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Enjoy scrolling through all of our Frosted Face senior animals who have benefit from our mission at Frosted Faces Foundation. They are listed in order of date of rescue, including those that have passed. If you have been following a certain Frosted Face's story and would like to know how he/she is doing, please email us at
Please make note of animals still looking for families do not have anyone listed beside “Family.” View biographies and more photos at Available Frosted Faces, learn more about becoming a family and the different programs we offer. You can also help fund the care of Frosted Faces by registering as their monthly sponsoring Fan.
Acquired from: San Diego Humane- Escondido
Age upon Rescue: 12
Date of Rescue: June 28, 2022
Date of Passing:
Family: Tiffany Allen
Fans: Lorraine Sampson
Acquired from: San Diego Humane- Oceanside
Age upon Rescue: 8
Date of Rescue: June 28, 2022
Date of Passing:
Family: Sammy & Claire Knight
Fans: In Memory of Bitsy
Elvis Aaron
Acquired from: San Diego Humane- Oceanside
Age upon Rescue: 13
Date of Rescue: June 28, 2022
Date of Passing:
Family:Alexandria Mena
Fans: Susan Hecht, Anonymous Donor in memory of Bruno Romo
Nala Jean
Acquired from: San Diego Humane- Oceanside
Age upon Rescue: 11
Date of Rescue: June 28, 2022
Date of Passing:
Family: Kevin Gardner & Erica Montoya
Fans: Sylvia, Chelsye Beggs
Acquired from: San Diego Humane- Oceanside
Age upon Rescue: 14
Date of Rescue: June 28, 2022
Date of Passing: December 21, 2022
Family: Kelly Arnold
Fans: Donor in Memory of Frosted Face Kyle
Tribute: On December 21st, Kelly fulfilled her promise to Frosted Face Benny.
She shared,
"My sweet little man Benny (Pop Pop) ❤️, you came in our world and for the time we had you you made our hearts just fall in love you loved your walks your shopping with me and long drives! You were such a kind kind little guy and was always first inline for treats even on your last day. I came home from work and you looked at me trying to tell me something, I put you on my lap letting you know how much we love you and how much happiness in such a little time you brought to us. You took a deep breath in, then you left. 😔
Miss you little guy, but I know your with Joshua and all your friends, and yes, still probably first in a snack line. We love you see you one day little man!"
Acquired from: Carlsbad
Age upon Rescue: 12
Date of Rescue: June 28, 2022
Date of Passing: July 20, 2022
Family: Debbie & Wayne Toups
Fans: Heather R.
Tribute: On July 20th, Debbie and Wayne fulfilled their promise to Frosted Face Dinah.
Debbie shared,
"Dinah started with me on a fling on July 1st. By Sunday night I learned that she was in end stage renal failure and had a nasty UTI. On July 4th I went up to get her meds including a Sub-Q bag.
Kelly asked me if I would keep her since her prognosis was poor. Anyone who knows me understands one of my favorite breeds are dachshunds. Of course, I said 'yes!' She was super skinny so we fed her whatever she wanted and she ate well for about two weeks and then suddenly she didn’t. We tried every kind of food we could think of and gave her meds for nausea and appetite stimulants but she just stopped eating.
By July 19th she couldn’t really stand on her own. When we got to FFF yesterday Dr Russell said her kidneys could no longer function and we needed to let her go. I am heartbroken for this sweet doxie but I am glad she had a home in the last chapter of her life. She crossed the rainbow bridge while in my arms.
RIP DINAH! and run and chase rabbits with all your doxie friends! Shout out to my hubby Wayne who signed up to be a volunteer last minute so he could go with me and help out yesterday as I spent some last minutes with Dinah!"
Acquired from: Coachella Valley Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 11
Date of Rescue: June 29, 2022
Date of Passing: February 6, 2024
Family: Alexandria Mena
Fans: Desiree Nack, Kristin Stanley, Doug Briggs, M B Brewer, Paula & Russ Thomas
Tribute: On February 6th, Lexi fulfilled her promise to Frosted Face Wayne.
She shared,
"If you even glanced in Wayne’s direction his tail would start to wag, his big eyes would widen, his smush face would smush further into a big smile, and then his whole body would wiggle its way toward you, and you couldn’t help but fall in love 😍 there was just something so pure about his presence- he lived with every ounce of his being and there were no bad days in Wayne’s world 🌎
DWade loved sun bathing, food, hunting for poop, food, meeting new friends, food, riding in his backpack, and did i mention food? 😉 when people asked to pet him i always said “yes, but go from behind his head because he doesn’t understand that not everyone has snacks” 😂
Wayne was such a GOOD dog, and my world is forever changed 🐶💕"
Acquired from: Coachella Valley Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 12
Date of Rescue: June 29, 2022
Date of Passing: November 18, 2022
Family Malua & Malia Reis
Fans: Irina Kopchinsky
Tribute: On November 18th, Malia fulfilled her promise to Frosted Face Teddy.
Malia shared,
"When the call came out for help to make room for stray dogs over the July 4th holiday, I agreed to take in a Frosted face for a '2 week Fling.' So Simone, my current Frosted Face, and I went to pick out a dog.
While we were waiting, I scanned the yard to see who was out playing. I had noticed this cute little black dog, AKA Lyle, at the fence looking out. When Alicia brought out Lyle, I knew it was for a good reason. It looked to be a good fit.
As the days went on, Lyle fit right in with my other 2 dogs, Simone and Chocolate. Few days into his stay, I received an e mail from Kelly saying that someone was interested in Lyle and wanted me to bring him to open house that weekend. My heart dropped. We had become attached in just a few days. I sent Kelly a message asking her if we could adopt Lyle and thankfully she said yes.
Lyle was a perfect gentleman. He got along with everyone, and enjoyed meeting new people be it at farmers market, street fairs or just in the hood. He had a very sweet personality with a 'thumbs up' attitude. Unfortunately his stay with us was greatly shortened due to health issues. He was a very special dog who will always be close to my heart. I can't wait for the day to come when our paths will
cross again. Until then, you are in my thoughts and prayers every day.
Love always,
Mama Dog, Simone, and Chocolate"
Acquired from: Chula Vista Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 16
Date of Rescue: June 30, 2022
Date of Passing:
Family: Lynda Donato
Fans: Patty Ralabate
Acquired from: San Diego Humane Society
Age upon Rescue: 11
Date of Rescue: July 1, 2022
Date of Passing:
Family: Jonna & Ken Waite
Fans: Linda Anderson
Acquired from: Carlsbad Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 12
Date of Rescue: July 1, 2022
Date of Passing:
Family: Melynie Whitener & Randy Schimka
Fans: Donor in Memory of Dan
Acquired from: Coachella Valley Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 7
Date of Rescue: July 1, 2022
Date of Passing:
Family: Grace Shackelford
Fans: Cosmo & Cooper, Melissa Pendleton
Acquired from: Riverside Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 6
Date of Rescue: July 3, 2022
Date of Passing: November 14, 2023
Family: Cynthia & Lee Standley
Fans: Judy & Claribelle Johnson
Tribute: On November 14th, Cynthia fulfilled her promise to Frosted Face Peppa after battling heart failure.
She shared,
"Peppa means God increases. Oh how Peppa increased our love and our laughter. In the two short years we had her, she filled our hearts with sweet memories. She is missed beyond words."
Acquired from: Riverside Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 15
Date of Rescue: July 3, 2022
Date of Passing: March 21, 2024
Family: Mary Arkwright
Fans: Rhonda Fassbender & Family
Tribute: On March 21st, Mary fulfilled her promise to Frosted Face Pippa.
She shared,
"On Thursday March 21, 2024, our dear, sweet Pippa crossed over the Rainbow Bridge. She had struggled so much lately with health problems that we knew it was time. With the help of the Frosted Faces vet staff she was set free to run and play and enjoy the sunlight. I will remember her always as the sweet, loving little girl that loved the back yard and never barked or complained. You will be missed so much Pippa. I will always love and remember you. Thank you for being such a good friend ❤🥰💝💖🐾🍭🌹"
Acquired from: Riverside Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 6
Date of Rescue: July 3, 2022
Date of Passing: December 23, 2024
Family: Pamela Wasserman & Terry Mason
Fans: Alicia Curtis
Tribute: On December 23rd, Pamela and Terry fulfilled their promise to Frosted Face Deano.
He was in the late stages of kidney failure and they treated him as long as they could with supportive care. He was loved well, and will be dearly missed.
Acquired from: Riverside Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 7
Date of Rescue: July 3, 2022
Date of Passing:
Family: Barb & Fred Wagner
Fans: Laurie Sorenson
Acquired from: Desert Hot Springs
Age upon Rescue: 12
Date of Rescue: July 3, 2022
Date of Passing:
Family: Katherine Sauerborn
Fans: Nadine Levy
Acquired from: San Diego Humane Society-El Cajon
Age upon Rescue: 14
Date of Rescue: July 3, 2022
Date of Passing: March 10, 2023
Family: Cynthia Hannigan
Fans: Mary Jewell, David & Amy In Memory of Ozzie & Harriet
Tribute: On March 10th, Cynthia fulfilled her promise to Frosted Face Sinclair after battling kidney disease.
She shared,
"My sweet boy, Sinclair, went over the rainbow 🌈 to Doggie Heaven today. 😭Five months was not long enough with him, he will be missed so much 💔 Dr Russell, Diana, Michelle, and Melissa, fought so hard to get him well for 12 days. His little body just couldn't do it."
Coco Puff
Acquired from: Ramona Humane Society
Age upon Rescue: 13
Date of Rescue: July 5, 2022
Date of Passing: October 2, 2022
Family: Judith & Stewart Pickell
Fans: Brooke & Aleks June
Tribute: On October 2nd, Judy and Stewart fulfilled their promise to Frosted Face Coco.
Judy shared,
"This afternoon our baby girl Coco passed into heaven. We only got to share Coco for three months but she totally bonded with her sidekick FF Dublin. Maybe it’s because they both have begun to fail in their health and have dementia so bad. Little Coco fought the good fight, but her surgery that she had seem to weaken her. I don’t want to go into it because it’s too painful, every time I lose one of my kids my heart breaks a little more.
We are still very fortunate that Coco and Frosted Faces allowed us to love her. I cherish every moment I got to share with the sweet sweet baby girl. Our FF family only knew her for a short time, three months and that will never be sufficient amount of time. Coco will be cremated and brought home to us she will set next to all her other brothers and sisters that have went before her.
What a beautiful 13 year old little girl who gave it all she had. Rest in peace my baby."
Acquired from: Abandoned
Age upon Rescue: 10 weeks
Date of Rescue: July 2, 2022
Date of Passing:
Family: Joy Cislaghi
Fans: Shawn Maurice
Acquired from: Baldwin Park Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 9
Date of Rescue: July 6, 2022
Date of Passing:
Family: Michele & Chris Abbott
Fans: Woody Lower, Christine Kelly
Acquired from: Baldwin Park Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 20
Date of Rescue: July 6, 2022
Date of Passing: December 23, 2023
Family: Jen Burrell
Fans: Donor In Honor of Frosted Face Ida, Dawn Byrne
Tribute: On December 23rd, Jen fulfilled her promise to Frosted Face Blondie.
She shared,
"Blondie had support from many people and it pains me to share that she is gone.
It feels a lot like a light in my home was turned off and everything is a lot dimmer now. In retrospect, she could do absolutely nothing wrong and just made me feel needed, the perfect relationship. Through 2023, I felt it was one of the best years ever because I had both my girls for all of it. AND we had a lot of fun in 2022 before adding Cher!
We celebrated my Boop's 21st birthday in the summer with friends and she had the best time ever. After she had started having occasional seizures, I got nervous and wanted to make sure we did something special. However, by October she was doing so well that I convinced myself that she wasn’t going anywhere soon.
This little, no-eyed, super senior chihuahua was so funny and easy and deserved so much better than she had gotten in later life, when she was surrendered at 20.
Her bark was always purposeful and told me exactly what she needed.
She loved to roam in grass but would map out an area. If her feet went off the grass to sidewalk, she knew to turn back.
She mostly slept through the night and always kept her room clean, using the pee pads wisely.
She was an enthusiastic eater for most of our time.
She cycled through a manageable routine of exploration and sleeping throughout the day.
Whenever I picked her up and put her down, she let me give her as many kisses as I could. Though I think I could have done more, I will be content that she probably felt safe and clean and affection on a regular basis.
I am thankful that Cher was so good with her because that made it easier to spend time with them together. I am so thankful for her loyal fans, In Honor of FF Ida and Dawn, who followed her adventures and supported her care. Thank you to Frosted Faces Foundation for giving a 20-year-old dog a chance to thrive, and for the exceptional vet and kennel teams who were her biggest cheerleaders.
Dogs can dream like humans, so I tell myself there is a similar flood of happy memories when they pass. We made a lot with Blondie (Boops) in the last 1 1/2 years. Now I know it's possible to expect that you have more time no matter what age your dog is and we just do the best we can. Whether 10 weeks or 17 months, my oldest dogs have now been some of my favorite relationships, so I will always adopt just a little bit older in her memory."
Acquired from: Baldwin Park Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 15
Date of Rescue: July 6, 2022
Date of Passing: November 15, 2023
Family: Rachael Doty & Makayla Mahajan
Fans: Karen Pazdowski
Tribute: On November 15th, Rachael and Makayla fulfilled their promise to Frosted Face Princess.
They shared,
"I'm supposed to be writing princess one year gotcha day post right now. Thanksgiving day we would have had her for a whole year. The worst decision of my life we put her down yesterday.
She was my soul dog and just as obsessed with me and I was with her. We couldn't go anywhere without her trailing behind. And she was always happy her tail wagging on every walk. Whenever I got home she would do a big stretch and then pounce around doing bunny hops. She learned that dogs weren't always bad and while she still would defend her personal space with something fierce. sometimes she would share it too curl right up next to the big dogs. And she ate good, maybe too good. But at 16 I figured she deserved it. She was 99% sweet which is pretty good for an old lady she did reserve a bit of sass for when she was sleepy. I hope a year was enough time to replace all the bad she had in her life. Princess was showered with love every single day.
It feels so empty without her, she went with us everywhere. Whenever I go up the stairs and I don't have her to pick up I cry. She was the most perfect dog I could of asked for. I knew from the moment I saw her. Thank you frosted faces for saving and loving her for so long till she could find us."
Acquired from: West Valley LA Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 9
Date of Rescue: July 6, 2022
Date of Passing: November 8, 2023
Family: Debbie & Alfonso Saballett
Fans: Heather B., Elaine Byrnes, Kim Smoot, Colleen Derber
Tribute: On November 8th, Debbie and Alfonso fulfilled their promise to Frosted Face Woody after battling bone cancer.
They shared,
"When we went to Frosted Faces for the first time in July of 2022, it was just to look. We saw a few dogs online that we wanted to visit, but we told ourselves, maybe we will just look. After seeing a few dogs they told us they had a new large shepherd they had just rescued from an LA shelter. They had not done his bloodwork or exam and they didn't know a lot about his disposition except that he was good during the drive and during his bath, and seemed very good with the other dogs.
Woody walked out, we thought wow he is big! But then he came over to us, leaned in on our legs and gave us the gaze we came to love. He had a way of holding your gaze like he could see into your soul. We feel in love, they asked us if we wanted to wait to make a decision until after his exam or bloodwork, but we knew we would not leave there without him.
Woody was just the sweetest best boy! He soon became a favorite of all the dogs in the neighborhood and kids in our family. He was so calm and sweet, happy to rest his head in your lap forever.
We took him camping and visiting family. He was always up for a ride in the car because it meant a long nap and most important -being with us.
I cannot overstate what a good good boy he was! We loved him so much and his presence in our life was so large. We knew his health was declining and we were very conscious to not keep him alive for us, if ever he was suffering. Woody let us know it was the right time to help him transition from his physical body. He was such a wonderful member of our family, we are so thankful for the almost year and a half we had together, we only wish we could have had him longer. But he lives on in our memories and Woody stories 🙂"
Acquired from: Agoura LA Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 10
Date of Rescue: July 9, 2022
Date of Passing:
Family: Kelly & Andy Smisek
Fans: Laurie Brewer, Margo Pisa, Maria DePhillips
Acquired from: OC Animal Care
Age upon Rescue: 10
Date of Rescue: July 9, 2022
Date of Passing:
Family: Alicia & Joseph Goetz
Fans: Rachel
Acquired from: Mission Viejo Animal Services
Age upon Rescue: 10
Date of Rescue: July 14, 2022
Date of Passing:
Family: Fatima Cheatom
Fans: Vicky Boone, Celina & Jimmy Jennings
Acquired from: Mission Viejo Animal Services
Age upon Rescue: 10
Date of Rescue: July 14, 2022
Date of Passing: July 29, 2022
Family: Frosted Faces Foundation
Fans: David & Amy In Memory of Ozzie, Celina & Jimmy Jennings
Tribute: On July 29th, we fulfilled our promise to Frosted Face Hurley.
Hurley's sister, Lyla, was picked up as a stray and animal control traced her back to her home where they discovered Hurley in even poorer condition as a result of neglect. They confiscated both dogs to get them the care they needed and there is an ongoing investigation.
Hurley was healing up well from his groom for comfort, and his bloodwork and x-rays were fairly unremarkable. He went to the Pride Parade, ate great, in fact, begged! We pegged him as one of our more fragile Frosties, so he spent part of the day on the Smíšek side of the house where it's cooler and he would get more snacks.
Just last week he was chosen to go on a Frosted Fling with the late Frosted Face Nachi's mom, Anne. That very night he had a very long seizure that would not stop, and several throughout the night at the ER. When he was finally stabilized days later, it seemed he was paralyzed and blind on one whole side of his body. He was eating and showed like he wanted to fight, he even started using one of his front legs a little! We made him an appointment for an MRI to get some answers. It was supposed to be today.
On Friday, Hurley was really pulling to his right and seemed uncomfortable, although we had been rotating him and stretching his legs. He started to do terrible screams with his head extended. We rushed him down to High Valley Veterinary Hospital and Dr. Lipman let him go as quickly as she could to release him from his suffering. It was more than safe to assume something really bad was happening to Hurley's body like a stroke or a brain tumor, and waiting for answers didn't make sense anymore.
Little Lyla stayed right by his side throughout Hurley's illness. It is just so so upsetting that Hurley lost likely years of his life holed up in a house uncomfortable and not having his basic needs met, to only be free for a short while and die. He was so fun, and so sweet, and it really makes you think about what I touched on in a post earlier today. Man, surrender isn't so bad. Why didn't this person seek help so Hurley could have had the life he deserved?
We loved you, Hurley.
Acquired from: Victor Valley Animal Protection League
Age upon Rescue: 11
Date of Rescue: July 15, 2022
Date of Passing:
Family: Jennifer Barkley & Daniel Norland
Fans: Nina Russell
Acquired from: Victor Valley Animal Protection League
Age upon Rescue: 8
Date of Rescue: July 15, 2022
Date of Passing: December 6, 2023
Family: Jennifer Barkley & Daniel Norland
Fans: Rowan Mae Minaya
Tribute: On December 6th, Jennifer and Dan fulfilled their promise to Frosted Face Milton.
They shared,
"It was with great sadness that we said goodbye Milton yesterday. He had a good morning with a good walk, then in the evening went into acute heart failure with difficulty breathing. It was a quick and peaceful passing with our family by his side at Frosted Faces. The entire Frosted Faces team was so wonderful through this process, and we are so appreciative of all of you. We are all very sad, but also so grateful for the 11 months we had with such a wonderful dog. He was a total sweetie who most loved to lick our daughter, snuggle with our sons, cozy up under the blankets, go for walks, eat, and be silly with his family. We will miss him."
Coco Marie
Acquired from: Final Wish Program
Age upon Rescue: 12
Date of Rescue: July 17, 2022
Date of Passing:
Family: Dawn Pollock & Brandon Wright
Fans: Ponce Family
Acquired from: Bonita Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 9
Date of Rescue: July 19, 2022
Date of Passing: January 12, 2025
Family: Stephanie Schumacher
Fans: Carleen Blandin
Tribute: On January 12th, Stephanie fulfilled her promise to Frosted Face Duff.
She shared,
"Two weeks ago today I let my beautiful boy Duff go free. He’s body had betrayed him.
When I brought him home on 11/28/22 he was a little wobbly on his feet but still able to get around. We loved walking my neighborhood. As the next few months progressed, it got more and more difficult for him to walk.
At the beginning of August 2023 he lost the use of his back legs. He was being cared for by his fan Carleen Blandin at the time as I was having foot surgery. (God bless you Carleen).
When he got home we both we not able to walk. Before this he was still adjusting to being in my home, and me. He was a bit aloof for a long time . I feel aweful he did have more time on his legs to have more fun with me. But now we had plenty of time to really gel. And boy did he ever.
I loved his company, his presence. His soul and disposition were beautiful and he showed me you can get through anything with grace and dignity. It’s hard to explain what I learned from him.
His little red wagon became his legs and away we went. He enjoyed trips to Palm Springs and other places as well as being with my friends who really loved him. He liked riding in the red wagon but especially the couch and my bed.
September last year I went back to work. I worked from home a little and found him wonderful day care where he had lots of friends and engagement by the staff. They even ran him in circles in his wagon to follow the dogs as the chased each other. He was always so happy after a day there.
In late October he had a nasty and long lasting bladder infection which turned into 2 weeks of aweful diarrhea. I was really worried but he rebounded but then his front legs were weaker. On 11/9 one of them gave up and he wasn’t able to move himself around or sit up on his own. He was still engaged with me, alert, happy to eat, and sit with me and friends. Because of that it made the it so much harder to let him go, but in the end I believe it was the loving thing to do.
My home is empty, my couch is empty. It’s been a little overwhelming which is why it took me a bit to write this.
I loved him so much and it was my honor to take care of him and all of his needs. Which was a lot. I just know for his last almost 2 years, he felt love and comfort and knew he was the most important thing in the world to his person. Something he maybe never had.
Good bye Duffy, I love you 🥰"
Acquired from: Palmdale Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 8
Date of Rescue: July 19, 2022
Date of Passing:
Family: Nora Duryea
Fans: Heejin Kim
Dee Dee
Acquired from: Palmdale Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 10
Date of Rescue: July 19, 2022
Date of Passing: August 3, 2022
Family: Frosted Faces Foundation
Fans: Colleen Haynes
Tribute: We just rescued DeeDee from Palmdale Shelter two weeks ago, got her all groomed up, vetted, and she was so lucky to be chosen to go on a Frosted Fling to decompress in a home with volunteer, Gaybie.
On Saturday evening she door dashed past her Fling-mom and ran away very quickly. It was an accident that could happen to anyone, especially newly adopted/fostered dogs who don't know they are safe yet with someone kind enough to take them in! Gaybie immediately called Pet Recovery Specialist, Babs Fry, for help and followed her instructions exactly. We all hung over 100 flyers on major intersections, put out scents, and waited for sightings.
Unfortunately, this morning we received a call that someone discovered DeeDee had passed away on their property. It appeared she had entered there through a back canyon and got entangled in some yard work material. I know she will never know this, but of course we had rescued her to give her such a good life, and this whole time she was at the center of our minds and efforts. I wish she would’ve known we were out there looking for her and cared about her deeply. Gaybie met the property owner, wrapped Dee Dee’s body in a nice blanket and brought her to FFF to be cremated.
We were feeling good that Dee Dee was large and visible (especially with that diaper on), social, and she had her tags on. Knowing how she liked to chase ground squirrels on walks, we were certain she was biding her time to fall into the public’s eye running around the hills of Poway. We are unexpectedly very sad and shocked at Dee's terrible misfortune.
Gaybie wanted to share with you,
"I know all of you have been supporting both Dee Dee and myself with your thoughts, prayers and your words of encouragement, which really helped.
My heart, as well as all of yours, I'm sure…is broken. Obviously, this is the worst outcome. Please learn from my mistake and close your garage door before opening the interior. This is a very hard lesson to learn for which one dog suffered greatly and this horrible incident will always be with me."
We loved you, Dee Dee.
Acquired from: Final Wish Program
Age upon Rescue: 9
Date of Rescue: July 19, 2022
Date of Passing:
Family: Nancy Hughes
Fans: Marian
Acquired from: Bonita Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 9
Date of Rescue: July 27, 2022
Date of Passing: April 30, 2024
Family: Lisa Wertheim & Matthew Stoner
Fans: Raymond Heller, Tom Hudson
Tribute: On April 30th, Lisa and Matthew fulfilled their promise to Frosted Face Louie.
They shared,
"Dear Sweet Lil Louie Bug,
Words cannot express how much we loved you but I know you knew. From the second I saw your photo on FFs I knew we were meant to be your family. You became more special to me than I ever thought possible- you were my little boy and one of my greatest loves. We loved everything about you but to list a few.; the way you would melt your lil fluffy head under our chins and on our chest when we would hold you, every morning you woke up pumped for life because you knew breakfast was coming (food was your love language & you were the greatest solicitor to have ever lived lol), every time we came in from a walk you would run inside like wahoo my home, the way you would bark at your papa because you wanted your mama all to yourself (my lil possessive poochi), the list goes on but one of the most beautiful gifts was your bond you had with your brother Vinny. You were deaf which we didn’t know until we brought you home. Your brother Vinny was blind and the way you two bonded and guided one another was amazing and an honor to witness.
I know you loved all of us and enjoyed your life. Everyone asked why we would rescue an old dog. I never viewed you as an old dog. I viewed you as my sweet lil baby boy who loved life. I forgot your age because you did everything- frolicked in the snow, walked on the beach, hiked through the woods, went swimming. I knew you were starting to slow down because I had to carry you more but that meant more head melts into my heart.
All I can say is thank you my sweet lil Louie bug. Thank you for letting us be your family, thank you for loving us, thank you for trusting us, and thank you for being the best brother to Vinny.
You had the tinniest lil paws 🐾 that left the hugest imprint on our hearts. We will forever love and miss you.
My sweet lil boys have been reunited. Rest in love babies. 💕🐶💕🐶"
Acquired from: Downey Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 10
Date of Rescue: July 27, 2022
Date of Passing: November 16, 2022
Family: Thomas & Jessica Cooper
Fans: RZ
Tribute: On November 16th, Thomas and Jessica fulfilled their promise to Frosted Face Hope.
They shared, "Our Sweet, beautiful baby girl Hope crossed the rainbow bridge on Wednesday. We didn't want her to suffer anymore. She was surrounded by loved ones: my dad and I, my best friend, and my work family, who stayed late to be there with us.
I'm so glad that she blessed so many lives, not just my own in the short amount of time that we had with her. She was the best dog, my best friend, and she was mine. She will hold a special place in my heart forever. Rest peacefully baby girl, I can't wait to see those ears flapping as you prance towards me when I join you on the other side ."
Acquired from: Downey Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 10
Date of Rescue: July 27, 2022
Date of Passing: November 11, 2024
Family: Teresa & Randy Petro
Fans: Sarah Harkleroad, Jessica H., Colleen Haynes, Sarah May Grunwald
Tribute: On November 11th, Randy and Teresa fulfilled their promise to Frosted Face Scoop.
They shared,
"Our heads are spinning and tears are flowing. We had to say goodbye to our Scoop. It was very unexpected and our hearts are broken.
Today the Petro choir is very quiet. His brothers continue to smell and look for him.
Scoop came to us as a fling. That lasted a week. Dad said we can't take him back. He was challenging at first. He marked everywhere. Curtains, 2 chairs and several rugs had to go. He also would get stressed and try to bite but over time he knew we loved him and weren't going to hurt him.
He loved his walks....he blew bubbles. He loved his naps with me! He would get so excited. Dad was his buddy....after 5 he was glued to him. They watched lots of TV together.
There is so much more to say!!!! How to put it all in a post. We are thankful for Frosted Faces Foundation for bringing our boy to us and the kennel and vet staff who cared for him. Please be patient with your sweet adopted dogs. They need to be loved."
Acquired from: Downey Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 8
Date of Rescue: July 27, 2022
Date of Passing:
Family: Carolyn Walker
Fans: Christina M.
Acquired from: Downey Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 12
Date of Rescue: July 27, 2022
Date of Passing: May 31, 2023
Family: Lori Woodward & Joe Palomina
Fans: Kelly Lenahan
Tribute: On May 31st, Lori and Joe fulfilled their promise to Frosted Face Juneau.
They shared,
"Zoomie free baby Juneau. We hope you know that we loved you for these sweet 8 months. CCD is a tough one. Even though his mind had been failing for months, we felt like he was happy. Until he wasn't. The last couple weeks he's been off schedule, restless, and at times inconsolable, even after we increased his meds. Our vet helped him cross today at our home, it was the most peaceful euthanasia I've ever seen. We're very thankful for that."
Acquired from: Downey Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 14
Date of Rescue: July 27, 2022
Date of Passing: November 2, 2022
Family: Catherine & Sam Theodore
Fans: Chelsye Beggs, Cindy Kern
Tribute: On November 2nd, Catherine and Sam fulfilled their promise to Frosted Face Shorty.
Shorty was originally surrendered by her owner to the shelter, but based on her condition, it looked like the best thing they ever did for her. Her entire body was covered in flea dirt and crust. She had a micropthalmic eye, severe dental disease, untreated arthritis that made her walk like a stick woman, she was cushenoid, and in stage 3 kidney failure. Shorty did not pursue human touch, nor was she entirely comfortable with it. She flinched and "ran" when we tried!
What Shorty did always want, was to participate and watch. She liked the hubbub of the play yards, meal making in the lobby, dog friends on her bed, and even hiked the hikes. She always looked so bright, we were afraid people would forget that time with her was limited and to make it count.
There is one FFF family (among many) who commonly asks who us Kennel Managers would take. Who is sick, who is overlooked, who needs extra attention? No matter the breed, size, or temperament, they have consistently listened to our suggestions and trusted the process of helping him/her settle in. Every single dog of ours that they take home, they do a DARN good job with. Catherine and Sam welcomed Shorty home for a handful of weeks as a foster. She softened up, sprouted fur in new places, and her eyes sparkled.
The day we all knew was coming, came sooner than we thought. Shorty's BUN and creatinine skyrocketed. She did not have a UTI and fluid therapy did not help her long term. We had to let her go.
Like I told Sam on that very hard day, even though FFF's mission is to rescue dogs with lesser time left on Earth than others, it never gets easier. The number of sick dogs who need your special care and parenting is too much for any one person or even two. Knowing that families like Sam and Catherine have the courage to choose hospice dogs, and love them well giving them a chance to thrive, not only benefits the dog, but also helps all of us on-site at FFF offload the overwhelming end. The pressure of the "bucket list," the what-ifs, weighing quality, and even the grief. It offers perspective to not be drowning in the middle of sadness, but to witness a family doing what we do, giving Shorty their very best and coming to a peaceful inevitable ending. Man, Shorty was so lucky. We loved you, girl.
Acquired from: Downey Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 10
Date of Rescue: July 27, 2022
Date of Passing: February 28, 2023
Family: Shirley Kunkel & Bob Deane
Fans: Rachel Alegre
Tribute: On February 28th, Robert and Shirley fulfilled their promise to Frosted Face Ella after battling seizures and labored breathing.
They shared,
"We are so heartbroken over her passing. I wanted to thank you, Dr. Russell, any everyone at Frosted Faces who was there for her (and us) throughout the 4 short months we were lucky enough to call her ours.
For anyone who followed her or especially sponsored he, please know how much we loved her and how appreciative we are for everyone. I have so many cute little pictures of her and it’s so hard to scroll through. This one really stung. I thought I’d have her so much longer, but I guess you just never really know. 💔 my little Angel baby💕"
Max Prime
Acquired from: Downey Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 12
Date of Rescue: July 27, 2022
Date of Passing:
Family: Angelique Riordan & Matthew Smith
Fans: Donor in memory of Sherry Rozaieski, Joe Souza
Acquired from: Chula Vista Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 10
Date of Rescue: July 27, 2022
Date of Passing:
Family: Laurie Burgett
Fans: Cynthia Schumacher, Nikki & Peanut
Acquired from: San Bernadino Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 10
Date of Rescue: July 27, 2022
Date of Passing: August 20, 2022
Family: Andy & Kelly Smíšek
Fans: Dog Devoted Vintage, Karen Pazdowski, Jasmine H., Miranda Ranker Ivanov, Paula & Russ Thomas
Tribute: On August 20th, we fulfilled our promise to Frosted Face Usher.
Usher was brought in as a "stray" to SBC Shelter and not claimed, but instead, euth-listed due to his poor condition. I knew it the minute I saw him, I had to have him. I asked Andy if we could foster him if we coordinated transport on time. I don't even know why I ask anymore. Nena Hernandez, Hilary Raymond, and Lina Leslie busted their buns to make his rescue happen!
Usher had a hard time standing because he had very thick arthritic knees, but once he was up- he was up! He cruised all over the play yard, he could even stand from his Costco bed to walk across the kitchen drink water, go pee by the kitchen table, and then go back to bed. Ha! Whatever Pretty Boy, you made it this far, I will grab the mop!
Diagnostics showed that he had a baseball sized tumor on his liver and that he was in stage 2 kidney failure. We loaded him up on pain medications to treat for quality over quantity, and antibiotics for his infected teeth that did not seem sensible to take to surgery.
Usher declined slowly, almost as if he was settling in and the "new rescue" adrenaline wore off. He barked when he wanted something too, like if he would prefer you brought him water, or needed to be stood up to go outside to potty- bark bark bark- like a little old sweet hound. You should have seen the Kennel Managers and volunteers carrying him around with all their might. They loved Usher and worked hard for him too.
We worked hard to pursue HIM, instead of the other way around. We would lift him onto the couch at night when we turned Netflix on, so that he could cuddle into us and eat our scraps. We frequently take our dogs to the beach and do fun things outside- we honestly just hadn't gotten to it yet. Like they say, the trouble is... you think you have time.
On Saturday, Usher was not eating and coughing harshly. His color was not great so we rushed him to the ER where Andy laid in the back of my Prius with him begging him to, "Hold on." Usher seized upon entry, probably from all of the strain of movement, and passed in the exam room. Andy was holding him, and realized after his breathing had slowed his heart just stopped. Dr. Drew let us know it seemed like heart-related death, as he had no free fluid in his abdomen and his heart looked very abnormal.
We told Usher how beautiful he was a million times. How do you get just 3 weeks with a new rescue dog? I used to think how coincidental that was, but time has taught me that families can just tell when their pet is declining. They either surrender them thinking someone else can provide care they can't, or they don't have the courage to let them go because they love them too much.
Usher donned a collar that read, "My story isn't over yet." We are blessed to have written the last chapter with him. Thank you to Usher's sponsoring Fans who loved him like us, Dog Devoted Vintage, Karen Pazdowski, Jasmine H, Miranda Ranker Ivanov, and Paula & Russ Thomas. We did our best for him.
Acquired from: East Valley Shelter LA
Age upon Rescue: 12
Date of Rescue: July 28, 2022
Date of Passing: June 11, 2024
Family: Diana & Reana Arias
Fans: Anita Dillon
Tribute: On June 11th, Diana fulfilled her promise to Frosted Face Yoshi.
She shared,
Run free Yoshi, I’m completely heartbroken but I know that in the end I was his safe place. 😭🤗 I honestly thought he needed me but now I know it was the other way around. I love you 😘"
Acquired from: East Valley Shelter LA
Age upon Rescue: 9
Date of Rescue: July 28, 2022
Date of Passing: November 25, 2023
Family: Erica Duran
Fans: Donor in Memory of Kaia, Christie Forman & Sherry Bates, Viv Baker
Tribute: On November 25th, Erica fulfilled her promise to Frosted Face toad.
She shared,
"It is with a broken heart that I have to share Mr. Toad crossed the 🌈 bridge on Saturday, Nov. 25 💔
For the first time ever, he had a series of massive seizures and I rushed him to FFF. Dr. Russel determined it was something neurological, possibly a tumor. Toady was given all sorts of meds to keep the seizures at bay, but they were still breaking through on Saturday. By then, the drugs and the seizures had made him so weak that he couldn’t move on his own. Even trying to take a drink of water brought on a seizure, and he couldn’t eat.
We took him for one last short trip to Bates Nut Farm to see the geese he loved to hate and enjoy the bright warm sun one more time. Then we made the difficult choice to take him to the emergency vet and let him go.
His loss is crushing. It all happened so fast that, in some ways, I don’t know how much I’ve processed it. I keep calling for him and reaching down to take him out to potty. He went everywhere with me and the impact he has on so many areas of our lives is hard to put into words. He was the unofficial class pet for the kids martial arts classes and we called him Taekwontoad. He came to the office with me once or twice a week and every coworker held him, cuddled him, asked for a visit. But beyond all of that, he was our baby. We are devastated and I don’t want it to be true that he’s gone.
We had him a year and a half. He was healthy and young (just 10), and we wanted so much more time. But the time we had with him was so wonderful and we are so grateful to have had the time we did.
RIP little man. Give Pugsley a cuddle from me ❤️😭💔"
Acquired from: Bonita Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 11
Date of Rescue: July 29, 2022
Date of Passing:
Family: Paula Rushton
Fans: Bonnie Redanauer, Donor in memory of Mia, David & Amy in Memory of Ozzie
Acquired from: Downey Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 10
Date of Rescue: July 29, 2022
Date of Passing: January 3, 2023
Family: Susan Rose
Fans: Heather R., Celina & Jimmy Jennings
Tribute: On January 3rd, Susan fulfilled her promise to Frosted Face Gracie after battling heart failure and hypertension.
She shared, "My sweet little Gracie passed away and my heart is broken. Even though we only had three short months together our bond was unbreakable.
When I went to Frosted Faces to adopt a furever pup it was clear that Gracie decided to adopt me. She wouldn't leave my side the entire time I was there visiting all of the pups. She was the cutest little fluff ball with big brown eyes that always looked at me with so much love.
Once I got her home she followed me everywhere and was happy to do anything as long as she was with me. She didn't even complain about bath time! She slept right next to me every night and loved her toys and our little walks.
She filled a huge void in my heart and my life. I will never forget my sweet Gracie."
Acquired from: South LA Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 8
Date of Rescue: July 31, 2022
Date of Passing: November 2, 2022
Family: Hayley Widdes
Fans: Kathryn and Tom Iannucci, Nancy Hoffman
Tribute: On November 2nd, Hayley fulfilled her promise to Frosted Face Osswald.
Osswald had mast cell tumors all over his body among other co-morbidities. We treated him with comfort care and he passed away suddenly on the morning of the 2nd.
Hayley shared,
"Osswald was quick to steal my heart as well as every person he met. He loved people and attention more than anything and he definitely got all the attention he could ever want in the short time I had him.
He became my salon dog and will be greatly missed in there. He made sure every client knew they were required to pet him and love on him the entire time they were in.
Once he discovered the bed and the couch it was over, he loved to snuggle in blankets. Lucky that he was happy and doing so well 'til the very end."