise to Frosted Face Hamlet.

Hammy went to dog beach, lived "sling life," and his family did so so much for him to treat his CCD and other ailments to make him comfortable. Ashley let us know, "He was the best thing to come out of quarantine."



Acquired from: San Diego Humane Society
Age upon Rescue: 8
Date of Rescue: March 29th, 2020
Date of Passing: 
Family: Steve Williams & Jan Jones
Fans: Courtney O'Brien



Acquired from: Chula Vista Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 7
Date of Rescue: March 29th, 2020
Date of Passing: 
Family: Maria Monroy & Jon Farrell
Fans: Charline Talbert



Acquired from: Riverside Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 8
Date of Rescue: March 30th, 2020
Date of Passing: 
Family: Danielle Robbins
Fans: Lilly McGann, Lynnmaria Bazan



Acquired from: Riverside Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 12
Date of Rescue: March 30th, 2020
Date of Passing: August 9th, 2021
Family: Cassandra Collins & Mounir Zalloua
Fans: Kelly Wilner
Tribute: On August 9th, Cassandra and Mounir fulfilled their promise to Frosted Face O'Malley.

"O’Malley was the most unique fur baby we’ve ever had in our lives. Always loving & so sweet.

He was also really funny! He would spend hours fluffing up his blankets in his bed with all 4 legs & his mouth - what a hard worker! He made the funniest adorable old man noises - grunts & sighs. Sometimes he had trouble with his aim when he would urinate & the stream would just douse back of his front leg. Then he would try to lick it to dry it off. Not to mention his ongoing snaggle tooth he often had especially when begging for steak. What a big personality!

He loved walks & traveling. He would happily prance around our vacation rentals, excited to explore a new neighborhood.

He would follow you around the house - so curious. He was really plugged in to the human world. He would stand between my boyfriend and I looking at us like, 'What’s going on here guys?'

We took a family vacation to Santa Fe when he suddenly was in horrible pain. A new X-ray showed he had a tumor growing on top of his spine. It had only been a few months since last X-ray. He was scheduled for a dental cleaning the following week- our regular vet had no idea. After the local vet gave him every helpful medication possible we made a quality of life decision for him when his pain couldn’t be reduced. He passed with us holding him, kissing him & telling him we love him as it was happening. He will be laid to rest in my family’s plot where I will be someday.

O’Malley was a small dog but his love & spirit filled any room & our hearts. He radiated love & happiness. He smiled from ear to ear and had eyes that lit up with excitement.

Rest in Peace O’Malley. We love you for all of eternity.”



Acquired from: Riverside Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 8
Date of Rescue: March 30th, 2020
Date of Passing: December 10th, 2023
Family: Bill Angel & Elaine Palmer
Fans: Bonnie Sposato in honor of Celtie, Elaine Gillum

Tribute: On December 10th , Bill and Elaine Angel fulfilled their promise to Frosted Face Bear.

They shared,

"Bear came to us on April 17 of 2020. We had never had a pet before and we have been together 28 years – we did not know what to expect. Bear had issues – he growled at me the first night while he was sitting on the couch with Elaine – that’s where the name Bear came from! But he became the BEST dog ever right away.

We rarely left Bear at home alone. He did not like being alone. We scheduled our errands so one of us would be home or we would take Bear with us. If he wasn’t allowed somewhere we didn’t need to go anyways. Anytime either one of us left, Bear would spend most of that time sitting right by the front door waiting. Bear knew the sound of our vehicles. As soon as he heard the car pull into the driveway he started whining at the front door – like he’d been hit by a car! Right when we walked thru the door he started barking, tail wagging and running in circles around us. After a minute that happy bark changed to a ”I’m mad at you for leaving” bark and he’d scold us for leaving him (remember, this happed every time when we both were gone or just one of us). Then he’d run thru the house, get his favorite (the only one he ever played with) toy we called moosie and shake that stuffy like he wanted to shake the arms off for about five minutes and then he’d stop. By then we’d be sitting somewhere and waiting for him to join us for some good pets and love.

Bear was our constant companion. He slept with us every night with his head on a pillow. If he wasn’t sitting right next to us during the day, he’d sit on the floor usually where he could see us both. The love he gave us was way more than we ever expected. He gave us so much love and now so much is gone from our days and nights. We will love you forever Mr. Bear!"



Acquired from: Riverside Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 10
Date of Rescue: March 31st, 2020
Date of Passing: January 23rd, 2025
Family: Wendy and Garrett Loeffler
Fans: Katrina Nelson

Tribute: On January 23rd, Wendy fulfilled her promise to Frosted Face Bonzai.

She shared,

"Sadly, Bonzai crossed the rainbow bridge on Thursday evening. His little body had reached the end of the line and the lovely staff at FFF helped transition him peacefully. Sweet Bonzai was supposed to just be a 2 week fling over Covid, but he suffered some complications following his neuter surgery and we kept him through his recovery. At that point, my son and I were bonded. It took him awhile to fully settle in, but he was always my Velcro dog, happiest when he was snuggled next to me on the couch. He had a very unique and stubborn personality and was not a playful dog but he settled into our family and eventually let me pick him up and love on him at will. He developed some neurological issues and his body slowly started to fail. But his mind was still sharp and you could see the frustration that his body wouldn’t cooperate. We cared for and helped him through it until his body made it clear it was tired. We will love and remember him always."



Acquired from: Rancho Cucamonga Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 11
Date of Rescue: March 31st, 2020
Date of Passing: 
Family: Edna Hunt
Fans: S and R



Acquired from: Rancho Cucamonga Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 9
Date of Rescue: March 31st, 2020
Date of Passing: January 3, 2022
Family: Janet Kohrmann
Fans: Jan Dally in memory of Reno

Tribute: On January 3rd, Janet fulfilled her promise to Frosted Face Jeffrey.

Jeffrey declined quickly as his liver values skyrocketed and he would not eat with supportive care. His mom was absolutely heartbroken to lose her little toothless cuddleman.



Acquired from: San Diego Humane Society
Age upon Rescue: 11
Date of Rescue: March 31st, 2020
Date of Passing: July 27th, 2020
Family: Barry & Lois Grigg
Fans: Susan Jamme
Tribute: On July 27th we fulfilled our promise to Matilda.

Matilda entered the shelter with ehrlichia and IMHA which we continued to treat and seemed to resolve. This week she was rushed to Animal Urgent Care because she was lethargic, pale, and nauseous. They discovered some blood in her abdomen. Her bloodwork, and clotting times were okay, but her platelets were on the low side along with her blood glucose. It was late and we needed an ultrasound because a FAST scan did not identify anything obvious, so considering she seemed stable, we hospitalized her and treated symptoms until morning.
Poor Matilda did not make it through the night.

Her mom shares,
"My heart is broken because my sweet Maddie (Matilda) has passed away. Four months was not enough with this sweet soul. I don’t know too much about her history except that she was picked up as a stray in Oceanside. I am so grateful to those that saw a purpose in her and her journey to Frosted Faces Foundation.

She was on a Froted Fling when I saw her picture and knew I just had to meet her. She fit into our family with ease and claimed her spot at the front door in the breeze. Never wanting a bed, just a rug to lay on. Someone’s loss was our gain.

I have learned so much about caring for a senior and applaud every adopter, Flinger and volunteer who so unselfishly go the extra mile to care for these precious dogs and cats. On April 11th, 2020, Kelly entrusted the care of Maddie to us and we will forever be grateful and blessed by what Maddie gave to us."



Acquired from: San Diego Humane Society
Age upon Rescue: 9
Date of Rescue: March 31st, 2020
Date of Passing: March 7th, 2025
Family: Carren & Paul Lindsay-Dial
Fans: Kirk Christiansen

Tribute: On March 7th, Paul and Carren fulfilled their promise to Frosted Face Sparky.

They shared,

"We just want to take this opportunity to thank Frosted Faces for bringing Sparky (aka Azul because he was dyed blue when he entered your arms) into our lives. He was my sobriety pooch! I needed something I could cuddle with, take on long walks, and love unconditionally.

The day we arrived at Frosted Faces to adopt a pooch, Sparky, who had just been returned after a failed possible adoption, looked into my eyes and wanted to jump into my lap. He found me!

We offered him the most loving home we could . He had survived being hit by a car and left for dead. He was extremely leery of people and mean towards other dogs. He was also extremely protective of me. He was cantankerous!

After a couple of years, he developed Cushing's, severe arthritis, mild heart issues, followed by Dementia. Dr. Russell was able to get the Cushing's under control, pain relief, and medication to easy the confusion from Dementia.

Sparky was only with us for 5 years, but it seemed like the longest five years of our lives. He learned to love the people that came into our home. He showed us how he appreciated and loved us through his actions, like how excited he would get when we returned home from short outings or long vacations.

We will miss our little Sparky, as we do all of the rescued pooches we've had over the years. We want to thank Frosted Faces for all you have done for us and others. You're the best! "

Etta James


Acquired from: Redlands Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 9
Date of Rescue: March 31st, 2020
Date of Passing: October 10th, 2022
Family: Diana Saucedo & Douglas Behner
Fans: John Sondereker, Katie Biddle

Tribute: On October 10th, Diana and Douglas fulfilled their promise to Frosted Face Etta after battling lung cancer.

They shared,

"I sadly report that today I fulfilled my promise to Etta James - Chiweenie extraordinaire! She had such an incredible hold on my heart. It has been hard to fathom when the time would come, but this morning I knew it was time. She was tired - while we got her strange seizure events under control (thank you!), her labored breathing and all the effort really did become the limiting factor. Combined with the terrible coughing fits she would get after getting up, being lifted or moving quickly, it was too much. I felt like she was on the precipice of having more bad days or truly difficult moments than good, for all the medicating effort, I still didn’t feel like I could mitigate her discomfort.

We napped together this morning and spent midday in the sun on a blanket in the grass visiting with neighbors. Dr Andrea from House Collar Vet came soon after and helped us lead her to peace. Bless her, she’s helped us with 4 beloved pets in the last three years. We’re as grateful as we are sorrowful.

Thank you to FFF for your support and for giving us the chance to experience the absolute MAGIC that is giving a frosted face a quality life. We had the best time with Etta - she gave me the most undying love and loyalty and I hope that I approximated the same. It was a pleasure and an honor to serve her and be loved by her. I will never be the same now. I know I’m in good company with other FF Adopters who share my same sorrow.

She felt like such peace when she left, which she needed and craved. Her spirit is still strong in the house, I hope she stays with us awhile yet. I already miss the sound and smell of her so keenly."



Acquired from: Coachella Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 8
Date of Rescue: April 1st, 2020
Date of Passing: April 22nd, 2023
Family: Kristen Figley
Fans: Karen Billington

Tribute: On April 22nd, Kristen fulfilled her promise to Frosted Face Piper.

She shared,

"Piper was the best decision I ever made! My heart hurts so much without her. She was a sun loving, lizard chasing sweetheart. She was such a good girl. She loved to sleep on me and steal all my blankets. She would get so excited when I would put fresh sheets and blankets on the bed. She would do her happy crawl all over them.

She loved watching TV especially old westerns with cows and horses. She loved her squeaky toys and playing tug of war. She was so good with everyone. Every vet I ever took her to fell in love with her and didn’t want her to leave. She will never be replaced. She gave me so much joy and I will love her always!!! Miss you so much my sweet baby girl."



Acquired from: Corona Animal Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 13
Date of Rescue: April 2nd, 2020
Date of Passing: 
Family: Paula Rushton
Fans: Lisa and David



Acquired from: Rancho Cucamonga Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 15
Date of Rescue: April 2nd, 2020
Date of Passing: December 1st, 2020
Family: Carolyn Harper
Fans: Susan Thomas, Matthew & Kristi Phillips
Tribute: On December 1st, Carolyn fulfilled her promise to Frosted Face Wanda.

She shares,

"I am sorry to inform all that Wanda passed away this morning at 4 am.

She had a terrific November, we all thought she was adjusted well. She had no more circling around and getting stuck in corners. She was on a routine daily and was content to roam the hall and living room. She had choices where she wanted to nap, her fav place ended up in the dining room on her cot listening to all the sounds around her all day long.

She was a terrific dog! She was happy to eat, drink. potty, and sleep. The last month she was great at letting me pick her up and snuggle her without her getting anxious. She really did get to know the sound of my voice. She had no desire for car rides or walks. She was happy to just find blankets and cots all over the house to relax on. She had a thing for clothes sitting in the laundry room. We would find her buried in them at times.

She was having a really bad time around 3:30am so I took her to the vet at 3:45am, they helped her on her way out. She was in my arms when she went."



Acquired from: Carlsbad Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 8
Date of Rescue: April 4th, 2020
Date of Passing: 
Family: Lucy Alto
Fans: Donor in memory of Kanga & Pebbles


Acquired from: San Diego Humane Society
Age upon Rescue: 10
Date of Rescue: April 3rd, 2020
Date of Passing: February 15th, 2023
Family: Natalie Buczkowski & Francis Weidinger
Fans: Betsy Mellor

Tribute: On February 15th, Natalie and Francis fulfilled their promise to Frosted Face Brownie after battling heart failure.

They shared,

"Thank you kindly to you, Alicia, Lexi, the two nurses and all of the wonderful FFF family. Brownie was lucky to be in your dear tender loving care.

You touch our hearts with the beautiful work you do. We are forever grateful to have had the honor to care for and love Brownie. His sweet little lovable soul was one of a kind. He made the world a brighter place. ❤️"



Acquired from: San Diego Humane Society- Oceanside
Age upon Rescue: 10
Date of Rescue: April 5th, 2020
Date of Passing: October 11th, 2021
Family: Adam & Jasmine Ko
Fans: Pancake
Tribute: On October 11th, Jasmine and Adam fulfilled their promise to Frosted Face Koda.

"We just wanted to let you know that we made the tough decision to let Koda (FF Kilo) cross the rainbow bridge earlier tonight. We had a checkup with our vet about 1.5 weeks ago. His heart failure had gotten worse this past month and his chest X-ray showed that his heart had gotten even more enlarged since last year. Even though we increased his meds, he got progressively worse these past two weeks. He was no longer eating regularly, losing even more control of his bodily functions, vomiting at least once a day, having diarrhea, painfully coughing and hacking, breathing really rapidly and always out of breath, and lost a lot of weight. Today, he was walking into walls and slipping and falling on our tile floors which he’s never done before. He appeared disoriented when we came home today.

We took him to our local emergency hospital in Chula Vista and we were with him when he passed.

Thank you for what you do to give dogs like Koda a second chance. We are so grateful to have been able to love and take care of Koda these past 18 months. We tried our best to give him a good retirement home."



Acquired from: San Diego Humane Society- Oceanside
Age upon Rescue: 9
Date of Rescue: April 5th, 2020
Date of Passing: March 22nd, 2021
Family: Lorna Rammon
Fans: Erin Brogren
Tribute: On March 22nd, Lorna fulfilled her promise to Frosted Face Oscar.

She remembers,

"Oscar went right to me so it was days before I realized that he was a very timid, fearful, barky dog inside, but when in a safe environment he was happy, playful, loved to jump, run, retrieve toys. and squeak toys until he "killed" the squeaker.

He was afraid of everyone in our neighborhood, except those walking dogs. He had been an outdoor dog so was happy to come in to lay on his daybed. It took him 3 months to figure out that food comes from the kitchen, and that there may be bits of food at the table too.

Oscar had been diagnosed with Kidney Disease and was on Subcutaneous Fluids every 4 days and usually was so good during the treatment, but then when it was over he didn't want to sit in my lap, or be cuddled for long.

He loved "dog walks" and with so much energy it was hard to believe he was 10 years and with a major diagnosis. He already knew sit and down, but also learned shake and sit, stay, & OK before each meal . Even the little bit of regurge/spitting up was solved by raising his dish 5 " so he wouldn't gulp air as he ate. On that day that he vomited a small amount with grass, I didn't think a thing of it. In 2 days I realized he was really sick and we were at the vet on Monday. Of course his blood work showed his kidney failure, but now he was diagnosed with a mass on his heart with an echo. We tapped the fluid to buy him more time, but it began refilling quickly. I wasn't quite ready to put him to sleep then, so I brought Oscar home for the weekend. The staff & Doctors at the SD Bay Animal Hospital were so kind and understanding."



Acquired from: San Diego Humane Society- Oceanside
Age upon Rescue: 9
Date of Rescue: April 5th, 2020
Date of Passing: 
Family: Mary Liesegang
Fans: Sabrina, Jonathan and Camden Chapman



Acquired from: San Diego Humane Society- Oceanside
Age upon Rescue: 7
Date of Rescue: April 5th, 2020
Date of Passing: 
Family: Jennifer Reid
Fans: Alexa Nealey & Family