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Enjoy scrolling through all of our Frosted Face senior animals who have benefit from our mission at Frosted Faces Foundation.  They are listed in order of date of rescue, including those that have passed. If you have been following a certain Frosted Face's story and would like to know how he/she is doing, please email us at

Please make note of animals still looking for families do not have anyone listed beside “Family.” View biographies and more photos at Available Frosted Faces, learn more about becoming a family and the different programs we offer. You can also help fund the care of Frosted Faces by registering as their monthly sponsoring Fan.  



Acquired from: OC Animal Care
Age upon Rescue: 10
Date of Rescue: May 11, 2021
Date of Passing:
Family: Georgia & Mike Irwin
Fans: J Hart Enterprises

gracie glow


Acquired from: OC Animal Care
Age upon Rescue: 12
Date of Rescue: May 11, 2021
Date of Passing: November 19, 2023
Family: Georgia & Mike Irwin
Fans: David Triemert

Tribute: On November 19th, Mike, Georgia, and Jeni fulfilled their promise to Frosted Face Gracie Glow.

Gracie battled Cushing's for a few years and in the end her quality of life diminished as a result of CCD. Her family shared,

"Gracie Glow came late into our lives, filled our life with love and laughter, and will remain in our hearts forever."



Acquired from: OC Animal Care
Age upon Rescue: 12
Date of Rescue: May 11, 2021
Date of Passing: January 3, 2022
Family: Jaclyn & Matthew Gang
Fans: Seth and Myra Cummings

Tribute: On January 3rd, Jaclyn fulfilled her promise to Frosted Face Toby after battling heart failure.

She shared,

"My little man is gone. His serenity, love, and understanding without words was immeasurable. We were together, night and day. We enjoyed wonderful walks and 'talks,' and he made friends everywhere he went. It's hard to believe in such a short time we became so close. I will always adore him. Thank you Frosted Faces for bringing him into my life."



Acquired from: OC Animal Care
Age upon Rescue: 11
Date of Rescue: May 11, 2021
Date of Passing: September 8, 2021
Family: Camille Andreasen & Cody Edgington
Fans: Angelique Riordan
Tribute: On September 8th, Camille and Cody fulfilled their promise to Frosted Face Clarabelle.

"We sadly ended up putting Clarabelle down at her vet appointment on Wednesday. I was worried and had a feeling it was time, but as sad as it was I knew the only other option was to watch her suffer. The tumor had spread to her nasal cavity and around her eye, which was what caused her to keep that eye closed for the last few days she was with us.

Let me take a moment to underscore the importance of the three months I had with Clarabelle, and why giving her that extra time was so worth it.

When she came to us, her and her brother Trucker were our 4th and 5th dogs. I knew that many dogs would be a lot, but the 3 dogs we had were SO easy so I figured it wouldn’t be too bad. Well, I was super wrong, at first. Trucker marks all over the house and he and Clarabelle were snappy at me, at the other dogs, and even at each other. At one point I felt in over my head when Clarabelle bit me for trying to guide her outside to go potty before bed. Well, I adjusted instead of being impatient. I stayed determined to show them love over and over again. We got a baby gate installed so they would stay out of the kitchen and not be so snappy about food. I used a slip leash every night to take them out potty until I found out how to guide Clarabelle by the collar without the leash. I cleaned up so much pee because I would take her outside and she would wait until she walked back inside to immediately pee on the floor.

But do you know what happened? One day I called her outside and she came with her tail wagging instead of running in the opposite direction and shrinking to the floor afraid. We cooked in the kitchen without closing the baby gate because she stopped snapping at everyone over food. She stopped peeing on the floor right after being outside and started asking to be let out to potty on the patio (she never really made it all the way to the grass, but she tried!!). The day I knew we made it was when I realized it didn’t hurt to give her pills anymore. She hadn’t just learned how to not bite me, but she took the treats so incredibly gently so that she wouldn’t hurt me. This girl who didn’t give a crap about what was between her and food was going slow just to be nice to me. I think I cried. She asked me for pets and licked my hand. She crawled on Cody’s lap when he stopped petting her just to snuggle. She cuddled with all of our other dogs and was so nice to them. She loved us. She trusted us.

If she didn’t have those three months, she would have died feeling scared, untrusting, and wondering where her family was. Instead she got to pass away in my arms while I bawled about how good she was and how much I would miss her.

That is what we give these senior and hospice dogs. We’re giving them the peace, comfort, trust, security, and love that they may not have ever gotten. I love you Clarabelle, thank you for teaching me that patience and love is always the answer. ❤️🐶🐾🌈"

Ellie Mae


Acquired from: OC Animal Care
Age upon Rescue: 10
Date of Rescue: May 11, 2021
Date of Passing: October 20, 2023
Family: Paul & Mary Middlebrook
Fans: Alison Coutts

Tribute: On October 20th, Paul and Mary fulfilled their promise to Frosted Face Ellie Mae.

She went on short walks around the block, watched TV on her dad's lap, and slept in bed with the couple. Ellie did a little dance for every meal! It was when she started coughing and her walks seemed harder that triggered her parents to take her to the vet. they learned she was in congestive heart failure and treated her as long as her little body would let them.

They relayed they never loved a little dog together as much as their Ellie Mae.



Acquired from: Downey Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 10
Date of Rescue: May 11, 2021
Date of Passing:
Family: Clara & John Nilles
Fans: David Triemert



Acquired from: Downey Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 8
Date of Rescue: May 11, 2021
Date of Passing:
Family: Kristie Campbell
Fans: Amy Serpa, Judy H.



Acquired from: Downey Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 12
Date of Rescue: May 11, 2021
Date of Passing: February 8, 2023
Family: Elena & Paul Frick
Fans: Elena Frick, Beth El

Tribute: On February 8th, Paul and Elena fulfilled their promise to Frosted Face Jacie.

They shared,

"Paul and I are very sad. We loved Jacie so much, she was an angel that taught us more than any other dog we have ever had. Her resilience was a lesson in life. The scars on her body showed a hard life, but she survived, I am sure she forgave and went on to loving us with all of her heart!

She became part of our clan very fast, her furry brother and sister took her in right away, she always wanted to be with us and oh my goodness did she love food!!!!!!!!! She was pure love and with her eyes she could melt everybody's heart. We adopted her thinking she would be with us for only a few months, but we had a wonderful one year and a half with her. Rest in Peace our sweet angel Jacie, until we meet again!!!!!! Thank you FFF for letting us be her family, we'll be forever grateful!!!!!!"

Upon Jacie's passing Elena and Paul donated $540, $1 for every day they got to spend with her.



Acquired from: Downey Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 8
Date of Rescue: May 11, 2021
Date of Passing:
Family: Rhonda Loe
Fans: Laura Shadle, In Loving Memory of Dolly



Acquired from: Downey Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 11
Date of Rescue: May 11, 2021
Date of Passing:
Family: Christopher and Jennifer French
Fans: Lisa Switzer



Acquired from: Downey Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 12
Date of Rescue: May 11, 2021
Date of Passing: May 19th, 2021
Family: Frosted Faces Foundation
Fans: RZ
Tribute: On May 19th, we fulfilled our promise to Frosted Face Hagrid.

Hagrid was brought into Downey Shelter as a stray and was not claimed. He was matted tightly around his paws and body, with poop caked into each knot.

Debbie Toups had the honor of giving Hagrid his freedom ride to FFF where he went straight to the vet. The shelter had started him on medication because he had a runny nose. We did bloodwork, x-rays, and a respiratory panel on him. Diagnostics showed elevated kidney values and his respiratory PCR came back negative for all indicators.

We could not take Hagrid to the groomer because he may have been contagious, so Dolores did her best home haircut on him to make him clean and comfortable. We gave him subQ fluids and antibiotics for as long as he was eating.

When he stopped eating we hospitalized Hagrid for a couple of days, but he was struggling to maintain his temperature. We brought him home for the night to monitor him and prepare to say our goodbyes. Alicia rocked Hagrid on the patio, and he slept between Andy and I that evening.

In the early morning of May 19th Hagrid started having seizures. His little body was so tired and we helped him cross at Animal Emergency Clinic of San Diego.

Receiving dogs like Hagrid at the end of their lives is devastating for all of us, and we can only hope that even though Hagrid didn't know where he was or who we were- he felt familiarity of being held safely in loving arms.



Acquired from: Camp Pendleton Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 14
Date of Rescue: May 11, 2021
Date of Passing: October 13, 2022
Family: Erica Duran
Fans: Scar in memory of Kung Fu, Linda Oak

Tribute: On October 13th, Erica and fulfilled her promise to Frosted Face Pugsley.

Erica shared,

"Pugsley was 15 pounds of grunting, wheezing, stumbling, farting, belching, beeping, gasping, barking, mostly blind, one-eyed, deaf love. He was my forever dog. He was my best friend, and he was my shadow. For Halloween this year we were going to make him a shirt that simply said “Mommy’s #1 Fan” because as much as he loved everyone, he loved me most of all. He always greeted me with pure joy and love and dozens of ankle licks.

When I adopted him a year and a half ago, I had no idea so much in my own life was about to change. He and I became inseparable, and whether he wanted to be or not (he did!), he became my emotional support animal. HE rescued ME. And for my kiddos? He brought so much laughter and love to every day they spent with him. When they weren’t home, they asked me to send pictures of him or FaceTime with him. My son made up a British accent for him, and a full backstory of his life, and a personality where Pugsley spoke only in the third person. Because he was deaf, we realized he’d never learned the kids’ names, so when my son spoke as Pugsley, he always referred to the kids’ as “small boy” and “small girl.” In their backstory, Pugsley went on many adventures. In real life, they took him on every adventure they could. They loved him enough in a year and a half to fill all 16 of his years.

Our hearts are broken. Our house is quiet. My bed is empty. As I sit here writing this, I am fully aware that he should be taking his “work nap” at my feet, under my desk. He’s not.

We weren’t expecting him to go so soon, and the truth is, we never would have been ready for him to go at all. Thank you Pugs for 18 months of unconditional love. We miss you so very much."



Acquired from: OC Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 11
Date of Rescue: May 12, 2021
Date of Passing: July 1, 2023
Family: Brooke Squiller & Dillon Howarth
Fans: Bonnie Sposato

Tribute: On June 1st, Brooke and Dillon fulfilled their promise to Frosted Face Sharkie.

They shared,

"My dearest Sharkadilapotamus,

It's been 1 month since you've left us and life just isn't the same without you. The night you left us to go be with Colbie and FF Marley was so scary and yet you stayed so strong for us while we were falling apart around you. You were so strong that night that your dad wondered if the vet was wrong. But when you laid down in that room instead of immediately mapping it, we knew he was right and you were ready. The shock of losing you took a week to completely kick in. I swear I kept hearing you in the house sharking around and running into things.

The house is empty without you and yet your presence is felt everywhere. It's impossible not to watch a nature documentary and go "omg that's so Shark!" whenever we see a baby elephant, walrus, elephant seal or hippo. They bring back fond memories of all your weird little movements and habits. But in all truth, how did we not realize you were a straight up rhinoceros?! I always thought you were part shark-part hippo, but no! We recently saw a nature documentary with rhino and yep, you're a straight up rhino. Maybe you'll get to meet one over there beyond the rainbow bridge.

We only had 2 years with you, but you taught us so much that time that made us better people and better pet parents. You taught us to be patient and accommodating, that not everything is about us. We didn't realize how much of an adjustment it would be to our lifestyles to have a blind and almost entirely deaf dog, but we figured it out together. You stole my crown of the most stubborn creature Dillon has ever met. And omg did you teach us how to clip the nails of a dog that absolutely hates it and flails like she's trying to escape death itself (yes, I know you thought 3 people was excessive, but it was necessary!).

We never knew what your life had been like before us, but we do know that we made the last 2 years of your life the best years we could. You were a homebody, but you loved being outside when it was hot, so we tried to let you spend as much time outside as possible when it was sunny. I will forever miss your air humping when you first got in a car, your snores that you could hear from the next room and the way you'd roll around on the floor to scratch your back and the little bicycle kicks you would do. You loved people, but little humans were your absolute favorite. Mika misses you by the way. She used to sing Baby Shark whenever she would see you and she still asks about you.

Last night, the night of your 1 month anniversary, I dreamt about you. And I remember thinking, "wait, Sharkie, you're dead. Holy crap! I'm lucid dreaming! Oh Sharkadillow! I miss you so much! Come here!" You could see and hear and you came waddling towards me with a huge smile on your face - the same one you had when you would stand in the front yard facing the sun and stare at it for like 10 minutes straight. We sat down together in the grass (you didn't have allergies anymore!) and just hung out together like we used to. It was perfect. It felt like it was you saying goodbye to me and telling me you were okay.

We miss you so much little Sharkadillo, but will forever be thankful that you never suffered at the end. Waddle free my love."



Acquired from: OC Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 12
Date of Rescue: May 12, 2021
Date of Passing:
Family: Nieco McCabe & Cynthia Smith
Fans: RZ



Acquired from: Bonita Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 11
Date of Rescue: May 18, 2021
Date of Passing: June 5, 2021
Family: Monica Rushing
Fans: Kathy Cleveland

Tribute: UPDATE: Russell had exploratory surgery today to remove fluid from his abdomen and find the primary cause. The vet discovered that his gall bladder had cancer all over it, and was adhered to his liver and diaphragm causing metastasis. It had ruptured in his abdomen causing sepsis. We did move forward removing his gall bladder and flushing him out, however, he arrested around hour two of surgery and they could not get his little heart beating again.

We are so thankful that you had his back and were rooting for him. When he was surrendered to the shelter the family suspected something was wrong with him, and I am sure that this caused the symptoms.

Russell's mom, Monica, is so sad. She just adopted him a week ago. We are returning his ashes to her as he will be privately cremated along with a clay paw print.


Sweet Russell was adopted just last week and his new mom knew that his days may be numbered given his previous owners noted behavioral changes and our diagnostics pointed to nonregenerative anemia.

Russell had a follow up ultrasound this week to go looking for changes and causes of the labwork. His belly was full of clear fluid that wasn't there last week on x-ray and his new labs showed a spike in his WBC to 60k! His nonregenerative had oddly resolved.

We moved Russell to Animal Emergency Clinic of San Diego last night where he is undergoing an exploratory surgery today. They will flush out the fluid, test it, place a drain, and go looking for the primary cause of the fluid.



Acquired from: Bonita Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 12
Date of Rescue: May 18, 2021
Date of Passing: January 1, 2023
Family: Cynthia Aleyseychuk
Fans: RZ

Tribute: On January 1st, Cynthia fulfilled her promise to Frosted Face Scotty.

She shared, "To all the people who follow Frosted Faces, and who knew Scotty. I was lucky enough to have him for a year and a half. I woke to find that he had passed on New Year's Day.

My heart is broken. He was such a blessing to me. He loved to bask in the sun on the patio. He followed me to every room in our home .

I knew that he was older when I got him and that my time with him would be short, but I didn't expect it to end this soon.

He brought me such joy and everywhere I took him people loved him. Even though he had cataracts he knew his way around our home and our neighborhood.

Memories of him keep flooding my mind. He was not a barker. He loved getting his belly and his neck rubbed.

I took him to the dog park in Encinitas. I unleashed him and he would walk around on his own investigating. Once three large dogs ran right past him, and he turned his head toward them and barked at them as if he were telling him to slow down. He made me laugh. He couldn't wait to go out for walks and even a drive in the car. He liked to sit in my lap.

And I want to thank all of my friends and family, who have consoled me.

He will be greatly missed.

I also want to thank Frosted Faces for allowing me to be his mom."



Acquired from: Bonita Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 8
Date of Rescue: May 18, 2021
Date of Passing:
Family: Carol & Barry Rice
Fans: Anonymous



Acquired from: spcaLA South Bay
Age upon Rescue: 10
Date of Rescue: May 18, 2021
Date of Passing:
Family: Alanna Koehler
Fans: Susan Garcia



Acquired from: Chula Vista Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 8
Date of Rescue: May 18, 2021
Date of Passing: March 16, 2024
Family: Cheryl and Linda Williams
Fans: Amy Thornton

Tribute: On March 16th, Cheryl fulfilled her promise to Frosted Face Sanders.

She shared,

"Sanders, Sando, Sanderman!

My beautiful Baby Boy has crossed over the

Rainbow Bridge.

Lion-hearted, tenacious, spunky and brave,

Yet sweet, gentle, patient and loving.

Sighing, mumbling, grumbling, never barking,

Your quiet presence meant the world.

Gazing up with your soulful brown eyes,

Pure contentment and joy.

Thank you for being my baby,

So grateful that I got to be your mom.

Love you forever with all that I am,

Be free and rest in love.

P.S. Thank you Frosted Faces for bringing

Sanders into my life and for all that you did

for him!"



Acquired from: South LA Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 8
Date of Rescue: May 25, 2021
Date of Passing: October 28, 2022
Family: Lori Biewen & Adam Trammell
Fans: Donor in memory of Bentley the Rottweiler, Sarah Turner, Kathryn and Tom Iannucci - in loving memory of Belle & Mo

Tribute: On October 28th, Lori and Adam fulfilled their promise to Frosted Face Bentley after pain could no longer be managed caused by osteosarcoma in his shoulder.

They shared,

"Dear Bentley,

16 months, not enough time. Who are we kidding, an eternity would not have been enough time with you. You were the perfect dog for us. We loved you hard and you loved us hard back.

I wanted to help a senior and also wanted a Saint Bernard. You were both in one perfect package. You were meant to be our baby boy. You Loved belly rubs, car rides, doing zoomies, taking over most of the couch but most of all just us all being together.

The house is still full but it feels so empty without you here. We can’t stop crying, we just want you here with us. You have impacted our lives forever. At some point, we will help another Saint in your honor.

16 months, not enough time but we’d do it all over again. We Love you Bub, always and forever. Momma and Papa.

The power of loving and being loved by a giant dog is equaled only by the heartache of knowing our time together will be short. "



Acquired from: Riverside Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 8
Date of Rescue: May 25, 2021
Date of Passing: August 4, 2022
Family: Kim & Dave Wilson
Fans: Kimberlie Chase

Tribute: They shared,

"We went to Frosted Faces on July 4th, 2021 to fill our lives with a new friend. The moment I saw Birdie (fka Ione) I told Dave I knew she would be coming home with us. She was gentle and calm as we watched her stumble around the yard. We knew she was our girl and we loved her instantly! Birdie was the sweetest girl and she had the biggest smile. She loved to run around the backyard and take long walks in the evenings. Her instincts as a cattle dog were on point and she would try and herd her sister Gracie around the yard. Birdie brought so much laughter and joy into our lives. She bonded deeply with Dave, as they sat together under the tree on her first day home. She loved nothing more than to be with him. In his arms, on walks, or snuggling in a chair, she would close her eyes and smile. The incredible strength she showed as she endured her ailments and carried on was such an inspiration. We would watch her play, as all four feet left the ground and she’d stumble around and sometimes fall down but we’d pick her up and she’d just keep going. Birdie was so full of love that she’d stop anytime to give you a kiss. When we realized that her body was really struggling and she was experiencing more pain and discomfort we knew we were on ‘quality of life’ watch. Dr. Russell helped us understand what it meant. Her condition progressed quickly and we knew we could no longer keep her with us, it was time to let her fly home. It was so deeply painful to say goodbye and know that her sweet face would not be smiling back at us another day. We loved her enough to let her go and that love will stay with us forever. Goodbye our sweet Bird, fly my darling girl. WE LOVE YOU!"



Acquired from: Harbor Shelte
Age upon Rescue: 12
Date of Rescue: May 25, 2021
Date of Passing: May 2, 2024
Family: Shelby & Edward Smock
Fans: Carolina, Aimee Pedemonte and Nixon Jaimes

Tribute: On May 2nd, Shelby fulfilled her promise to Frosted Face Simon.

She shared,

"I have absolutely dreaded the day I would have to sit down to write this post. I wish none of us ever had to experience this hurt with our frosted face babies. On Thursday of this week, we fulfilled our promise to FF Simon. The little guy has been battling a mysterious skin problem since February. He’s been to several vets, tried tons of medication, shots, and even went to see a dermatologist. Unfortunately, after battling for so long we found out this week that he actually had subcutaneous lymphoma and it was attacking his skin. We tried for so long to just make him comfortable. When we took him in on Thursday he unfortunately had labored breathing and was declining. He was bleeding internally from the cancer and there was nothing we could do but let him rest. I wanted him to just have a little more time with us because his one and only wish in this world was to be in my arms 24/7. It’s so hard to do anything now because I took Simon everywhere in his stroller, i slept with Simon in my arms every night, I carried Simon around the house every day with me to do chores, Simon was my forever newborn really.

When I went to Frosted Faces in summer of 2021, my husband had recently deployed for the 4th time, I was lonely and needed a buddy. I went in looking for a dog that would likely not be chosen first by others. I saw Simon laying on a dog bed and he immediately let me pick him up and snuggled into my arms. I knew right then that he had actually chosen me and I could never let that little guy go. I was his safe place and he deserved to feel safe every day for the rest of his life. From that day on, as long as Simon was with me, he was content. If he wasn’t with me, well I’m sure some of you know, he would get loud and make his opinion known. He was a feisty little dude and he would make sure people knew not to mess with him lol. His attitude was honestly the highlight of a lot of my days. He would send my husband off to work with a friendly nip and growl every morning, and when he stopped doing that, we knew he was just so tired and needed some relief. Simon genuinely gave me the best few years ever and i am so eternally grateful to the Frosted Faces team and everyone who had a hand in helping Simon throughout the years…. Especially the vet techs that endured a few bites from him. (I’m so sorry ahaha)

Simon did not have a boring life living with us. He went on countless adventures and vacations with my husband and I, he even went on a plane all the way to Missouri to meet his grandparents and great grandparents. He absolutely loved people watching and smelling the fresh air. I included some photos of our adventures together. The only time that Simon and I were apart for more than a couple hours at a time was when I was having surgery. We were right next to each other every day and right now I feel like I'm constantly forgetting/missing something every time I leave without a little furry guy in my arms. My favorite memories with Simon include going to a ton of different lakes, going to big bear, Idyllwild, Missouri, and even taking him on a boat ride. We made sure that he had as many adventures as possible despite his disabilities, we had to make up for his life before us! He deserved to see the world!!! Please enjoy some of my favorite photos of our adventures together, I want to show how much happiness Simon brought everyone around him."



Acquired from: Riverside Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 9
Date of Rescue: May 25, 2021
Date of Passing:
Family: Sabrina Phouthakesone
Fans: Lynn Petolicchio

Celia Mae


Acquired from: Riverside Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 10
Date of Rescue: May 25, 2021
Date of Passing: November 29th, 2021
Family: Laura Ponsor
Fans: Meyer Mutts, Kopp Family, Lauranlisa Ponsor in Memory of Outlaw
Tribute: On November 29th, Laura and Lisa fulfilled their promise to Frosted Face Celia Mae.

"July 18,2021

I will always remember that day… it was the first time Celia Mae touched my heart…. And that is where she has been ever since.

I knew at that moment she would always be apart of my life.

I loved everything single moment we spent together.

I wanted to bring her home, but we had just adopted a very scared little rescue who still needed time to settle in.

We introduced Fontana to Celia Mae in small outings. It took time, but Fontana finally said he was ready and on September 3, 2021

Celia Mae was family and she was home.

Celia Mae loved life and everything about it. She loved her little brother more than anything. Celia Mae was Fontana’s purpose. He was very protective of her and always keeps a watchful eye on her.

The bond between them was beautiful to see.

Celia Mae loved her walks in the neighborhood, helping in the yard, she especially loved helping in the kitchen hoping for a sample!! She loved blueberries and the warm sunshine. She loved her Sunday afternoon acupuncture sessions with Dr.Lipman.

I could see that Celia Mae’s body was getting tired…. She rallied for Thanksgiving. But I could tell she was ready. I honored her wishes and on Monday morning November 29th I gave her, her beautiful wings.

Martin Preschtel describes grief and praise as the same thing.

“Grief is praise, because it is the natural way love honors what it misses”.

Praise for someone that’s gone isn’t praise for the dead, it’s praise for the fact that they were alive. And Celia Mae was alive enough that I grieved her before she was gone, and I will praise her until my end.

Fly free my beautiful butterfly….

Thank you for choosing me "



Acquired from: Rancho Cucamonga Animal Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 15
Date of Rescue :May 25, 2021
Date of Passing: September 9, 2024
Family: Melanie Granfors & Jim Ito
Fans: Nancy Dagdag

Tribute: On September 9th, Jim and Melanie fulfilled their promise to Frosted Face Carlisle.

They shared,

"Carlisle lived for a full 18 years before he started to decline. We loved him passionately for three years after he became a Frosted Face.

He was crooked and toothless—but he wore it very well.

He toddled around the block every morning with our devoted neighbor. He could find his way around the house like a champ. He knew which bed he wanted to be in and which room of the house he wanted it placed.

There are so many pictures of him curled up into a delicious caramel colored doughnut. It was his signature pose.

His demise in the form of bad nights that took a toll on all of us. He protested loudly against the pain & confusion of that awful CCD. The disorder made him snappy & scared. It put hallucinations in his head and zapped the strength from his legs.

Our darling Carlisle let us know he was ready to go with signature style. It was a look in those beautiful doe eyes that comforted us and told us: “I’m tired of the struggles and I’m ready for peace.”

We are so grateful we could give that to him.

Toddle around in paradise, darling. You will never be forgotten."



Acquired from: Coachella Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 10
Date of Rescue: May 25, 2021
Date of Passing:
Family: Renee Pitera



Acquired from: Coachella Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 5
Date of Rescue: May 25, 2021
Date of Passing:
Family: Renee Pitera



Acquired from: OC Animal Care
Age upon Rescue: 7
Date of Rescue: May 25, 2021
Date of Passing:
Family: Nichole Gooch
Fans: Luanna Connor



Acquired from: OC Animal Care
Age upon Rescue: 12
Date of Rescue: May 25, 2021
Date of Passing: February 18, 2025
Family: Nichole Gooch
Fans: Alison Breidenstein

Tribute: On February 18th, Nichole fulfilled her promise to Frosted Face Sambo.

She shared,

"I am sad to inform you that I had to put Sambo down two weeks ago. He had cancer and even though he was doing good for a while, he developed an external tumor that was about to rupture. I did not want him to suffer or experience unnecessary pain, and he was just too old to endure a surgery, so with the counsel of my vet, made the decision to 'send him up.' I promise these fur babies that I will keep them happy, healthy and comfortable as long as I can and when the time comes to release them of any pain and “send them up” to the rainbow bridge.

Sojo is doing ok, but she is a little lost at times. They were a bonded pair, so I think she is missing her other half. Here are some of my favorite pics of the little guy. I want to thank you all again for allowing me to adopt such a wonderful dog. He brought me so much joy. My friends and family loved him almost as much as I did. He really showed me that you just need your basic needs met (a place to call home, food, walks and a few medications) and a whole lot of love and you will thrive regardless of any past bad experiences or physical ailments."

Scarlett Grace


Acquired from: OC Animal Care
Age upon Rescue: 12
Date of Rescue: May 25, 2021
Date of Passing: March 11, 2022
Family: Sue King
Fans: DS

Tribute: On March 11th, Sue fulfilled her promise to Frosted Face Scarlett Grace.

Sue shared,

"I picked Scarlett Grace up from FFF on June 4, 2021, and on March 11, 2022 I held her at FFF as she passed away peacefully in my arms. Nine months seven days wasn’t long enough, but each day was a blessing.

It started as a Fling, and I cared for her as she recovered from surgery where her whole right mammary chain, along with tumors were removed. During that time, Scarlett became very attached to me, and I to her. When I found out she had mammary cancer, there wasn’t any way I was going to let her go. In October 2021 Scarlett had a 2nd surgery, and four months later the cancer had spread to her lungs.

We had a special bond, and Scarlett would seek me out to be held and loved on. It didn’t matter if someone was home with her, if she knew I was gone, she’d sit at the back door and wait, barking on and off until I got home. Boy, would that tail wag when she greeted me. I had to put a collar with a bell on it for her, as she walked so softly through the house, I didn’t know when she needed to go out (unlike the other dogs whose nails on the tile sounded like a herd of elephants!)

These last few weeks I loved on her hard and long. Holding her multiple times a day, and telling her how much I loved her. During her time with me, Scarlett was able to experience many outings, often with the current FFF Fling. We went to Old Town, Fiesta Island, Lake Murray and local parks. I really think our most special times were here at home, when she snuggled into my arms, and knew she was loved.

Scarlett was one tough cookie, never letting cancer get in her way to enjoy life. Up to a couple hours before she passed away, she ate her breakfast, walked herself outside for a potty break, and had a treat, even though her breathing was becoming more labored.

The vet staff made time to see Scarlett, and Dr. Russell told me her lungs were congested, and it really was time. Scarlett loved sitting in the sunshine and feeling the wind in her face. That’s where we sat for the last time, in the sunshine with the wind in her face, as I stroked her soft fur and whispered, I love you. She was at peace, and even through my tears, so was I. I’ll love you forever Scarlett Grace."

Rocky Dean


Acquired from: OC Animal Care
Age upon Rescue: 10
Date of Rescue: May 25, 2021
Date of Passing:
Family: Alicia Curtis & John Wong-Martinez
Fans: Taren Hoffos



Acquired from: OC Animal Care
Age upon Rescue: 7
Date of Rescue: May 25, 2021
Date of Passing:
Family: Vicki Ross
Fans: Marta Palos



Acquired from: Ramona Humane Society
Age upon Rescue: 17
Date of Rescue: May 26, 2021
Date of Passing: May 28th, 2021
Family: Frosted Faces Foundation
Fans: RZ
Tribute: After a year long pandemic and a "shortage" of dogs to adopt (what a crazy cool problem!), now all of the senior dogs are getting dumped in the shelter system and we are trying to keep up. I think what is most shocking is that we are seeing a lot of dogs who are suffering being abandoned. When we exit dogs like these, it’s considered a “Compassion Pull.” You invest in the diagnostics that they deserve, and press on with hope and courage inevitably while making tough decisions.

Enter Riggs. 17 year old Riggs entered Ramona Humane Society as a stray. Cindy Sorenson did a great job desperately networking him, Lina Leslie coordinated transport on behalf of FFF, and Chris Burns and Deb Barnes split the big drive from San Jacinto down to San Diego. Riggs already had a big team of support!

He went straight to College Animal Hospital where we did bloodwork, x-rays, and a fastscan. Dr. Hasak discovered a very large bladder tumor that filled his whole bladder organ. It was so big you could feel it just by palpating his bladder! We agreed to put him on pain medication, get him home to FFF, and monitor his potty habits.

We gave him a bath, cut his nails, and rocked him. Not knowing him at all, we noticed that he seemed lost. He hung his head down low, struggled to place his front feet, and was head pressing against walls.

We warmed up some chicken, hid his pills in cheese- winner winner chicken dinner! He loved to eat! We made him a lick mat with peanut butter that was the cat's pajamas, and he walked around with a bully stick in his mouth.

...right into a corner where he cried frantically and didn't know how to get out of it. Where he then slinked to the ground as his front legs knuckled and we scooped him up to put him back on his bed.

Later in the day we noticed that he would stand and squat to potty, pee for about 5 seconds and then continue trying to push more out.

I can see how his family had a hard time letting him go, especially if they loved him for the good part of 17 years. He certainly appeared normal while he was immediately engaged with something related to food.

We are honestly just really lucky to have the professionals telling us what to look for to measure quality and a wealth of experience from dogs prior to whom we can compare his quality.

On Friday, May 28th, we fulfilled our promise to Riggs. The decision was easy, to tell you the truth. Imagine having a tumor in your bladder making you feel like you always had to go potty. Imagine finding your only comfort in food and being in distress in all other circumstances.

Riggs knew the compassion of a handful of volunteers and veterinarians who loved him enough to let him go.



Acquired from: Downey Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 14
Date of Rescue: May 26, 2021
Date of Passing: June 20th, 2022
Family: Cornelia Koch
Fans: Lisa Chiarelli, Michelle May, Jacquie, David Lloyd

Tribute: On June 20th, Cornelia fulfilled her promise to Frosted Face Cici.

Cici was surrendered to the shelter during a vestibular episode from which she recovered. She lived such a nice life with her adoptive mom where she got to go to the park and play with toys. Most importantly, she accommodated her.

When Cici had ear infections she went to the vet, when she got pressure sores on her elbows, her mom learned how to dress them! We also treated her for Cushing's Disease and monitored her values regularly. She was so lucky to finally have that attentive care from her new mom. In the end, Cici was not thriving and Cornelia selflessly let her go.

Cornelia shared after Cici's passing, "It is hard to imagine a life without her."



Acquired from: Bonita Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 10
Date of Rescue: June 2, 2021
Date of Passing: April 30, 2023
Family: Patricia Sofi
Fans: Sweep Glory & Pest Plett

Tribute: On April 30th, Patricia fulfilled her promise to Frosted Face Storm.

Storm was her constant companion, treated to many walks each day, even doggie day care for enrichment and regular stops at the groomer. On Storm's last day, Patricia laid by his side spooning him as an in home vet peacefully let him go to eliminate suffering.



Acquired from: Camp Pendleton Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 10
Date of Rescue: June 3, 2021
Date of Passing: July 16th, 2021
Family: Matt Raschke & Sabrina Phouthakesone
Fans: Ryan Malina, Ray Heller
Tribute: On July 16th, Sabrina and Matt fulfilled their promise to Frosted Face Ranch.

Ranch lived a life of neglect until the best day that ever happened to him when he was confiscated by animal control. He got a bath, consistent meals, and exercise.

Volunteer, Ray, loved Ranch dearly and brought him to FFF so we could help find placement. We did dental surgery on his rotten teeth and placed him with a time tested foster family. He enjoyed the comforts of an oversized Costco bed, he frequented breweries, and finally felt what it was like to be part of a family getting pets and goodnight kisses.

A sudden decline and an ER visit diagnosed every lymph node enlarged and a cytology indicating lymphoma. The news was devastating and unexpected.

Sabrina shared, "1 month and 3 days. That is all the wonderful time we got to give you. 33 days. In that time, Mama was working hard to get you adopted even though we knew we loved you. When we took you home, we told Kelly we would probably fall in love with you and the foster situation was really a joke as soon as we left the site. With no adoption appointments in the time we had you, and with some interest, we discussed just keeping you but life had other plans. I am typically the planner between the two of us, but nobody could have foreseen this. Matt got everything figured out up to the last second and he is going to write our final tribute."

Matt shared, "Some things happen fast. We fell in love with him fast. He realized this was his home fast. He knew we were his new parents fast, and just as fast. lymphoma took our sweet boy and in a flash he was gone.

When we first met him we knew right away that he was our next boy. Took not but 30 seconds for us to see how beautiful, loving & energetic he was. After one stress riddled day of adapting to his new home he found his brother Beckett’s presence calmed him. He realized that our home was his and it was a safe happy place where we would love him and cuddle with him as long as he would let us. He quickly adjusted to life with us and Beck. He was a perfect gentleman with so much loving energy. Sometimes his anxiety would get the best of him but when we were both around he would become calm and come by to say hi for pets and kisses.

Today, Sabrina and I had to make the hard decision of letting Mr. Ranch sleep. Lymphoma kicked in fast and his suffering came even faster. We feel that he was trying to tell us something these past few days but realizing that he was doing everything he could to be close to us and Beckett any chance he got no matter how hard it was for him to move or go on walks. We knew that he was suffering too much to let it go on any longer. The wonderful doctor at College Animal Hospital on El Cajon let us come in with him and hold him while we said goodbye and we were able to be with him every second. We loved him as soon as we met him and we always will. Goodbye sweet boy. Mom & Dad love you so much.

Thank you Frosted Faces for letting us have him & love him till the very end. Sabrina and I are eternally grateful for you for giving us both of our boys."

Dolly Louise


Acquired from: San Diego Humane Society - El Cajon
Age upon Rescue: 12
Date of Rescue: June 8, 2021
Date of Passing: June 18, 2023
Family: Charity Edgar & Dan Jochum
Fans: Jane Nguyen, Marisa Salas

Tribute: On June 18th, Dan and Charity fulfilled their promise to Frosted Face Dolly Louise.

They shared,

"Friday night Dolly Louise was feeling a bit under the weather and we thought she had caught the bug our foster dog had. By yesterday morning after duty her condition worsened so off to Urgent Care she went. It was a dynamic experience there and eventually she returned when the provided meds didn’t help and she continued to decline significantly in just hours. It was hard to see.

It turns out she had pyometra from never being fixed. She didn’t have the surgery earlier because when she was under to have mammary masses removed she didn’t do well - her blood pressure dropped and they struggled to bring her out of it. Compounded with her heart issues, collapsed trachea and other concerns from the vet and the last experience of her going under, we unexpectedly said goodbye to our sweet Dolly Louise last night.

There’s something so special about senior dogs yet even more heartbreaking in some ways because all the time in the world is never enough. We brought home a Frosted Faces listed as having an unfavorable outcome due to her myriad of medical issues. And yet we were lucky to have almost two years with this special, tiny, furry family member.

Sometimes chihuahuas get a bad rap but Dolly disproved that with her sweet and silly demeanor. She loved no less than three walks a day, snuggles, Dan’s homemade food, and kids and adults alike - she needed all the pets and demanded you rub her tum if she especially liked you.

A couple weeks ago I took Dolly to the Woof Walk on base. She went last year and loved it and I almost didn’t take her this year since I was running late. I’m so glad I did.

We love and miss you, Dolly Louise. I know Cocoa escorted you across the Rainbow bridge."

Willy Mays


Acquired from: San Diego Humane Society - El Cajon
Age upon Rescue: 8
Date of Rescue: June 8, 2021
Date of Passing: January 8, 2024
Family: Sirena Denton
Fans: Stephanie Tillman

Tribute: On January 8th, Sirena fulfilled her promise to Frosted Face Willy.

She shared,

"It’s taken me while to finally sit down and do this post about my sweet Willy boy. In January, Willy passed unexpectedly in his sleep. I still think about it every day on how I could have done something to prevent it but it happened so fast. I miss him so much.

We brought Willy home in June of 2021. Funny story. He was not in my original pick of three for meet ups with his then sister, now passed, Buffy. Each dog was brought out one by one and Buffy and each dog seemed uninterested. So last minute I looked on FFF page and in the littles yard and spotted mister Willy Mays. Buffy and Willy immediately sniffed bums and greeted each other and as soon as we got home, I knew they were the perfect match. Long story short, they loved each other along with my moms and grandmas dogs. He could be a grump at times but always got excited seeing his fur family. Willy loved walks and eventually loved the beach. The first time he got in the water was an accident. He went running with another dog who happened to run thru the water and boom! Willy’s in the water, he looks back at me in shock, then wagged his tail and looked like “hey mom look at me! I’m brave!”.

It was a short time with him, but we did so many cool things together. Including a solo road trip where we hiked, lots of beach days, hiking in SD, and road trips to AZ and Vegas. There’s so much more I can say, but then I’d be writing a whole novel. I miss both my babies so much, but it calms me to know they are together again in doggy heaven💚

Here are a few of my favs. First pic is my Lock Screen. The weekend we brought Willy home, we took them straight to the dog beach. They were not amused by the water, sand or other dogs if you couldn’t tell by their faces 😂"



Acquired from: San Diego Humane Society - El Cajon
Age upon Rescue: 9
Date of Rescue: June 8, 2021
Date of Passing:
Family: Trudi Sharpsteen & John Mackerer
Fans: Sherean Samimi



Acquired from: San Diego Humane Society
Age upon Rescue: 10
Date of Rescue: June 8, 2021
Date of Passing:
Family: Verna Leithner
Fans: RZ



Acquired from: Chula Vista Animal Care Facility
Age upon Rescue: 12
Date of Rescue: June 8, 2021
Date of Passing: June 27, 2023
Family: Bert & Kris Wood
Fans: DS

Tribute: On June 27th, Kris and Bert fulfilled their promise to Frosted Face Lark.

They shared,

"We let little Ms Lark go today 😭

The spot we saw in her lung grew to the point it was pushing on her little heart. She was a tough ole bird and gave me a run for my money. I only hope that in the love hate relationship we had she knew how much she was loved! I'll miss her feisty bark and the boxing kangaroo fights we had! Rest well little lady!♥️🐾"

little p


Acquired from: Chula Vista Animal Care Facility
Age upon Rescue: 8
Date of Rescue: June 8, 2021
Date of Passing:
Family: Brianna Ziomek & Joel McGraw
Fans: Maryann Caban

Tribute: On March 3rd, Brianna and Joel fulfilled their promise to Little P.

They shared,

"It would have been our second frostiversary in June with Little P. She was the sweetest little nugget I’ve ever known. Little Miss Independent. She really wanted nothing to do with our other dogs and they were very kind to just let her be herself. She’d bump into them and they wouldn’t know what to do, even when they were eating. She would bump into them and they would sort of back up and look at her then me.. I’d tell everyone they were ok and scoop her up to give her cuddles and kisses.

She was very similar to a newborn - eat, sleep and go potty. She tried so hard to find the potty especially in the beginning, she was fairly incontinent in the end, but I would take her outside to the grass about every 2 hours or so. She would wander around with her blah blah blah tongue until she found her spot, then I’d bring her back inside to one of her beds where she would proceed to dig herself to the perfect spot, sometimes flinging herself out in the process, which always seemed to stun her yet she kept doing it. I was never able to find her a bed that didn’t need her floofing touch..

I miss her blah blah blah faces, I miss her gentle bonk into a wall, I miss the jingle of her collar / tags, I miss our cuddle time, she went everywhere with me. She was my constant companion - car rides, vacations, school pick up lines, etc. I am so glad I got the time I did but I sure wish it had been longer ❤️💔🌈"



Acquired from: San Diego Humane Society
Age upon Rescue: 13
Date of Rescue: June 8, 2021
Date of Passing:
Family: Tianna Clinger
Fans: Denise Dupas



Acquired from: San Diego Humane Society
Age upon Rescue: 10
Date of Rescue: June 8, 2021
Date of Passing:
Family: Jocelyn Nabel
Fans: Cathy Lazarus, Laura Shadle



Acquired from: San Diego Humane Society
Age upon Rescue: 13
Date of Rescue: June 8, 2021
Date of Passing:
Family: Susan & Jeff Hopp
Fans: Denise Mendonca



Acquired from: San Diego Humane Society
Age upon Rescue: 9
Date of Rescue: June 8, 2021
Date of Passing: June 14, 2023
Family: Ellen Contin
Fans: Leslie Kalra

Tribute: On June 14th, Ellen fulfilled her promise to Frosted Face Gnocchi.

Gnocchi suffered from congestive heart failure and unfortunately passed away at the vet after urgently being transported to Dr. Russell for an exam.

Ellen shared,

"My heart is still hurting from her loss. I loved that little fur baby. I will miss her immensely."

Missy Muffin


Acquired from: San Diego Humane Society
Age upon Rescue: 8
Date of Rescue: June 8, 2021
Date of Passing: March 18, 2024
Family: Laura & Greg Kitchen
Fans: Patricia Gonzalez-Powell

Tribute: On March 18th, Laura and Greg fulfilled their promise to Frosted Face Missy.

They shared,

"The photo is our first sweet moments of adoption. We had to say goodbye to Missy Muffin this afternoon. Missy's heart was failing her, and our hearts are now broken without the sound of her pitter-pattering around her home. We are ever so grateful for Andy and Kelly Smíšek and Frosted Faces Foundation for rescuing her so that we could love her. Thank you to the veterinary staff for the excellent health care and compassion. Having this senior dog was one of the best experiences of our life, that will be repeated."



Acquired from: San Diego Humane Society
Age upon Rescue: 13
Date of Rescue: June 8, 2021
Date of Passing: March 28, 2022
Family: Andy & Kim Green
Fans: Miette Schwendner

Tribute: On March 28th, Andy and Kim fulfilled their promise to Frosted Face Ladybug.

"I’ve been struggling to write a tribute for Ladybug (fka Ringa), and it dawned on me that I was focusing on our grief over losing her and the terrible illness (kidney disease) that she fought and rallied against, but ultimately ended her life. When I changed my focus to the utter joy of the 8 months we had with her and the gloriousness of all things Ladybug, the words came easily.

Lessons learned from Ladybug:

Believe in yourself – when you are 13 years old, have significant health issues, and your family leaves you at a shelter to fend for yourself, your faith in humanity and your self-confidence could understandably take a huge hit. No doubt, Ladybug must have been confused and sad, but what we and her Fling Family marvel at (and still talk about), is her pluck and confidence from the moment she walked through both of our doors. Ladybug was a force of nature who walked in, stuck out her paw, and said, “Allow me to introduce myself… I’m Ladybug! Let’s get this party started!”

Ask for what you want; the answer just might be yes! Much to her chagrin, Ladybug joined a family whose three other dogs didn’t wake up as early as her to eat breakfast. What’s a girl to do? Easy! First, assess which human isn’t a deep sleeper (that ruled out Mom), then climb on his chest at exactly 6:00 every morning, and bark in his face steadily like an alarm clock until he wakes up. Problem solved! Dad can’t resist your cuteness and gets up every morning exactly when you want him to and feeds you. Meal prep is slower than you would like, so you start barking again. After a month or two, your dad realizes if he puts you on the counter so you can see what’s going on, you wait patiently and quietly. See, it never hurts to ask!

Have an open heart - Ladybug didn’t let losing her family keep her from giving her heart fully to the new people who came into her life starting with her Fling Family. Then, when we adopted her, she jumped right in to becoming a member of our family, giving us so much affection and love, and soaking it up in return. She immediately stuck like glue to her non-FF brother Peanut, and in several early photos, he can be seen looking at her like, “Excuse me, little girl, we believe in personal space around here!” Those photos always make us smile, because soon, Peanut and FF brother Watson adored Ladybug as much as she adored them. We like to believe Ladybug’s willingness to love and trust us so quickly means she had a good earlier life, and although her former family abandoned her, they treated her with kindness and love, too.

Don’t let numbers define you – When you have kidney disease, there are lots of numbers… what stage you are in, your Creatine, BUN, SDMA, and phosphorus levels, how many days per week you get fluids, and how much. Many times our vet expressed his surprise that Ladybug ate so well, had so much energy, wanted to go for walks, etc. even as her kidney values worsened. Our girl didn’t have time to be sick! She was busy from morning to night running our household! Ladybug split her time supervising her dad as he worked from home and could frequently be found lying on his desk or sitting in his lap during Zoom calls. She would leave his office to check on what her mom was doing in the kitchen or her office, and she loved running errands together. Ladybug’s other favorite “duties” included going to the mailbox, visiting the next-door neighbors, riding in her stroller while her siblings walked (kind of like a land lifeguard), and just generally being in the middle of everything! Somehow, Ladybug found time to squeeze in a few naps during her busy day, and her favorite napping spots were next to her brothers. At first, they protested (the personal space thing again), but they quickly realized to resist was futile, and let their cuddly sister share their beds.

If adventure calls, always answer – while our life with Ladybug wasn’t defined by her kidney values, they were always in the back of our minds, and at best, they were a reminder to make the most of every single day. With her strong will and resilience, the 8 months & one week we shared were full of adventures, big and small. We took Ladybug just about everywhere with us, and she was the absolute best companion and traveler. She went on many day trips to San Diego, Palm Springs, Newport Beach, Big Bear, and the Mission Inn at Christmastime. Ladybug also cheered on her dad and brother Peanut at several 5k’s and watched excitedly from her stroller. She barked at every other dog team as if to say, “Don’t you dare try to pass my dad and brother!” She also spent two special weekends with her bonus family (her wonderful Fling Family), and she was always so happy to see them. They doted on her and did all the fun things she enjoyed so much during her Fling.

Only two weeks before Ladybug declined for the final time, she went with us, her brother Watson, and her grandparents on a trip to Pismo Beach and Cambria. For 5 days, she ate (heartily) at restaurants, walked on the beach, enjoyed the comforts of hotel life, had the best views from a carrier on her dad’s chest, delighted in every car ride, and loved spending every minute of every day together. We would never have guessed we were about to lose her, and that was a blessing, because it allowed us to live in the moment and not grieve before it was time.

While our hearts ache, they are also filled with gratitude... to FFF for rescuing Ladybug and entrusting her to us, to Diane Coelho for loving our girl with us, and most of all, to our Bug, for all the joy, laughter, & love you gave us. We picture you in heaven, free of illness and raising a ruckus! We will love & miss you always."



Acquired from: San Diego Humane Society
Age upon Rescue: 10
Date of Rescue: June 8, 2021
Date of Passing:
Family: Kathy & Paul Anderson
Fans: Samantha Hagio