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Enjoy scrolling through all of our Frosted Face senior animals who have benefit from our mission at Frosted Faces Foundation. They are listed in order of date of rescue, including those that have passed. If you have been following a certain Frosted Face's story and would like to know how he/she is doing, please email us at
Please make note of animals still looking for families do not have anyone listed beside “Family.” View biographies and more photos at Available Frosted Faces, learn more about becoming a family and the different programs we offer. You can also help fund the care of Frosted Faces by registering as their monthly sponsoring Fan.
Rosie Cotton
Acquired from: Inland Valley Humane Society
Age upon Rescue: 12
Date of Rescue: September 22, 2022
Date of Passing: May 17, 2024
Family: Carmen & Kevin Johnson
Fans: Miranda Ranker Ivanov, Jodie
Tribute: On May 17th, Maya and Carmen fufilled their promise to Frosted Face Rosie Cotton.
They shared,
"Rosie, also known as Rosie Cotton, Rosie Cotton Ball, Cotton Ball, RC, RoCo, Co Ball, Little Bear, Brown Bear, Baby Newfie, and like a hundred other names.
It’s going to be hard to try and capture this little girl's huge personality in just a few short paragraphs. When this sweet girl joined our family she was scared, shut down, and thin. She was most comfortable in my room and rarely ventured out in the beginning. As she settled in, she started to explore a bit more and her curiosity started to blossom. Rosie LOVED to sniff. She was always sniffing. She loved to sniff dog toys, beds, and blankets… Anything with an interesting smell. As time progressed, she started to feel more comfortable expressing her boundaries and fears. Rosie never felt comfortable being held, touched, or on a leash. She started following us around and wandering beyond her room, however, it was forever her safe spot. We called it “Rosie’s Palace.”
Though she did not want to be approached by us, she was pretty much glued to my heels. When we felt confident she would follow us back in the house, she was able to venture outside. This opened a whole new world of sniffing opportunities for her. Tuesdays - most definitely her favorite day of the week. A lot of our neighbors let their dogs roam loose, which means our trash bins are always covered with all kinds of new smells when we bring them up for the week. She adored sniffing the trash bins, especially when they were freshly covered with pee!
Rosie gradually put on weight as time went on. She was not a big fan of very many treats, however, for a while, she did enjoy dried sweet potatoes covered in peanut butter. Towards the end, she had a hard time chewing up the sweet potatoes, but she still enjoyed “Treat Time,” which consisted of a bunch of soft peanut butter treats ending up in her tummy! She had a blast at dinner time too. Pretty reliably, after she ate`, she would roll up side down and all around on the big carpet in her room.
During the last 8 months of her life, her CCD caused different struggles here and there, however, during the last couple months, she started to decline rapidly. She started pacing nonstop and would fall asleep barking almost every night. She would wake up throughout the night and would have a hard time falling back asleep. She no longer wanted to come outside for sniffs, had struggles eating, her anxiety increased, she stopped greeting us with joy, and in general, was no longer a happy pup. We all knew it was time. The day before her passing, we picked up a pile of dirty laundry from FFF for her to sniff. She was absolutely in heaven.
Throughout our time together, I questioned myself. I did not know if we were doing right by her. I thought she might have been happier with someone more experienced. I was worried people would judge me because her progress was slow. I tried my best. She deserved the world. Humans failed her so deeply at some point in her life, however, I am grateful she ended up in FFF hands.
Her absence is felt so deeply.
No more glowing brown eyes looking up at us
No more little paws pattering through the house
No more fluffy ears flopping up and down
No more sleeping Cotton Ball curled up in my room.
We love you to pieces Rosie and miss you so so much.
I want to thank everyone at FFF for what they do and all the support Dr. Russell, the Vet Techs, and the Family Support Specialists gave as we tried to navigate Rosie’s condition. Thank you to Maira whose caring touch helped Rosie’s crossing go smoothly. Thank you to Kelly and Andy for giving dogs like Rosie a second chance. We are forever grateful. ~ Maya"
Acquired from: Bonita Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 10
Date of Rescue: September 22, 2022
Date of Passing:
Family: Caroline Jones & Ian Blaxland
Fans: Michael Brourman in memory of Cagney, Shannon & Gigi, Kim Salt
Acquired from: Bonita Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 10
Date of Rescue: September 22, 2022
Date of Passing:
Family: Carla Stamos
Fans: Cuauhtemoc Kish
Acquired from: Bonita Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 10
Date of Rescue: September 27, 2022
Date of Passing: October 8, 2022
Family: Frosted Faces Foundation
Fans: Alicia Butera, Magnolia Irwin, Christina Maupin
Tribute: On October 8th, we fulfilled our promise to Frosted Face Gamgee.
Gamgee entered the shelter as a stray and the staff asked us to exit him due to multiple medical ailments. Upon exam at FFF his assessment was as follows:
1. V+ before dinner, hyporexia, r/o BVS vs renal vs pancreatitis vs dietary vs prostatitis +++
1. CKD stage 2
2. Heart murmur and CVD
3. Tartar 4/4
4. HL paresis r/o IVDD vs inflammatory vs infectious
5. Skin condition, alopecia, saliva staining
7. DJD shoulders
An ultrasound showed a large prostate with numerous anechoic cystic structures and we sent out a urine culture. We just kept blasting him with supportive care and antibiotics willing him to turn the corner.
Dr. Russell sat us kennel staff down and let us know that Gamgee was suffering and he felt terrible. His prostatitis, as a result of not being neutered by not being neutered, was not improving, and was causing his kidneys to fail. We needed to let him go.
We are lucky to have been able to fight the good fight for Gamgee and cry over him for whoever was missing him. Thank you to the vet staff, Melissa, Diana, and Michelle, for taking such good care of him while he was hospitalized for days and giving him (and us) hope.
We loved you, Gam.
Acquired from: Baldwin Park Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 7
Date of Rescue: September 27, 2022
Date of Passing:
Family: Jeff & Kim Dollins
Fans: Deb Regosin
Missy Moro
Acquired from: Coachella Valley Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 16
Date of Rescue: September 28, 2022
Date of Passing: October 16, 2023
Family: Caroline Alvarez and Gloria Rowland
Fans: Wendy
Tribute: On October 16th, Caroline fulfilled her promise to Missy Moro.
Her daughter shared,
"Missy Moro took lots of naps and gently snored next to my Mom. She also played hide and seek with her blanket. She followed my 92 year old mom around the house, especially the kitchen- lol. Thank you for the opportunity to share in her life this last year."
Acquired from: Coachella Valley Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 16
Date of Rescue: September 28, 2022
Date of Passing: December 13, 2022
Family: Norca and Christina Aviles
Fans: Wendy, Janet for our Gabbygirl
Tribute: On December 13th, Norca and Christina fulfilled their promise to Frosted Face Baloo as a result of heart failure.
She shared,
"All I can say is he was loved. We were really looking foward to celebrating Christmas with him. He was a love bug and would shower you in kisses anytime he received love and affection. He fell in love with my nephew the moment he met him. He only met him one time, but he sought him out the entire day and they both loved on each other. It touched my heart to see him so happy. He is missed every day and we were blessed to have him in our lives.
Thank you for giving me the opportunity to provide him a home and family."
Acquired from: Carlsbad Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 8
Date of Rescue: October 8, 2022
Date of Passing: January 26, 2024
Family: Cara Shepps
Fans: Sue DaBaco, in honor of Smoky and Buster
Tribute: On January 26th, Cara fulfilled her promise to Frosted Face Frederick.
She shared,
“It took me a while to write this, not because I didn’t know what to say about Frederick (I could write a novel about him), but because every time I tried to write this, I felt myself crumbling to pieces all over again and it hurt too much to think about everything that I deeply miss about him. But I owe it to Fred to let the world know how much he meant to me and how special he was.
Frederick was an angel in furry disguise with four paws, a bent tail, no eyelashes, the sweetest voice, and the best personality. He was perfect in every single way, and I’m so grateful and lucky to have been his mommy for 9 wonderful months. Some people might think the grief wouldn’t be as bad since we didn’t have very much time together, but it’s quite the opposite - part of the sadness is that we didn’t have more time together… I feel like I blinked and he was gone. Frederick was what I liked to jokingly call “aggressively affectionate” (but in the sweetest most adorable way) because he made sure he got the attention he wanted when he wanted it, no matter what I was doing. He would be cuddling on my lap and if I stopped petting him for a second he would reach out with his little paw and literally pull my hand back toward him to pet him again. He would knead on me constantly and his purr was intense and calming. He had many different ways of meowing and we would have the best conversations all day long. He was a confident boy and instantly greeted everyone he met with sweetness and enthusiasm. He loved catnip, playing with wand toys, kneading, licking my face, arm, and hands, stealing my veggie straws, sunbathing, drinking water right out of the faucet, and using his cardboard scratchers. But mostly he loved affection, cuddling, and just being together.
At first Edison (my FF dog, fka Horschel) and Frederick weren’t quite sure what to think of each other. Edison liked to chase Frederick in a playful way, and of course it scared Fred at first, but he figured out that Edison wouldn’t hurt him and just wanted to have some fun. Over the 9 months they shared together, they learned to love each other and would even end up sleeping next to each other whether they realized it or not, which warmed my heart and brought happy tears to my eyes. I wish I could have seen this happen so many more times… even just one more time.
My heart is shattered and I’m so grateful that my sweet boy Edison is here to help pick up the pieces and keep me going when I feel like I can’t. I know Frederick will send another special kitty to me when the time is right, and I’m comforted by the fact that he is now with all of my other furbabies and everyone else’s that have crossed the rainbow bridge 🌈 I will think about Fred every single day, and I will miss him and love him with all my heart forever and ever. Thank you, Frederick, for bringing so much joy and love to my life and the lives of everyone around you ❤️ 🐾 ❤️”
Acquired from: San Bernadino Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 10
Date of Rescue: October 8, 2022
Date of Passing: October 9, 2024
Family: Holly & David Zierden
Fans: Stacy LaFrance, Perry Family, Dawn Cummings
Tribute: On October 9th, Dave and Holly fulfilled their promise to Frosted Face Rhino.
They shared,
"We are so heartbroken to let everyone know that we fulfilled our promise to Rhino last week. After losing Bella Boo, we wanted to wait a bit for our hearts to heal before we brought we adopted another Frosted Face pittie. We went to Frosted Faces in May 2023 to take Frosted Face Nebula on a Fling. We went into the play yards just to get a feel for which Frosted Face would be our next. Rhino came up to us with those big brown eyes and just laid down for pets. He followed us (slowly) around the play yard and my husband and I knew we wanted to take him home immediately.
Rhino was the sweetest, most gentle dog we have ever had, except when you tried to give him treats, then he was like a snapping turtle. He never barked once in the year and a half that we had him. He lay next to his non-Frosted Face sister Sadie when she became very ill at the end of her life. It was as if he knew what was happening to her.
Every day he sat underneath my desk while I worked. I work remotely and my teammates would ask me all the time about how Rhino was doing and loved seeing photos of him. I miss my work buddy so much. His favorite things were eating, sleeping, cuddling, and getting chin rubs. He also loved going on long, slow walks when he had more mobility.
For the past several months he was unable to walk on his own. We tried to put him in a stroller but he was so stubborn and didn’t want to go in it. He always wanted to do things on his terms. My husband carried him wherever he needed to go, whether from room to room or outside. A few weeks ago he started to get sick and we were able to get him into Frosted Faces for a check-up. Unfortunately the medicine didn’t work and we had to do another round. A few days after he finished those meds, he started to get sick again and not be able to lift his head or change positions where he lay. We knew it was time. A day after his second Frostiversary, Paws into Grace came to our home where we were able to let him go peacefully surrounded by Nebula and his non-Frosted Face brother Bandit.
I can’t put into words how much we loved Rhino. He was so very special to us. We will open our home and hearts to another big when we are ready. At least we know how he is able to run pain-free over the Rainbow Bridge where he will be greeted by Frosted Faces Miller, Malina, Bella Boo, and his sister Sadie.
We are so very grateful to Frosted Faces Foundation for covering his veterinary expenses. Thank you to his Fans Stacy LaFrance, the Perry Family, and Dawn Cummings, who also did his Freedom Ride. Also special thanks to David Klein who was always so happy to see Rhino when he came in for his vet visits. We know Rhino held a special place in his heart. We truly love the Frosted Faces community and know you all understand what we are going through."
maizy mae
Acquired from: Final Wish
Age upon Rescue: 10
Date of Rescue: October 9, 2022
Date of Passing
Family: Robin Cohen and Ken Cohen
Fans: Donna Green
Acquired from: Owner Surrender
Age upon Rescue: 6
Date of Rescue: October 9, 2022
Date of Passing:
Family: Avi Kulkarni
Fans: Dawn Manalo-Coelho, Annie, HB Admin, Kate Trinity
Acquired from: Humane Society of Imperial County
Age upon Rescue: 9
Date of Rescue: October 11, 2022
Date of Passing:
Family: Diane Sutliff & Bret Duff
Fans: D. and C. Short, Katie Biddle
Acquired from: Humane Society of Imperial County
Age upon Rescue: 8
Date of Rescue: October 11, 2022
Date of Passing:
Family: Joanna Savarese & Brian Levine
Fans: Denise Greenwood, The Wood Family, John Sondereker
Acquired from: Humane Society of Imperial County
Age upon Rescue: 8
Date of Rescue: October 11, 2022
Date of Passing:
Family: Danielle & Matt McWilliams
Fans: Jeri O’Donnell, The Nunes Family
Acquired from: Humane Society of Imperial County
Age upon Rescue: 7
Date of Rescue: October 11, 2022
Date of Passing
Family: Maria Munoz
Fans: Jana Glock, Donna Felten
Acquired from: Bonita Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 12
Date of Rescue: October 11, 2022
Date of Passing
Family: Pamela Wasserman & Terry Mason
Fans: Sue King in memory of Sassy, Scooby & Taco
Acquired from: San Diego Humane Society
Age upon Rescue: 12
Date of Rescue: October 12, 2022
Date of Passing:
Family: Alexandria Mena
Fans: Theresa Goforth, Makena Lester
Tribute: On March 10th, Lexi fulfilled her promise to Frosted Face Apricot after battling kidney disease.
She shared,
"Apricot crept into my heart in a way no other dog has 👒 she was deaf, blind, and seemed a bit dull so quality was a concern when i first brought her home for foster, but she thrived with routine in a familiar environment- she always found her way to the kitchen for 8pm bone hour, she knew where i sat on the couch to ask for butt scratches, and she picked a favorite bed that had to be fluffed to her liking before laying down.
she really found herself when you took her to a park though. as soon as her feet hit the grass she’d be nose to the ground on the hunt for something (snacks); occasionally she’d pick her head up and as the wind blew her soft ears, her little nose would move side to side, she’d let out a contented sigh, and then continue on her hunt. its like she knew she was in a expanse of grass without any obstacles to bump into. she was truly free in a park.
it’s how we spent our last hour, and i hope its how she gets to spend the rest of whatever is on the other side of that bridge. i would’ve fought til the end of time to fix her, but she didn’t deserve for me to be selfish. to my sweet girl, always 💕"
Acquired from: Pasadena Humane Society & SPCA
Age upon Rescue: 13
Date of Rescue: October 12, 2022
Date of Passing
Family: Pat O’Brien
Fan: Deborah Roberts
Acquired from: Pasadena Humane Society & SPC
Age upon Rescue: 10
Date of Rescue: October 12, 2022
Date of Passing
Family: Kari & Leif Nietz-Gigstad
Fans: Shirley Burnett, Joyce Floyd
Acquired from: Final Wish
Age upon Rescue: 9
Date of Rescue: October 16, 2022
Date of Passing:
Family: Judy & Frank Sprinkle
Fans: Anne Dowling, Kelly Verge in memory of Lily
Acquired from: Final Wish
Age upon Rescue: 14
Date of Rescue: October 16, 2022
Date of Passing: January 21, 2025
Family:Judy & Frank Sprinkle
Fans: Anne Dowling, Kelly Verge in memory of Lily
Tribute: On January 21st, Judy and Frank fulfilled their promise to Frosted Face Roxy.
They shared,
"I'm still trying to process that Roxy is no longer with us. You just never know how their last days or moments will play out, and honestly, I thought I had a little more time with her.
When I began to see that Roxy was struggling last week, I sensed it might be soon, but never dreamt it would be so sudden. I thought I had more time to prepare for what I knew was the inevitable. Afterall, she turned 16 in October, and I knew when we brought her home, our time would be limited.
It's only been a few months since Bleu had to leave, too, so I am just trying to hold it together today as I also revisit some of that. Remembering how Bleu struggled for over a year as we tried to resolve his problems with surgery, tests and medications and I knew I did not want to put another dog through that ordeal, but wasn't ready to lose her either.
When she was so sick last Fall, and the other night, I prayed that she be taken swiftly to spare her suffering, that I was ready to let her go. With her sudden irregular breathing, in my own uneducated mind, I figured maybe it was heart failure and treatable with a medication, at least for a short time more. But knowing that it might be anything and that her end was likely eminent. I never considered it'd be cancer.
Jennifer at Frosted Faces moved appointments around so that I could get her in yesterday, and we were blessed to have Dr. R examine her. (Thank you to whoever moved their appointment for us!) I knew by the look on his face that it wasn't good, but never dreamt that cancer had been ravaging her little body. It seems that Lymphoma had taken over and they found tumors on her spleen, and pancreas, and throughout her body. As well as she'd developed severe anemia. The prognosis was 1-2 weeks at best, unless I chose to go the medication route and try to buy maybe another week or 2. It's the hardest decision to make, but I knew she'd suffered all night long and has probably been in pain for a while. I couldn't bare to put her through another night. They gave me a place to sit and consider the options and I was able to briefly fall apart and put myself back together again. That gut wrenching feeling like the air's been knocked out of you and you're not sure you'll be able to breathe. But I already knew in my heart what I needed to do for Roxy. After only 3 months, here i was having to let another of my loves transition out of their bodies that didn't support them anymore. I'm still feeling numb.
What a blessed group of people at FF, and I thank all of you for your kindness and reverence. Including a dear foster mom who helped me through it. I was alone but not alone at all, as we all know how this feels. Truly, Michelle (I hope I remember your name correctly) and - Dr. R. You are truly angels. I marvel at the work you all do on behalf of not only the dogs, but we humans. I drove home broken hearted and without my Roxy girl and came home to find Ginger, who'd been waiting on the couch for hours and then didn't want to move or eat for a few more hours. My grief got packed away, and mom mode kicked in. They'd been constant companions to each other for a decade and I know she knew. Perhaps on a spiritual plane, Roxy came by to say good-bye to her. She very gently sniffed my hands and arms and I knew she knew.
We're a solemn bunch, today, and I think that sharing Roxy and how much I loved her, will be healing on some level. It's never easy and as Dr. R said, it's not my 'first rodeo'. But it never gets any easier so I'm working on filling the emptiness with honoring her and why I choose to fill my life with these incredible creatures. I joke that I'm a dog addict, but we all know it's much more than that.
This is Roxy. Adopted just over 2 years ago only a couple weeks after she was left there with Ginger, as her other human mom was terminally ill. As I was volunteering in their 'littles' yard at the time, I met them on their first day, and after a few weeks could see that Roxy was still very stressed. They were a bonded pair and would need to be adopted together. The first photo of her in the doghouse, I'd posted that 'someone's giving me the stink eye'. It got a good laugh, but that day it became clear that she was still very stressed - running to the glass door wanting to go in (which is what most of them do), and then back to the dog house. Not typically what potential adoptees are looking for. I knew she just wanted to be home and I thought 'I can do that!'
Those eyes of hers, huge and kind of wonky, pointing in slightly different directions and two bottom teeth protruding out. More interested in running a marathon than bonding with humans. I felt concerned they might languish there, given she was part of a pair and... well.... kind of an odd ball. Knowing their human didn't have long, I decided to adopt them on the spot. Since their mom didn't have long to live. It all made perfect sense!
We brought Bleu up to the facility so they could all meet. Bleu didn't know what to think of Roxy - maybe it was the eyes and her fast movements... Because of her having no teeth, her bark was loud and sometimes obnoxious - our neighbor actually came outside once, thinking that there was a wounded cat outside her window. I laughed and said, no, it's just Roxy!
Knowing that Roxy was 14 already, I knew our time would be limited. I should be a pro by now after having to let so many go, right?
It wasn't too surprising to learn that all of her teeth fell out at her dental. We had a rough start, and had the learning curve of what she could and couldn't eat. I'll admit I had a few 'what have I done??' moments! She always had a delicate tummy but i finally figured out a diet for her. It didn't take long to fall in love with her. She was such a good girl - a little crazy, for sure. She didn't like to be picked up and would squirm to get away. She was 15 lbs of solid, skinny dog with long legs and tiny snout, and her skin slipped over her like a slinky. You kind of had to grab all of her at once to pick her up. The first months we had her, she'd ricochet off the furniture, climbing high and then leaping as if she could fly, so I had to rearrange the furniture. Somehow those skinny legs survived.
She was fast, and definitely a door dasher, as Kelly had warned me.
As time went on, her vision and hearing seemed less acute and when she did get out it was stressful when she took off with head held high, looking all around as if not hearing me calling behind her. I'd have to get out in front of her and wave my arms to get her attention and then she'd follow me right back in.
Everywhere I went, she followed (and Ginger). She wanted me in her sights all the time and even when sleeping, if I looked over at her, her eyes would pull open for a second and then close again. No matter where I was, she was always pointed toward me, staring at me. If I stepped outside she had to be at a window or door, where I'd find the blinds tilted or hear her snorting through the door crack.
As she slowed down some, I got to where every time I walked past her, I'd stop to give her a warm kiss on the top of her head and we knew that we loved each other deeply. As time went on I knew it was going to be very hard to lose her and it proved to be true. Each dog we've had, I've loved them deeply but in very unique ways. it's something that just grows in depth and intensity. And I loved Roxy so much. I'm grateful that as she slept in my arms in her last moments I was able to smother her head in kisses and tell her what a good girl she is."
Acquired from: Long Beach Animal Care Services
Age upon Rescue: 8
Date of Rescue: October 18, 2022
Date of Passing: March 13, 2023
Family: Vanessa Garcia & Nicholas Peluso
Fans: Cindy Lewellen, Tanya Nielsen
Tribute: On March 12th, Vanessa and Nick fulfilled their promise to Frosted Face Paris after battling Lymphoma.
"First we’d like to thank the Family Support Specialists for all the support they provided.
When we initially brought Paris home we considered changing her name, but quickly found that Paris (Hilton) was a completely fitting name.
Paris demanded the best of the best, whether it be home cooked meals, a personal water bowl that was to be cleaned daily and not dare be shared with the other pups. She would always sleep on the couch or our bed and wanted constant attention and we happily obliged.
She was a happy girl that enjoyed going hiking, running at Fiesta Island, cuddling on the couch and saying 'hi' to all the neighbors on our walks. She was so easygoing and friendly and went everywhere with us. She would stare at strangers with her big doe eyes, wag her tail and patiently wait until they came to say hello and tell her what a beautiful girl she was.
Of course we wish we had more time with her, but we take comfort in knowing that Paris knew love before she left this earth. Thank you to Kelly, Andy and all the FFF staff and volunteers who showered her with love. She will be eternally missed. Sleep in grace and love beautiful girl 🤍"
Acquired from: Bonita Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 9
Date of Rescue: October 19, 2022
Date of Passing:
Family: Tanya Vallejo
Fans: Marisa Dudiak, Alicia Butera, Nicollet
Acquired from: Carson Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 10
Date of Rescue: October 20, 2022
Date of Passing:
Family: Anne Case
Fans: Shani Rosenzweig
Acquired from: Carson Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 10
Date of Rescue: October 20, 2022
Date of Passing: October 27, 2022
Family: Frosted Faces Foundation
Fans: RZ
Tribute: On October 27th, we fulfilled our promise to Frosted Face Horace.
Horace was brought to Carson Shelter as a stray. When we went there to exit Sasha, we saw what bad shape Horace was in, and asked if we could exit him as a medical foster for the shelter. This means that we would be able to do diagnostics and provide care as Good Samaritans, but if an owner came forward, we would have to give him back. We named him after a vampire in the spirit of Halloween!
No owner did come forward, so the foster relationship expired and Horace became a Frosted Face. The finder actually tracked Horace down to FFF, just to ask how he was doing and if we thought we could help him. All I could say was that the ulcerated masses on Horace's tummy certainly looked like cancer, and but that his bloodwork and x-rays were surprisingly unremarkable. I was hopeful we could get him to surgery, remove the masses to make him comfortable, and find him a family in a relatively short period of time given his doxie stature.
On Sunday afternoon, Horace had a terrible episode where he began alligator rolling with nystagmus. Dr. Russell had us recheck his TPR and diagnostics, and we started supportive care, including aspirin in case the episode was caused by a clot.
Volunteers, Cal and Soso, took turns cradling Horace until his body stopped wanting to turn. By Monday, he seemed much better, walking around the lobby and engaged. During Wednesday, he got quiet and his temperature had dropped. We were losing him, and he passed away on his own in a fleece blanket on a heating pad while we were trying to warm him up waiting on diagnostics.
I am so thankful for caring volunteers, a veterinary staff who is on-call for all of our babies, and the impulsive decision to exit Horace as a foster so he could be loved and kept comfortable until his last day. I wish we could have called him his real name, I wish he would not have to have endured the stress of being a stray in his last days of life, and I wish we had more time.
We love you, Horace.
Acquired from: Carson Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 15
Date of Rescue: October 20, 2022
Date of Passing: September 2, 2023
Family: Tara Novak
Fans: Lisa Bates
Tribute: On September 2nd, Tara fulfilled her promise to Frosted Face Olga.
She shared,
"Olga was so wonderful.
She fit right in when she joined our pack. She was fisty, and sweet, and so affectionate. We knew from the first photo we saw that she was meant to be part of our family. She will always be dear to our hearts. We are so fortunate that she was ours.
We were talking about doing a fling and so I went on Facebook the first picture I saw was Olga and I knew we had to bring her home. So we set up a meet but we already knew. She was a little anxious on the ride home but once she settled into the family she became the best at car rides. She had so much spunk and would run around like a little armadillo when she was excited, she loved to nussle when you would kiss her forehead. Olga and her dad had a very special bond.
We're so grateful to have been her family."
Acquired from: Upland Animal Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 10
Date of Rescue: October 20, 2022
Date of Passing: February 19, 2023
Family: Alexandria Mena
Fans: Amy, Parker and Louie, Magnolia Irwin
Tribute: On February 19th, Lexi fulfilled her promise to Frosted Face Alaric.
She shared,
"Alaric was so set in his grumpy chihuahua ways- he grumble growled as I gave him kisses and covered him in blankets, had a distaste for most dog foods, and absolutely never ever wanted to wear a belly band or get his fluids- i loved every bit of him 🧛 my little vampire was ridiculously comical too; fully obsessed with all things Wayne, regularly slept with his butt in the air, and kicked everyone else out of their favorite beds as it suited him. i especially adored the way his big eyes stared into my soul as if he was trying to explain the whole universe to me, or maybe he was just saying, “cook me more ground beef now!” our time together was always to be short, but still, this heartbreak is immense. i will miss tiny dog forever 💕"
Acquired from: Newman Animal Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 9
Date of Rescue: October 21, 2022
Date of Passing: February 26, 2023
Family: Catherine & Sam Theodore
Fans: Alexa Nealey & Family, Swelden
Tribute: On February 26th, Catherine and Sam fulfilled their promise to Frosted Face Betsy.
They shared,
"Betsy came to us after having a surgery for gravel in her stomach where cancer was discovered. Betsy recovered quickly from her surgery and just as quickly became a much loved member of our family.
At times Betsy was a very delicate little lady who would gently accept treats with only the very tips of her canines, or would very gently lean on my leg for attention. Other times she was a prankster who would run up behind her foster brother and poke him with her nose. Betsy was a champion when it came to long snuggles and extended eye contact. She welcomed other FFF dogs into our home and made sure they were introduced to the house and knew the schedule.
My favorite memory is when I heard whistling in my dream and as I woke I realized it was Betsy. She had pressed her nose so hard against my forehead she whistled as she exhaled. She always wanted to share my pillow even when she was given one of her very own. Sam and I are thankful that we had time with her. Miss Betsy is missed."
Acquired from: Harbor Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 13
Date of Rescue: October 23, 2022
Date of Passing: January 23, 2023
Family: Frosted Faces Foundation
Fans: Jasinski Family in memory of Edward, Margaret Haun, Christin & Daniel Kelson
Tribute: On January 23rd, we fulfilled our promise to Frosted Face Cody.
Cody was surrendered to the shelter when his guardian could no longer take care of him. It was no surprise, he was over 100 pounds with neuro deficits in his back legs and urine scald on his belly. He could hardly stand. Our goal was to get him the treatment options he deserved and a dignified ending.
Whether it was adrenaline or great meds, maybe a little of both, Cody became stronger and more independent. He could mostly stand himself up alone (when he wanted to!), and once he was up, he cruised. He was a turd hunter in the play yard, and he moved so fast when he raced someone with a pooper scooper to a big steamy pile!
Cody got biweekly baths from volunteers that at first were dreaded because we had to lift his big weak body onto a mesh bed to shower, but later turned into a chore because he got so strong, he would run away! David Klein notably did many of these baths, putting duoxo mousse on nightly, and changed his collar weekly to a new fashionable one he liked.
Cody got to stroll on outings to the park, lived in the FFF lobby among volunteers who fed him lots of snacks, and he sang the song of his people when he wanted more belly rubs.
Hayley Widdes took Cody on a Frosted Fling and recently Vanessa Garcia & Nick Peluso took him home to see if we could get him walking better on their turf.
Vanessa wrote this nice tribute about Cody,
"Thank you for allowing us to be part of Cody’s journey. It was clearly evident how truly special he was in, even in the short amount of time we had with him. He was a sweet, gentle giant, and was so tolerant of everything. He patiently waited while Rosie walked circles around and on him while trying to find her perfect sleeping spot.
He took his medication and treats so gently. He kept us laughing with his constant 'talking' and Chewbacca sounds. We learned he was telling us he needed to be repositioned, go potty or just wanted love and attention. He greeted every pup on our stroller walks by throwing his head back and belting out an excited 'Heeellllooo!' He would make silly sounds while he barreled through plant pots and chairs while exploring the backyard. I loved watching him enjoy the turf and sunbathe with the girls. I wish things had ended differently for him, but it was beautiful to see everyone come together and show him so much love. Thank you again for gifting us time with such an amazing boy."
In the end, Cody had a terrible elbow ulcer that we cultured twice, debrided, stapled, unstapled, dressed daily, lasered, and padded with DogLeggs. If you haven't heard of these and your dog puts a lot of pressure on their elbows-look them up! The ulcer got deeper and wider, and was simply not healing and very painful. The sad fact and root of the problem was that Cody was not strong enough to walk anymore which was causing this ulcer. He was becoming frustrated and we had to face the awful fact that we had sprinkled on him all of the magic dust we had in our pockets and it was gone.
Every single FFF staff member, and some core volunteers who were present that morning, laid alongside Cody and carried him over The Rainbow Bridge. Thank you to all of the FFF volunteers who spent time with Cody and made him feel special as a Frosted Face.
Acquired from: Final Wish
Age upon Rescue: 12
Date of Rescue: October 23, 2022
Date of Passing:
Family: Ernie Ray
Fans: Debra Shultz, Donor in memory of Ruby
Acquired from: Bonita Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 12
Date of Rescue: October 26, 2022
Date of Passing:
Family: Tamara Bailey
Fans: Kim Blunt
Acquired from: San Diego Humane Society
Age upon Rescue: 11
Date of Rescue: October 26, 2022
Date of Passing: May 11, 2024
Family: Brooke & David Snow
Fans: Shannon Hill
Tribute: On May 11th, Brooke and David fulfilled their promise to Frosted Face Charlotte.
They shared,
"We are beyond devastated to share that Charlotte crossed the rainbow bridge on Saturday morning. 💔
This was unexpected after 4 quick days of decline - not eating and sleeping 24/7. We took her to the ER on Friday morning and the doctors think she had hypertrophic cardiomyopathy - her heart couldn’t keep up with her hypertension and hyperthyroidism anymore. Charlotte actually improved overnight and was being her sassy self during an exam, but then suddenly stopped breathing close to 5 am on Saturday.
We still have so many questions and all of the grief feelings: guilt, anger, denial, depression. She was only a part of our family for 15 months but she was the center of our lives and home. She was our only child and we loved her so much. 💔
Charlotte, it was an honor to be your parents and forever family. Until we see you again beautiful girl. 🌈"
Acquired from: San Diego Humane Society
Age upon Rescue: 11
Date of Rescue: October 26, 2022
Date of Passing:
Family: Angele Caron & Paul Jackson
Fans: Shannon Hill
Acquired from: Riverside Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 8
Date of Rescue: October 28, 2022
Date of Passing:
Family: Cassandra & Enrique Sosa
Fans: The Sundlings, Nora and Pam Becker, Dayna Rossi, Julie McCall in memory of Nelle
Acquired from: Final Wish
Age upon Rescue: 11
Date of Rescue: October 30, 2022
Date of Passing:
Family: Angela & Ray McNeil
Fans: Princess Dinah
Acquired from: All Day Pet Hospital
Age upon Rescue: 11
Date of Rescue: November 1, 2022
Date of Passing: September 19, 2024
Family: Laura & Andrew Valbuena
Fans: Krista Nadolski, Corinne Marteeny
Tribute: On September 19th, Laura and Andrew fulfilled their promise to Frosted Face Roxy.
They shared,
"My sweet Roxy girl, you taught me so much. I was not sure how much love could be given by one heart but you showed me that love is infinite and our bond was stronger than I could have ever thought possible. I miss your tip taps on the floor. I see you in your teddy bear shirt and purple flower on your collar everywhere. I miss your long naps next to me on the couch. Remember how you hated the couch when you first got here but then suddenly one day, it was your favorite place. You would walk up next to it and rub your cheek on it to let us know, hey! Pick me up and put me on the couch!
You were my girl and I loved it! No one else could hold you or pet you without that quiet like growl coming. I loved that you only wanted me.
You used to get so mad if you thought we were out too late and you wouldn’t want to go to sleep when we got home. Instead you would roll all over the bed between us until you had your fill of pets and kisses.
I really miss the jingling of your collar. Whenever you stood up or moved positions, you shook it and I miss that jingling sound so much. Even at 2 am.
You loved your sunny spots in the yard and your fluffy donut bed. Your big accomplishment was training Tiki to get out of your way. Because you were like royalty, and you knew it. We would hear thumps in the closet and find you in there pulling down shoes. A girl has gotta have her shoes.
I miss your soft fur. I miss rubbing your cheeks and neck and you rubbing the top of your head all over me. I miss the weight of you on my shoulder. I miss laying next to you bed. I miss your dainty way of nesting, so gentle.
I hope you are finally able to gain some weight. I hope you can finally see us. I hope you are getting all the pup patties, spam, ground beef and all the snacks you missed out on from diabetes. And most of all, I hope to carry you on my shoulder again at the rainbow bridge. I’ll bring a pup patty. And I will always remember your light.
Thank you to Frosted Faces for taking in this amazing girl and trusting me to be her mom. I am heart broken that she is gone."
Acquired from: Bonita Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 11
Date of Rescue: November 1, 2022
Date of Passing:
Family: Joannie Hill & Ray Klein
Fans: M & Daniel Queager, Linda Oak
Acquired from: Holly's Garden Rescue
Age upon Rescue: 7
Date of Rescue: November 2, 2022
Date of Passing:
Fans: Kim Rios in memory of Robert Rios
Acquired from: San Diego Humane Society
Age upon Rescue: 8
Date of Rescue: November 4, 2022
Date of Passing:
Family: Debbie Dunivan & Brian Syzmanski
Fans: Michael O’Malley
Acquired from: San Diego Humane Society
Age upon Rescue: 8
Date of Rescue: November 4, 2022
Date of Passing:
Family: Tanya Vallejo
Fans: Caryn & Michael Rosenstein
Acquired from: San Diego Humane Society
Age upon Rescue: 10
Date of Rescue: November 4, 2022
Date of Passing: March 2, 2024
Family: Theresa John & Michelle Ayala
Fans: Brigette Beach, Andrea & Killian Serrano
On March 2nd, Theresa and Michelle fulfilled their promise to Frosted Face Nellie.
They shared,
"Unfortunately our March update for Nellie is a goodbye to our perfect FF. Nellie was thriving and had a great 14 months with us. She passed suddenly yesterday, a massive stroke or seizure here at home surrounded by us. It was quick and we are all heart broken, but also so grateful we had the chance to take care of her and love her. She was perfect ❤️"
Acquired from: OC Animal Care
Age upon Rescue: 10
Date of Rescue: November 4, 2022
Date of Passing:
Family: Kim & Brian Caldwell
Fans: Allison Force, Jenna Saska, Powell Family
Acquired from: Long Beach Animal Care Services
Age upon Rescue: 8
Date of Rescue: November 5, 2022
Date of Passing:
Family: James Woodard
Fans: Chelsye Beggs, Kimberly Jones
Antonio Banderas
Acquired from: SDHS-Escondido
Age upon Rescue: 11
Date of Rescue: November 7, 2022
Date of Passing:
Family: Vicki Williams & Denis Brogan
Fans: Nathan & Katherine, Maureen & Danielle
Kiki Puff
Acquired from: San Diego Humane Society
Age upon Rescue: 10
Date of Rescue: November 7, 2022
Date of Passing:
Family: Stacey Tuttle & Charles Williams
Fans: Melissa Muik
Lola Lucia
Acquired from: San Diego Humane Society- El Cajon
Age upon Rescue: 9
Date of Rescue: November 7, 2022
Date of Passing:
Family: Thomas & Jessica Cooper
Fans: Jenna McDermott & Mike Pavco, Sarah Turner
Acquired from: Downey Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 10
Date of Rescue: November 8, 2022
Date of Passing: April 1, 2024
Family: Sarah Kennedy & Andrew Gooch
Fans: Brenda Romano, Donor in memory of DeeDoo, Hannah in memory of Robby, Kim Jones, Shannon
Tribute: On April 1st, Andrew and Sarah fulfilled their promise to Frosted Face Paddington.
They shared, "We first met Paddy on one of the Sunday hikes on New Year's Day 2023. It was freezing and rained the whole time, and he was a little shy but still seemed to have fun. I requested him for the next hike so we could take him on a nicer day and get to know him a bit more, and he ended up being one of our favorites! We took him on a few more hikes after that until he went to live in his foster home. We would've loved to bring him home at the time, but were already at our two dog limit for where we live. We thought he would've been adopted long before we had space for him since he was such a nice dog, but through unfortunate circumstances we had room for another dog sooner than we expected. It was bittersweet for sure, but we were still excited to be able to give him a home. Our other FF Bruno instantly liked him at our adoption appointment which sealed the deal!
Paddy was a pretty sensitive guy, so it took him a bit to settle in. He and Bruno had a couple disagreements at first, but they ended up being best friends and would frequently cuddle on the couch together. They loved going to the dog park and the beach together! Bruno was usually the confident leader, and Paddy prefered to follow him or one of us than to go off and do his own thing. He was very loyal and a bit of a momma's boy, so he always stayed close even when we could let him off leash. One of his favorite things was to follow us down the beach at OB. He would smile the whole time and do his happy little jog! Sometimes he would greet other dogs that came by, but he mostly just wanted to be with us. At home he loved to lounge on the couch, and claimed one specific corner as his own. I tried to sit there once and he stood over me looking so disappointed that I ended up moving! Almost every night he'd lay down with us to watch TV before bed, and he loved to curl up behind my legs. The first time we ever brought him to see the horses he was a little intimidated, but quickly learned that they just wanted to be his friends. He started out being anxious when I left him with Andrew to go ride, and eventually he realized it was fine, but he would always scurry over to me and poke my leg with his nose when I came back! I still miss that whenever I finish riding. He would walk over and poke us sometimes at home too, but never as adamantly as he did at the barn. For some reason he always had a bigger personality at the barn than anywhere else, and would even smack us with his paws when he wanted attention which he hardly ever did at home.
It seemed like Paddy had just settled into life with us and became such a perfect fit when we noticed he had a poor appetite on and off. We scheduled a checkup and found out he had an underactive thyroid, and Dr. Russell suspected he might have heart disease. He was put on thyroid medication and scheduled to come back for an echocardiogram. Nothing abnormal was found with his heart, so they did an ultrasound to look for other issues since was already there. Sadly three masses were found, and after a biopsy two of them ended up being malignant. Dr. Russell also said there was likely a blood clot somewhere because he had developed some visibly large veins on one side of his body. Unfortunately it wasn't possible to give him blood thinners to treat the clot because of his splenic mass, and the cancer seemed to be too far along for surgery to be a good option. We weren't left with many viable options, and had to accept that we just needed to make the most of the time we had left and watch for signs of the cancer worsening. We thought we'd have at least a few months, but less than a month later he sadly passed away on his own. He'd had a totally normal morning and ate his breakfast, and we were just heading out for a family walk. Right when we got outside he was looking around and appreciating the nice sunny morning, and suddenly collapsed. We carried him back inside and were debating whether to call the support team or just take him straight to the nearest vet, but quickly realized there was nothing we could do. It happened unbelievably fast and we suspect he had a stroke due to the blood clot. As far as we know his last memory was being excited to go for a walk with his brother and appreciating the nice day after all the rain we've been having, so for his sake we're relieved that it was so peaceful. Besides some nausea and slight anemia, he never really had to go through having cancer which we're grateful for.
He was so quirky and was always making us laugh. It seems so quiet here without his dramatic groans and sighs, and I miss him coming over to put his head in my lap while I'm working from home. Some of his favorite treats were people food like apples, carrots, and popcorn, so I miss sharing with him whenever I make myself one of the snacks he loved. He fit perfectly in our house and was such a great big brother to Bruno. We miss him dearly and wish we'd been able to have far more than 10 months together. "
biggie smalls
Acquired from: South LA Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 9
Date of Rescue: November 9, 2022
Date of Passing:
Family: Hayley Widdes
Fans: Kathryn and Tom Iannucci, Linda Soule
Acquired from: San Diego Humane Society
Age upon Rescue: 12
Date of Rescue: November 9, 2022
Date of Passing:
Family: Cathy McMahan and Don Yaffee
Fans: Cyn Hendry
Acquired from: San Diego Humane Society
Age upon Rescue: 8
Date of Rescue: November 9, 2022
Date of Passing:
Family: Diana Saucedo & Douglas Behner
Fans: Sweetie Beck